UnwrapCurve plug-in
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
@ Michael,

Is it possible to have an "Offset" option in Flow UI?

So we can set an offset from the target surface? Is ti possible? I think it might come in handy!
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 From:  bemfarmer
5136.53 In reply to 5136.48 
There is a home-made script to unwrap cones or frustums. It may not be working for cylinders(?)
- Brian
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.54 In reply to 5136.51 
Hi Phiro,

Do u know how I could wrap those Voronoi cells around that curved surface(Target Surface)?

After performing flow command generated geometry looks messy and not neat like what Zooen did in his/her work! ( look for the thread "Ears of wheat")

Any help is appreciated :)

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.55 In reply to 5136.53 
Honestly I thought the script/s are here in this thread but I couldn't find them! (I was looking for a Zip file)

Where could I find the mentioned home made Script/s?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5136.56 In reply to 5136.48 
Hi Psygorn,

> However, I noticed if the lines that are used to create the trapezoid surface using loft command
> have more points (let's say 10) The results would be different.

That could happen if the 10 points were not spaced evenly across the distance. That would then create some compression or expansion in the result since the surface parameterization would not be uniform across the base plane.

For base planes it's best to generate simple bilinear surfaces made up of only 4 corner points instead of made up of more points. That kind of surface has the most simple and predictable kind of parameterization to it.

> Edit: Also is it possible to unwrap cylindrical or curved surfaces directly?

No, not currently. There is usually not a single defined unwrapping without distortion for a general curved surface.

> I had tried the same technique to create textured cylindrical shape, However the bumps end up inside
> of the cylindrical surface & not outside of it!

Like Phiro wrote above use the "Flip surface normal" option in the Flow command to deal with this.

> Is it possible to have an "Offset" option in Flow UI?
> So we can set an offset from the target surface? Is ti possible? I think it might come in handy!

You can accomplish this currently by positioning your object above or below the base surface by your offset distance.

> Honestly I thought the script/s are here in this thread but I couldn't find them! (I was looking for a Zip file)
> Where could I find the mentioned home made Script/s?

I think it's on this thread here:

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5136.57 In reply to 5136.54 
Hi Psygorn,

> After performing flow command generated geometry looks messy and not neat like
> what Zooen did in his/her work! ( look for the thread "Ears of wheat")

Using your file I get a result like this which does not look messy to me:

- Michael

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.58 In reply to 5136.56 
Thank you Michael! :)
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.59 In reply to 5136.57 
Hi Michael,

By "Messy" I meant Below:

The Voronoi cells look more distorted! and it seems they are wrapped around a symmetrical surface (Like a funnel). Note: My target surface is not symmetrical!

And if you saw below link:
Edit: http://moi3d.com/forum/messages.php?webtag=MOI&msg=10315.1
Zooen has created an amazing vase!

I wanted to replicate upper part of his/her vase! I feel like my file does not look anything like that! Maybe I am wrong! but this is what I feel!

EDITED: 14 May 2021 by DRILLBIT

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5136.60 In reply to 5136.59 
Hi Psygorn,

> The Voronoi cells look more distorted! and it seems they are wrapped around
> a symmetrical surface (Like a funnel). Note: My target surface is not symmetrical!

The funnel look is because the "underlying surface" of your trimmed surface is funnel shaped. Try selecting it and using Edit > Show pt to show its control points:

Flow works on the structure of the underlying base surface, it won't use trimming boundaries other than shrinking the underlying surface down to encompass the trims.

So you can't affect the shape of the flow result by applying a trim or boolean on the target surface like you have done here. You need to shape the underlying untrimmed base surface by generating it in that desired shape initially using something like loft or sweep to those boundaries, not cutting to those boundaries. Cutting generates trim boundaries, it does not affect the shape of the underlying surface that Flow uses.

Another thing you could do to reduce squishing would be to use the Rebuild command on your generator curve before doing a revolve with it. That will give it an even parameterization and help to avoid compression or expansion in areas where your generator curve has control points unevenly spaced.

- Michael

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 From:  Phiro
As Michael said, if you want to flow without this problems you have to reconstruct this part with a loft or sweep method.

My proposition, but I'm not sure this is the more orthodoxe one, is to follow this process :
- drawing some horizontal lines (use array or do it one by one)
- project these lines on you object
- select the object
- (Construct / Curve / Project)
- select the lines
- with the curves you did plus the top and bottom edges of your object, you can do your loft.

I added left the superposition of original and rebuild surfaces to see if this is correct. It seems good.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Seems i have a not so bad result only with the Flow function!

Just place the Start trapezoĂŻdal surface in the middle of the Vornonoi piece! ;)

EDITED: 14 May 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.63 In reply to 5136.60 
Thank you Michael :)
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.64 In reply to 5136.61 
Thank you Phiro :)

My ultimate goal is to achieve what Zooen achieved! I think maybe Zooen had used a different method! What do you think?
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.65 In reply to 5136.62 
Hi PILOU, I did not mean it is bad! Maybe I should say it feels different! (Please take a look at Zooen's work! (Ears of Wheat here: http://moi3d.com/forum/messages.php?webtag=MOI&msg=10315.1)

I wanted to replicate the vase!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5136.66 In reply to 5136.65 
Vase is inverse than that ;)
Empty parts are full and vis versa ;)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Phiro
5136.67 In reply to 5136.64 
Hi Psygorn !

I don't know how Zooen done it, but this method is a possibility...

I drew a profil for the vase.

Made the vase by rotation (no cap)

I the vase cut to have something like you had (the top part)

With the same process seen before, I did a loft object with multiple curves (here in green)

I flow a Voronoi set of objects on this lofted object.

I use the vase (total vase, so perhaps have you to redo it because it has been cut before) with a Offset /Shell to have a volume
Next I use the new voronoi set in a boolean operation (difference) to make the holes.

I finished with some softerizer actions, fileting the holes and blending the top to have soft border .

Not so far from Zooen result.
Zooen's version is a slim vase, mine is a fat version.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Another method :)
Flat Lines
I just project the Voronoi...from Side View
Make a trim (manually)
Put a Shell
(if you kill the cap you have a vase! :)
et voilĂ  :)

EDITED: 15 May 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
If you want like a true vase :) A little trick ;)

Of course you can fillet all internal small pieces "voronoi" (not made here) before projection!

(curious things on the up "golden voronoi" is just reflexion of material! :)

EDITED: 15 May 2021 by PILOU

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.70 In reply to 5136.67 
Hi Phiro!

It looks promising :)
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.71 In reply to 5136.68 

Nice models & nice renders!

your models look like perfume bottles!
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