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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
3628.184 In reply to 3628.181 
Holy cats Burr! That's really awesome.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.185 In reply to 3628.180 
Hi southpaw,

> I was sure I could use MoI, it just was starting to look
> like I need to use other things too.

Yeah, if you want to build models that are not very well defined by profile curves (like human figures for instance), then you probably do want to use a poly/sub-d type modeler for those particular models.

> So now I have a question. What is houdini doing(or how?)
> when I take a sphere, sub-divide it 3 or 4 or 5 times and
> then just carve right into it.

I'm not really familiar with the carving function in houdini - do you have any screenshots of that?

It kind of sounds like you may be painting a displacement map on it though - that's a type of texture that can be applied to an object to make the surface push up or down.

You should be able to see a similar thing in ZBrush or 3D-Coat. ZBrush actually works by displacing polygons, and 3D-coat has multiple modes in it - it has a poly displacement mode and a voxel mode as well.

- Michael
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 From:  _SpiderweB_ (3DIDEA)
3628.186 In reply to 3628.181 
Hi BurrMan are you a fisherman like me??
very nice work
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 From:  BurrMan
3628.187 In reply to 3628.186 
Hey spiderweb,
No, my brothers fish... I never had the patience for it..

But you did recognize a reel drag there... He makes custom components for reels, among other things... He also made the part.. I just modeled it with him.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Lemo (LEMONNADO)
A offset curve command which does not yield a million overlapping line segments would be great 8)
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
3628.189 In reply to 3628.188 
> A offset curve command which does not yield a million overlapping line segments would be great

Could that situation be fixed with the Rebuild command?

Perhaps a new addition to the Offset command would be an option to "interpolate" the result curve.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.190 In reply to 3628.188 
Hi Rainer -

> A offset curve command which does not yield a million
> overlapping line segments would be great 8)

If you've got an example that you've got a problem with, could you please send me the file at or post it here?

Do you possibly have a messy starting curve that already starts out with a million little overlapping bits in it to begin with?

If you want to reduce control point density, then the Rebuild command can work well for that - that's different than having overlapping line segments though.

(EDIT: oops at first I thought this was on Mike's thread and I wrote about starting a new thread but forget that)

- Michael


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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)

I love that the lines and curves in MoI are anti-aliased. They give a smooth appearance and really do justice to the smooth nature of Bezier type splines.

As a plus, even the corners are perceptively pointy and purely triangular.

However, I noticed that the edges of surfaces and edges (especially with the curves and edges turned off from view) are not anti-aliased. Just left jagged.

I can gather that providing this treatment to the video card rendering would slow it down severely, IF the model was in motion.

But could there be a way to provide this feature when not changing the view-port. Or in other words, a second after movement has stopped,

an anti-aliased version could be updated. On top of that, this complete anti-aliasing of all edges, surfaces and curves could be done only during idle time,

during the instant that there are no calculations, or mouse movement. Being an optional flag in the setup dialog of course.

Moving the view functions, such as panning, dolly and so forth would be done without anti-aliasing as in the past.

But as soon as you stop and look at your work: Man, would it look just that much better.

Maybe this is card dependent or not even possible?... It's just a nifty thought for suggestion.

Thanks, Mike


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.192 In reply to 3628.191 
Hi Mike, yup that is certainly possible to have anti-aliasing on surfaces only, unless you have a lower memory (like less than 256MB say) video card.

That's something that I haven't focused on very much yet because under normal operation you've got the edges being drawn on top of most of those areas which obscures that stuff. Also there is a speed hit involved with doing the surface antialiasing, although this is minimal on modern cards.

But anyway since there are some potential performance consequences of turning it on, it's not something that I can just blindly switch on - it needs some testing with a variety of machines to make sure that it does not get turned on for the more basic and low memory video card situations and cripple those basic cards. Maybe it's something that you'll have to switch on yourself manually in options rather than on by default.

Anyway, it's mostly because under regular operation the edges cover up many of those areas that it has just not been a priority so far at all.

- Michael
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
3628.193 In reply to 3628.192 
Thanks for the insight Michael, if there ever was the option, it would have to be 'off' by default for those reasons.
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 From:  kevjon
These are things I would like most to see in MoI and think they would benefit most people using the software

- Surface continuity tools.
- Rebuild surface tool to clean up your surfaces where there a lots of bunched points which happens with many commands like network and 2 rail sweep.
- Ability to sculpt surfaces like Tsplines. (I know, I know you should be using a sub'd modeller for this but far easier if you could do the whole model in nurbs rather than parts of it. Its also far easier to do further work with booleans on nurbs surfaces rather the poly meshes).
- variable radius filleting.
- Patch surface tool for filling holes and where surface continuity is req'd

Some other notes
- Join tool is too model size dependent. Most of the time it doesn't work for me without scaling the model down in size all the time so it would be nice to get further work done on this tool.
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Rebuild does exist and there is a reconstruct command too.
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 From:  BurrMan
3628.196 In reply to 3628.195 
Hi Ed...There is a rebuild.. But not for "surfaces".....
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
My mistake!
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
Hi all.

here is something I would like to see in V3. In the file I supply, you can see on the default style we have 4 surfaces, on union we have the union command applied, on join we have the join command applied and both give us a solid. But I would like the option to create a solid more like the Final result style shows, where there is a pretty nice and clean solid with no multisegment edge and basically no undesired edge and of course no seams.

May be it could be a kind of solid rebuild kind of command. This is the way I think Michael would implement such a thing.


EDITED: 23 Aug 2011 by FELIX


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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3628.199 In reply to 3628.198 
I am still hoping for some basic 2d text and dimensions ... so that 2d drawings in MoI can noted without using another program.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.200 In reply to 3628.198 
Hi Felix,

> But I would like the option to create a solid more like
> the Final result style shows, where there is a pretty nice
> and clean solid with no multisegment edge and basically
> no undesired edge and of course no seams.

Being able to remove edges between surfaces means that the surfaces need to be combined into one larger single surface.

That becomes difficult when the surfaces are touching at internal trimmed edges rather than at a natural edge of their underlying surfaces.

Please see this FAQ entry for some more description on trimmed surfaces and underlying surfaces:

In your particular case here it looks like you want to have the edge removed between these 2 surfaces:

But look at how the control points of the upper planar surface are positioned - (use edit>separate to break it into a single individual surface and then you can turn on its control points):

Then look at how the control points of the rounded side piece are positioned:

So you can see there that the top planar surface has just 4 control points for its surface and they are not located anywhere near the actual edge - that's because that's a trim edge. Trim edges mark regions of a surface that are holes or cut off areas.

So because those 2 underlying surfaces have no alignment between them in their surface control point grid, there isn't really any way for MoI to glue them together into a single surface - to make a single surface means to make one single rectangular control point grid out of them.

A rebuild that would do that would be trying to rebuild the surface only by looking at its trim edges and not by looking at the actual surface itself - that kind of rebuild would be sensitive to all kinds of variations in edge topology and would be quite difficult to implement...

Anyway, I just wanted to give you some explanation of why that request is quite difficult to achieve.

In your final example it looks like you've used a totally different method to create that, probably something like a revolve? It's very difficult for a computer algorithm to be able to sense stuff like that to try and recognize that a revolve of some larger edge would work to rebuild those surfaces - just in general things that rely on judgment are difficult to implement in a processing algorithm without stuff like artificial intelligence.

- Michael

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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
3628.201 In reply to 3628.200 
Hi Michael,

I didn`t do any trimming on purpuse or by myself, so I`m surprise to see that the planar command did this. I understand Nurbs are a different breed then meshes and I believe I`ll have live with those kind of particularities.

Basically I created the profile of the top and bottom surface used planar and then blend them together. After your reply I tried to shrink it but the rectangular control point setup stays it`s just smaller.

If I understand correctly, there is basically no way to work around this natural behaviour of Nurbs except by building the part differently as I did with the final part.

I think you have planned something like a property page, would this provide a mean to "hide" these kind of edges and also the seam type of edge and that these properties wouldn`t be affected by other commands that control the visibility of object? In other words, something like local properties can not be affected by higher level or more global properties?

As for the multi segment, I understand better now where they come from and if I don`t like them it`s my problem...

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 From:  JTB
MoI is a great modeling app... My 5 wishes are:

1. Better history handling. I really love Max's modifiers stack and the way it works.
2. Object grouping and named selection sets.
3. Material and texture handling. Maybe an option to create shadows for better presentation.
4. Some more classic commands like bend, taper etc... for simple transformation
5. More 2d functions like dims and text for better communication and presentation...
***Modeler Of Ideas***
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.203 In reply to 3628.202 
Hi JTB - for named selection sets you can currently assign a name to any selection of objects. Do that by clicking on the name line in the properties panel:

Once you have assigned a name, it will show up in the Objects section of the scene browser and you go to there to do various actions like hide it, lock it, and also select it.

So using that method you can set up a name associated with a set of objects and then go select that same set later on - does that cover what you are thinking of for named selection sets?

- Michael
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