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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.160 In reply to 9581.159 
Hi Brian,

I will study Karsten's method more closely. It did not work the first time for me, which usually means I did something wrong.

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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.161 In reply to 9581.160 
Hi Wayne.
I've used Karsten's "method" with mimic or cut or paste methods, and do not really understand anything.
- Brian
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Message 9581.162 deleted 17 Jan 2021 by WAYNEHILL5202

 From:  bemfarmer
9581.163 In reply to 9581.162 
Hi Wayne,

For what it is worth, the contents of my two shortcut keys to invoke nodeeditor are as follows:

moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html?scheme=Light', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );

moi.ui.createDialog( 'moi://appdata/nodeeditor/index.html', 'resizeable,defaultWidth:680,defaultHeight:420', moi.ui.mainWindow );

For the second shortcut I also used James "color" scheme, rather than the default dark nodeeditor canvas.

I'll have a look at your basicFunctions.js.

- Brian

In the basicFunctions.js that I am using, appdata appears. I have not had a problem with it, as far as I know.

var docupath;
if ( document.URL.indexOf("appdata") > 0 ) { docupath = document.URL.split("index.html")[0]+"nodes\/extensions\/Documentation\/"+lang.LANGUAGE + "\/"; }
else { docupath = document.URL.split(/moi:\/\/(.*\/).*/g)[1].replace("ui","")+"nodes\/extensions\/Documentation\/"+lang.LANGUAGE + "\/"; }

The above code may have been from Karsten, (in a forum post.). I cannot exactly remember...

On a different topic, I recollect that changing Languages had some sort of problem...(mentioned in the Forum.)

EDITED: 24 Mar 2020 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.164 In reply to 9581.163 
Hi Brian,

You fixed my problem. It was the startup with "...index.html?scheme=Light" that was the issue. The info panel is working on the original basicFunction.js code. I will go back and delete my previous post.

Thank you!
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
This is a proof of concept of a coloring Node in beta testing. It uses a javascript to reduce the image palette to a few colors so the styles are manageable. The ImgRGB node creates the styles, while the OutputRGB Node removes the styles not being used. It has circle packing and fixed mode output. Background colors are masked to focus on the circle packing main objects.

EDITED: 17 Jan 2021 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.166 In reply to 9581.165 
Seems very appetizing!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Wayne,

The image circle packing looks great - this was under RHINO but no longer supported a node like this in MOI would be great.

Great work -

EDITED: 4 Jul 2022 by ALEXPOLO

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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.168 In reply to 9581.167 
Hi Alex,


Your post from above had me searching high and low for a circle packing routine. The circle routine used on my program node is more of a pointillism. A weighted voronoi or stippling code would probably be closer to what you are looking for with images. The circle pointillism is great for vector graphic images. That is why it is still in beta. There is more that can be added to this node.

Thank you,

EDITED: 1 Apr 2020 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  AlexPolo
Hi Wayne,

Thanks for looking into it - further development would be a great addon in the tool library for MOI.

Great work and thanks for contributing to its progression.

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 From:  James (JFH)
connectPts Node

This node proposal would be analogous to and based on Michael's script found here:

Happy Easter Everyone!


EDITED: 11 Apr 2020 by JFH


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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
New ExtendSrf Node release:

ExtendSrf is based on Michael Gibson's script:

Thank you Michael!

Copy the ExtendSrf.js to the directory:

I would like to thank James for helping out with testing.

This is great way to divide solids into faces and shrink spacing between.


Edit: Updated node

EDITED: 17 Jan 2021 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.172 In reply to 9581.171 
A sort of ExplodeMove ?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  wayne hill (WAYNEHILL5202)
9581.173 In reply to 9581.172 
More like an additive and retraction of the face edges without changing location. Michael described it as a surface offset.

EDITED: 17 Jan 2021 by WAYNEHILL5202

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
9581.174 In reply to 9581.173 
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  James (JFH)
Hi All,

It is a bit of an unusual method, but using Wayne's new node,
and using a sphere as a starting point, it's possible to form a compound
curved surface of the shell of a chair.

Thanks Wayne for your most recent contribution.
I'm hoping that coding nodes is a good technique to staving off cabin fever,
& we are it beneficiaries.


EDITED: 17 Apr 2020 by JFH

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
That's magical thing!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Moi French Site My Gallery My MagicaVoxel Gallery
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 From:  James (JFH)
BranchStructure node

The proposed node would generate venation patterns from seed points branching out to leaf points (attractors) using the "space colonization" algorithm.

Daniel Shiffman has done a coding challenge that serves as a good introduction to the method:

Another good resource is Jason Webb's "Modeling organic branching structures with the space colonization algorithm and JavaScript" :

He demonstrates the difference between "Open versus closed venation" which is an option I have include in the info panel. The other option I have included is 2D vs 3D. 3D would work similarly, however with branches attracted to leaf points in 3d space, making possible the generation of natural forms such as tree, coral etc. This may be something that is left for later development.


EDITED: 1 May 2020 by JFH


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 From:  James (JFH)
Hi All,

I have already alluded to this here: but in terms of implementation, rather than the generalised approach it may be better to have a purpose built "Reaction Diffusion" node.

React-Diffusion node

I am proposing a node that operates analogous to online app by @pmneila

For our purposes the output would only need to be black and white, which hopefully would reduce the complexity of the coding. The proposed node would, similarly to Wayne's imgSampler convert greyscale to heightmaps, however instead of importing an image, it would be generated via an algorithm (grayscott) within the node.

Since this algorithms produce an evolving animated image there is a need to pause evolution at a desirable point so I have included an input for 1 to play & 0 to pause. There may be a more elegant solution of the inclusion of menu option in the info panel, or perhaps ideally a button on the node, itself.

I'm not sure if this is even possible without the addition of external js libraries. (I note that in the code for the online app link above that it imports three.js)

EDITED: 24 May 2020 by JFH


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 From:  bemfarmer
9581.179 In reply to 9581.178 
Viewing page source yields:

- Brian
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