Fun with Booleans and Fillets
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 From:  Ronamodeler (RON_A)
7610.6 In reply to 7610.1 
Hi, Chipp.
Just curious - did you encounter any difficulties? Did you have to scale up or down to make things work?
I often do similar things for vacuum forming parts or tools; and almost always have some small areas of fileting get hung up.
Great job!
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 From:  chippwalters
7610.7 In reply to 7610.6 
Hi Ron,

Yes, there were a few problems. Once I had to scale to 1/10, separate, then join after a fillet had left the object as a Joined srf instead of Solid.

Another time I was trying to create a fillet which effectively blended to 0. I couldn't get the Fillet Set feature to work so I created a 'stop' element which allowed the fillet to be created BEFORE ending in 0. This was not optimum, but based on the overall complexity of the model, wasn't so bad.

FWIW, the whole model was a solid at the end. Impressive how MoI could keep up with so many boolean, fillet and chamfer applications.
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 From:  Metin Seven (SEVENSHEAVEN)
Looks very impressive, Chipp. Is it a fantasy model or an actual application? Maybe a job from NASA to design their latest nuclear fusion powered warp drive? :)
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 From:  chippwalters
7610.9 In reply to 7610.1 
Second version with more booleans and fillets...

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 From:  TyRuben
7610.10 In reply to 7610.9 
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 From:  chippwalters
Another test using my kitbash library..

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7610.12 In reply to 7610.11 
Very design!
Perfect for Alessi shop! :D
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  chippwalters
Another form test. Vitaly Bulgarov has been using MoI3D to create some amazing sci-fi props, and I took inspiration from some of his work.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7610.14 In reply to 7610.13 
A marvellous no-utilitarian object! :D
(What render ? )
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 From:  chippwalters
7610.15 In reply to 7610.14 
KeyShot. It's fast and works every time. :-)
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 From:  BurrMan
7610.16 In reply to 7610.15 
Hi Chipp,
Nice stuff. A quick question. When you modeled and setup these types of component cuts, etc, did you just do a straight cut and fillet the edges to give the "separation" effect? Or did you model some type of tolerance gap there, into the cuts also?



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< KeyShot. It's fast and works every time.

In your case

KeyShot "for direct Nurbs" or for files "OBJ" export ?

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 From:  chippwalters
7610.18 In reply to 7610.16 
Hey BurrMan,

I drew a single polyline, radiused it, then offset it the gapwidth with cap ends turned on. Then I just boolean diff'd it. If I wanted to create a 'trench' gap, I would've boolean merged it, then scaled it down on the z direction (height) then boolean unioned.


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 From:  chippwalters
7610.19 In reply to 7610.17 
Hi Frenchy,
I use OBJ just in case I want to add some very tiny edge fillets. The nurbs works fine, but is slower and doesn't allow for rendered edge fillets.
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 From:  Vojtisek
7610.20 In reply to 7610.13 
Very nice Chipp, I love that Bulgarov style of tech.

Moi is very strong in that and suprisingly stable, even after long times of calculations, when I'm expecting crash, it do the job :).
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 From:  chippwalters
7610.21 In reply to 7610.20 
Yes, I agree Vojtěch, I'm amazed at how stable and powerful. I created this on a New MacBook, which is very underpowered. Took an hour of dinking around..

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7610.22 In reply to 7610.21 
We remark the reuse of the radiuses Tuto fillets form ! ;)
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