Car Modeling
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 From:  chippwalters
7597.8 In reply to 7597.7 
Thanks! Good rendering. Very helpful. Do you use REBUILD and SHRINKSRFS a lot when connecting patches? In particular, when extracting a spline for creating a pipe for later trimming surfaces for a blend operation (manual fillet), do you rebuild the spline first, or use it exactly as extracted?

Michael, perhaps you can weigh in on this one. Would a blend using the above manual fillet ( technique benefit from a rebuld for the originating path spline-- or does it even matter?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7597.9 In reply to 7597.8 
Hi Chipp,

> Michael, perhaps you can weigh in on this one. Would a blend using the above manual fillet
> ( technique benefit from a rebuld
> for the originating path spline-- or does it even matter?

You mean building a pipe surface using a one rail sweep?

For a sweep the number of control points in the rail does not directly have much to do with the generated sweep - sweep adds in profiles until the sweep surface matches the procedural sweep to within 0.001 tolerance. It's an iterative refinement process, the rail curve's control point structure doesn't directly relate to the generated sweep.

If the rail curve has very uneven parameterization, that case might be good for doing a refit of the rail curve first.

But if you say have a rail curve with 5 control points and one with 500 control points both with the same shape and parameterization they will both give the same sweep result, the 500 control point one does not automatically mean you'll have a more complex sweep unless it is also at the same time a lot more wiggly in shape than the 5 control point one.

Not sure if that answers your question or not...

For some other construction methods like extrude it's a different case, for extrusion the generated extrude surface does directly inherit the structure of the input curve.

- Michael
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 From:  zarkow
7597.10 In reply to 7597.8 
I use rebuild or reconstruct particular for the fillet-sweep-splines, for the patch connecting I need the normal edges of the patches, without any rebuild.
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 From:  chippwalters
7597.11 In reply to 7597.9 
"if you have a rail curve with 5 control points and one with 500 control points both with the same shape and parameterization they will both give the same sweep result"

Thanks! Exactly what I was looking for.
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 From:  chippwalters
7597.12 In reply to 7597.10 
"I use rebuild or reconstruct particular for the fillet-sweep-splines, for the patch connecting I need the normal edges of the patches, without any rebuild."

Thanks for that. That's pretty much how I do it now. Much appreciated!
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 From:  keith1961
7597.13 In reply to 7597.1 
You are avisuospatial genius! I remember a thread on this forum in which the possibility of making a car in Moi was discussed. You have settled the argument.
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 From:  boja
7597.14 In reply to 7597.1 
could you share your blueprints ?
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