make curve smaller script
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6039.4 In reply to 6039.1 
Hi Andrei, I've attached a plug-in command here that I think does what you are asking for.

To install it, download the attached file MakeSmaller.js and copy it into the \commands folder inside of MoI's main installation folder (on OSX right-click the app and pick "Show package contents", and go to drive_c/moi/commands).

That will then make a new command available to MoI named MakeSmaller. To trigger it, set up a keyboard shortcut and put in MakeSmaller for the command name (note, only put in just plain "MakeSmaller", no .js at the end and no script: at the front as is used for running inline script).

Select the object you want to scale before triggering the command.

At the top of the script are 2 variables that control the scale factor and whether it will use a scale origin of the start of the curve or the center of the bounding box.

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.5 In reply to 6039.4 
Thanx Michael, works great I make it 1/150 and it what I wanted. Can replace, "loft to point". You are not going to make this command for moi?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6039.6 In reply to 6039.5 
Hi Andrei, I think it should be possible to make a "loft to point" if you put in point objects as some of the profiles, it's been on my "todo" list for a while.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.7 In reply to 6039.6 
It would be great)
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.8 In reply to 6039.7 
Or is possible to make moi automatically creates this point? Just make option in loft menu for this for start and end separately? Just an Idea)


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6039.9 In reply to 6039.8 
Hi Andrei,

> Or is possible to make moi automatically creates this point? Just make option in loft menu
> for this for start and end separately? Just an Idea)

It's somewhat difficult to do that because it's not easy for you to know which side of the Loft is actually considered to be the "start" side and which is the end side.

So if you had an option that said "Pick start point", and you picked a point but the side you put it on happened to be considered the end area rather than the start area you would get a weird result.

I think it would be easier for me to do it if it was part of the whole sorting process that's done to all input curves that determines the order in the first place.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.10 In reply to 6039.9 
>I think it would be easier for me to do it if it was part of the whole sorting process that's done to all input curves that determines the order in the first place.

If I understand right, you offer to tie this points to loft direction?
No problem, as it will be easy for you, just wanted to make option that will switch on/of start and end point. And it will keep last selected points every time you start loft.

Really I don't know what will be good just draw points by hand or this automatic option, it has to be tested) Because for example if you worked on one loft object and then switch to another you always have to change what points to create. But with simple 'loft to point" one click will be enough. But for people that are not advanced users that automatic mode will be attractive. So if it a lot of work for you "loft to point" will be enough) Or if not you can make both)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6039.11 In reply to 6039.10 
Hi Andrei,

> If I understand right, you offer to tie this points to loft direction?

Yes, I think it would be easiest for the points to be sorted along with the same mechanism that sorts the input curves, so that it can attach the point to the proper side of the loft.

It would otherwise be kind of easy for there to be a mismatch.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.12 In reply to 6039.11 
Michael have one question, for example I want to make first figure with loft but to let loft know what direction to go I have to select all curves one by one, or I'll get second figure.
My question is, how to be if there is a lot curves that have to be loft, and it s hard to select it every time one by one.I use styles to make instant select of all curves and cannot get right direction. How to make LOFT follow right direction in this case?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6039.13 In reply to 6039.12 
Hi Andrei, Loft does not have anything like "artifical intelligence" to decide between multiple different sorting possibilities, it either uses the order that you picked in or if you do some kind of group select mechanism instead of individual click selection it sorts them if they're on parallel planes by increasing distance from the lowest one, or by connecting together centroid points in a forward motion if they are not all on parallel planes.

If you need to generate a loft that has a kind of "undercut" to it, there isn't any way for a group sorting mechanism to figure that out, the way you tell Loft the order in that case is by individual click selection.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.14 In reply to 6039.13 
Is it possible something like this, select first 3 curves one by one (where undercut is ) to let loft know direction and other curves select at once?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
a sort of loop selection ?

PS Does the Make Smaller result is different than the Scale function ?
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.16 In reply to 6039.15 
It similar in terms to show loft direction, but other curves do not selects automatically like with loop selection.
It's 50/50 analogy..

What Scale function does?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6039.17 In reply to 6039.16 
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.18 In reply to 6039.17 
It's the same principle..
But script automatically in one click make curves smaller. I set it to 150 times smaller, and every time I run script I get curves smaller in 150 times.
It's useful if you make organic shapes using method I showed.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6039.19 In reply to 6039.14 
Hi Andrei,

> Is it possible something like this, select first 3 curves one by one (where undercut is )
> to let loft know direction and other curves select at once?

I think that could be possible to try sometime in the future.

- Michael
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 From:  Andrei Samardac
6039.20 In reply to 6039.19 

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