
 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Hi Michael ...

This may be possible now but I don't know how to do it.

I am making various architectural blocks ... like window and doors ...
Then saving them for import into architectural models.

Is there any way I can save them with an 'origin' point so I can insert them into an opening in the wall.

Now I import them into the drawing and then grab them and move into the proper location but 'origin' would save me a step.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4365.2 In reply to 4365.1 
Hi eric - yup that's possible now - to do that create your block object so that it has its base point at the 0,0,0 origin point and is aligned to the world axis directions. Or you can also set up the cplane with the cplane origin and axis direction positioned at the particular base point and base orientation that you want for the part.

Then save that object to its own 3DM file.

Now when you want to bring that object as a piece into an existing model, go and right-click on the File > Import button instead of the regular left click. When you right-click on Import it will run the "ImportPart" command, which will bring in the contents of that file and also allow you to locate and and position them into the particular location that you want using the orientation picker. That will do not just a move of the object to the place you want but it can also rotate the object into place to align it to the plane surface that you are snapping on to. You can disable the rotation if you want by unchecking the "Align to objects" option when placing the object.

The placement works as a 2 step process - one click to put it into an initial position and then after it is placed there is a second stage where it is possible to rotae it around one of the axis tripod directions if you want, right-click when you're done adjusting the rotation - probably when snapping on to a plane you won't need to adjust the rotation so you'd just right-click to accept the default position. So anyway you'll do 2 clicks to do the placement - one left click to place it and then right-click to accept the default rotation.

The way the rotation works is that it will align the z axis of the base position with the surface normal direction, so that means that you want to put something like a window to be flat in the x/y plane in the library file.

Some more information here:

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4365.3 In reply to 4365.2 
Thanks Michael ...

I will check that out right after my lunch break!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4365.4 In reply to 4365.3 
Hi eric, also one other note - if you find yourself using the same file over and over again you can set up a shortcut key that will do an ImportPart of a specific file so you won't have to use the regular file dialog.

To do that set up a keyboard shortcut and for the command name put in ImportPart followed by the file name, like this:

ImportPart "c:\some folder\my filename.3dm"

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4365.5 In reply to 4365.4 
Thanks Michael ..

The 'import' file with a right click works just great ... I have been building a few window and door types that I can now insert when I need them and put them where I want them.

MoI is great!


ps ... ever anticipating ... can hardly wait for ver 3
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4365.6 In reply to 4365.5 
Hi eric, I'm glad that the right-click import will work for you!

One of the things I've just finished for v3 is updating the OpenNURBS library that MoI uses to the latest version. That means that MoI v3 should be able to preserve stuff like linestyles when you open and save a Rhino v4 file and it can also now open up Rhino v5 files as well.

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
4365.7 In reply to 4365.6 
Hi Michael ..
That's great news ... I use Rhino 5 for drafting ... I will be delighted not to have to remember to save as R4 everytime.
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