Anchor point.

 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
I haven't figured out yet what tells Moi how to scale objects with the brackets. Sometimes when I drag a bracket it scales the objects from the center. Other times when I drag a bracket it scales the object from the opposite side. Both behaviors are great, but I need to able to control which it uses. I can't seem to figure out how to do that. :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3990.2 In reply to 3990.1 
Hi Andy - you switch between the 2 modes by doing a click (press the mouse button and then release it without dragging) on a corner grip instead of holding down the mouse button and dragging on a corner grip.

When you just move the mouse button over the grip it will show a little origin point graphic to show you which mode is currently active (either "scale from center", or "scale from opposite corner").

If you're getting different behavior at different times, it means that you've done some clicks instead of drags on those grips at some point in time there.

Also if you click on the rotation grip it will go into "wheel mode" where you'll be able to grab the center point and move the center of rotation to some particular spot.

For more info see here:

- Michael
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
3990.3 In reply to 3990.2 
Perfect , I knew i had to be missing something.

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