Feature request "instance" in moi
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
2939.10 In reply to 2939.9 
Yes, for example a simple nut repeated many times could slow the performance...
Maybe instances could avoid this.

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 From:  rhodesy
2939.11 In reply to 2939.8 
"Instances are not "sooo" important for all user with only one user name here. ;)"

Im not sure i understand what you mean by the 'one user name' Ralf?

Who said that having instances would make moi an unweildy CAD system with 100s of features? Its a staple industry time (and possibly RAM saving, depending on implimentation) concept nothing too complicated for the user to get their head around which i think is the point your trying to make about it being 'unwieldy'. If Moi is to increase its popularity and therefore sales for Michael then I would think that instances would be a feature many (but not saying all) would look for if they are to fully embrace it as a main modelling app. The nuts example is a great one Marc. Moi is indeed a great modeller and very simple and fast but that doesn't mean expansion and development should be stifled because there are concerns there are too many features. Michael is great at optimising usability so im confident if instances are included then he will do a great user friendly job.


EDITED: 24 Sep 2009 by RHODESY

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 From:  nycL45
+1 on instance feature.

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 From:  Fake Pilot (FAKEPILOT)
The number one missing feature, according to me. +1
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 From:  chippwalters
FWIW, I requested these features as well, back when V4 was a gleam in Michael's eye :-)


and HERE

In fact, I really wanted to use V4 with a non-destructive workflow for quick iterative designs.
As an Industrial Designer who more and more wanted to ideate within MoI, it just became too hard. For the most part, MoI is a program that can easily document a finished concept design-- and I've used it for concept work as well, but needed SketchUp or other modeler to be able to work out the proportions, filleting, and other.

And without a basic AO shader, it's really damn hard to evaluate the form. The current renderer just does not reflect light how you would like it to. So, I'll keep using MoI for CAD type work where I need to document a design in NURBS, but have moved to Blender where I can continue working out designs using non-destructive, realtime rendered workflows.

Personally, I understand the greatness of having a passionate developer who wants to focus on ease-of-use for new users. The problem is-- users can grow out of the limited functionality a single programmer is able to facilitate-- and for Michael that includes running a business, managing a website, having the best support in the business, and I'm sure a host of other jobs. Keep in mind Michael's goal is not to compete directly with other CAD packages-- not even Rhino. His sole differentiator is ease-of-use and workflow speed.

The CON side of the equation, is feature requests take years to evaluate and implement, and the product continues to fall farther behind from a capabilities standpoint. A public roadmap showing rough timescales and feature milestones *might* go a long way. Still, Michael's a perfectionist. The cake is done when he says it's done-- so roadmaps probably don't mean much other than set and dash expectations. Sorta like Sienfeld's Soup Kitchen, though with a much kindler, gentler person in charge! :-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2939.15 In reply to 2939.14 
Hi Chipp, yep that's a pretty good overview!

> The problem is-- users can grow out of the limited functionality a single programmer is able to facilitate--
> <....>

I guess from my point of view I wouldn't really classify this as a "problem" exactly. If MoI helps someone get started in CAD but later on down the road as they need more specific things they need to transition to other software, how is that a problem? That person has now successfully broken through the wall and is now able to get more of their work done with computer aided tools than they were before.

If MoI helped them get to where they need, that seems like a pretty useful thing to me, even if they eventually don't need MoI anymore.

Also there are plenty of people in that situation that like how MoI works for their basic modeling and drawing and so they will continue to use MoI and many even still spend the majority of their time in MoI.

MoI is so inexpensive that it's very feasible to use it along with other software in this way.

Of course I do expect to continue to add stuff into MoI to expand its capabilities and reduce the need to use additional software as time goes on.

> The CON side of the equation, is feature requests take years to evaluate and implement,
> and the product continues to fall farther behind from a capabilities standpoint. A public
> roadmap showing rough timescales and feature milestones *might* go a long way.

A public roadmap is pretty unfeasible for me just from how I work. When ideas come up that enhance basic functions I tend to give those top priority and push other things further off. A good example of this is the multi-core enabled file reading in v4.

I like to have some general target ideas that I guess you could call a roadmap of sorts but if I were to publish it then it would get treated like a guarantee rather than suggestions for future directions.

There has definitely been a slowdown in new feature areas for a while now - that's because the v4 release was a major rewrite to get to 64-bit and also a Mac native build. That turned into about a 4 year effort to make those things happen but it's a much better foundation. Once v4 is wrapped up I should be able to return to a more normal feature development pace.

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

In my experience MoI is a great primary tool that can be augmented by other specialty applications and plugins. I've found MoI to be a valuable learning tool as well as a modeling tool. Because the features in MoI are very accessible I've been able to view how others model in different applications and think about strategies to approach a similar model in MoI. When I determine an operation is too time consuming or unavailable in MoI I switch into a package that will allow me to complete a step with a more optimal result in less time. I haven't found another application like MoI that allows me to so easily mimic an effective workflow done in another design program, for me that' a really big deal.
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 From:  nameless
MoI being an accessible entry to CAD is just a side-effect of an overall non intrusive user experience that fosters on the fly concepting and flow, in my opinion. That's a much greater value than training wheels, at least for illustrators and concept artists that use 3D to get imagery. MoI's fluidity allows for a state very close to the one I get during painting, but that is just a very biased opinion of someone that started CAD with MoI and is not looking to build real things.
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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
2939.18 In reply to 2939.17 
MoI - Moment of Inspiration - only these three words perfect characterise target use of this amazing piece of software. In my opinion MoI doesn't aspire to be a competitor of Solid Works, although MoI offers more than enough utilities for designers, digital artists or even for Startup companies that needs CAD software for their projects.

MoI allows quick concept design in right time - in fleeting "moment of inspiration" and this is it. IMHO MoI offers more than only quick concept design, MoI is accurate enough as well, so that project to be switched from idea into real product. It would be nice of course to have in MoI grouping, instancing, modules for parts assembling, metal sheet bending, technical documentation, work flow history with possibility to change parts, but then we talk about Solid Works :-)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2939.19 In reply to 2939.18 
Seems you have all that in Fusion 360 but maybe without the pleasure to do ... ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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