Close Surface

 From:  Anis

Also I cant use fillet>const dist on the "joined model".

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2623.2 In reply to 2623.1 
Hi Anis,

> How to close this area using curves provided

Right now you have the bottom curve split into 4 segments with 2 longer curves that cross each other.

Instead, join the bottom curve together into one closed curve, and use Trim to cut the 2 longer curves so that they are 4 pieces that touch at the top, then you can select them all and run Construct / Network. See the attached file anis_network.3dm . There seems to be a bug when doing a window select of the curves though, try clicking on them one by one to select them in this particular case, I will see if I can find out why window selection is not working for this one.

> Also I cant use fillet>const dist on the "joined model".

You mean the model to the left that has the modified sphere in it? It appears to have a fillet placed in it already. Fillets can only be applied to sharp edges, if you have already filleted an edge then you can't fillet it again.

EDIT: updated attachment

- Michael



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 From:  Michael Gibson
2623.3 In reply to 2623.2 
Hi Anis - window select was not working for the network in the original file above because one of your curves was actually split into 2 pieces with a small fragment near one end of it.

I've updated the attachment above to have that curve joined together and now window selection with Network works as expected.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2623.4 In reply to 2623.2 
Hello Michael....

Thanks for your replay, but looks image below.
Is there any chance to improve this in V2 ?


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 From:  Anis
2623.5 In reply to 2623.2 
Hi Michael...

> if you have already filleted an edge then you can't fillet it again.
I mean previously, I tried to create those fillet use "const dist".
But MoI cant produce that.

Thanks !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2623.6 In reply to 2623.5 
Hi Anis,

> I mean previously, I tried to create those fillet use "const dist".
> But MoI cant produce that.

Do you happen to have the previous version saved?

I did notice that the constant distance fillet seemed to be more fragile than the regular one - that seems to be a problem in the geometry library. I was thinking about not adding in the option for it because of this, do you think I should remove it?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2623.7 In reply to 2623.4 
Hi Anis,

> Thanks for your replay, but looks image below.
> Is there any chance to improve this in V2 ?

That sort of shaping tends to be caused in Network when things that are different lengths are trying to collapse together into a single point.

It's basically how Network functions, I'm not really sure that there will be any good way to automatically fix it.

If you put in an additional closed circular curve profile, it tends to help quite a bit, it gets the shapes more "caught up" with one another before they collapse down to a point (also see attached 3dm file):

In the future I want to add a variant of rail revolve that will take multiple profile curves, I think that may end up being a better tool than Network for things with a rounded "pole" type area.

- Michael

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 From:  Anis
2623.8 In reply to 2623.6 
Hi Michael...

You can try fillet with "const dist" option on attached 3dm.

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 From:  Anis
2623.9 In reply to 2623.7 
Hi Michael...

Yeah, added circle give better result.
Now the capability of rail revolve is very good.
Next improvement will also be very good and useful.

It will also important to improve "tangent connection".
Today we have to use blend and fillet to do this.

Keep on track Sir !!!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2623.10 In reply to 2623.8 
Hi Anis,

> You can try fillet with "const dist" option on attached 3dm.

Thanks - I can repeat the failure when doing the edge-based fillet after assembling those pieces into a solid, but if you do a surface/surface fillet on the original pieces you have it seems to work ok.

The way you have that file structured currently with separate surfaces, it is actually faster in this case to do a surface/surface fillet anyway, your surfaces will be all ready to join immediately after the fillet that way.

A surface/surface fillet is when you select 2 individual surfaces (which is actually how you have the file arranged at the moment), and then run Fillet, rather than selecting pieces like edges of a joined-together object.

Surface/surface fillets can succeed in places where the edge-based ones may fail.

Here is a quick demo of getting a constant distance fillet on your file by using surface/surface fillet:

- Michael

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 From:  Anis
2623.11 In reply to 2623.10 
Hello Michael....

Sometimes I forgot that we can use that method in MoI.
How about this :

If there are some sketch appear, the prompt should be :
select sketch, edge or faces to fillet.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2623.12 In reply to 2623.11 
Hi Anis,

> If there are some sketch appear, the prompt should be :
> select sketch, edge or faces to fillet.

No, that's probably not a good idea since it is also possible to select whole objects as well.

For example draw a solid box, then select the box (no edges or face sub-object selection, just the whole box by a single click) and you can now run Fillet to round all edges of the box.

In Fillet you can select either 2 separate curves, or a multi-segment curve, or edges, or faces, or 2 independent surfaces, or an entire multi-surface joined object.

That's a lot of different things, it would make the prompt too long.

If you need to do a lot of filleting it is better to just make sure to learn how it works.

If you need a reminder, this behavior is covered in the Fillet entry in the help file:

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2623.13 In reply to 2623.12 

Sometimes we are forgot about what object that should selected under an active command.
Maybe in the future there will be another idea to make user "automatically" know what object should be select by a prompt / warning / sign.

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 From:  BurrMan
2623.14 In reply to 2623.13 
"tooltips" could be added with an option to turn them on/off, but certainly not very high on the list.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2623.15 In reply to 2623.13 
Hi Anis,

> Sometimes we are forgot about what object that
> should selected under an active command.

Some commands that can take a wide variety of different objects will generally not list every possible thing, that would just make for too long and confusing of a prompt.

When there are a lot of different possibilities, then it will just say "objects" - that is intentional to keep the prompts shorter and easier to read.

For stages of a command where there is more specific input required, then in those situations it would be more likely to have it mentioned - for example with Network the prompt says "Select curves for network".

I'd actually recommend that you pick the objects you want to work on before you even run the command, and that prompt will not show at all in that case. Picking objects before the command generally saves a step since you don't have to hit "Done" (or right-click) to indicate that you are finished picking.

- Michael
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