Hi coy, you can use the Options dialog, Shortcut keys section to set up your own keyboard shortcuts. Some details on how that works here:
Once you create some shortcuts they will be automatically saved to the moi.ini file when MoI is closed.
The moi.ini file is located in a shared folder and will just automatically be used by new installations on the same machine, you don't have to do anything special to make that happen.
The moi.ini file is located here on on Windows XP, (Windows Vista it is slightly different, let me know if you need that):
C:\Documents and Settings\ [your login name] \Application Data\Moi\moi.ini
if you want to make a backup of it, you can make a copy of that moi.ini file, and if you want to transfer your settings to another computer then copy that moi.ini file to the other computer in the same location (or you can optionally place it in the same folder alongside moi.exe if you want) and then your settings from the Options dialog including keyboard shortcuts will be moved over.
- Michael