Hypershot and MoI's 3dm format

 From:  George (GKSL4)
Hi Michael,

I get the trial of Hypershot and I created a single sphere in MoI. Saved as sphere.3dm and I opened in Hypershot. Sphere came as polyhedron. I opened sphere.3dm in Rhino 4, and closing the program, asked me to save either as Rhino 3 or 4 3dm format.

Saved as 4 and at Hypersot sphere came perfect.

I suppose Hypershot support Rhino4 format but 3 has limitations.

Any comment about this?

Sorry if there is a discussion about this in the forum, but i did not found anything.

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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2112.2 In reply to 2112.1 
Hi George,


Message: 2062.11 from DannyT
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2112.3 In reply to 2112.1 
Hi George, I got the same problem when exporting a sphere .3dm from Rhino v3 or v4 as well - I've attached here a sphere .3dm saved from Rhino v4 for you to test with if you want to verify.

So that definitely looks like a bug in HyperShot, possibly some kind of under-tessellation when dealing with certain kinds of surfaces.

I don't know why re-saving an existing file from Rhino v4 solved the problem for you in that particular case, but when I created a sphere from scratch in Rhino v4 as attached I saw the same problem. Really there is not much difference between the general surface data between v3 and v4 .3dm files.

The best way currently to avoid this problem is to export from MoI as .obj format, instead of trying to import .3dm format directly into HyperShot.

And actually that is better to use as a general method anyway, because you have a lot more control over the meshing process that way, and MoI's mesher is actually more reliable. I'd recommend setting the Output: option when exporting from MoI as Output: Quads & Triangles as HyperShot has some problems dealing with more complex n-gons.

- Michael

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 From:  George (GKSL4)
2112.4 In reply to 2112.3 
Hi Paolo and Michael for your answers.

It seems that obj format is the best for rendering with hypershot.

i am only experimenting with this interesting renderer.


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 From:  George (GKSL4)
2112.5 In reply to 2112.4 
Hi Michael,

If you render sphere from within Rhino 4, with renderer Hypershot, this come fine. But if you open from Hypershot sphere.3dm, the result is a polyhedron, as described before. Probably a Hypershot bug.



PS. Works fine with Hypershot plugin for Rhino, inside Rhino 4.

EDITED: 26 Oct 2008 by GKSL4

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2112.6 In reply to 2112.5 
Hi George, I see - when you do the rendering directly inside of Rhino it is using Rhino's mesher instead of HyperShot's mesher, so it avoids the problem which seems to be with HyperShot's meshing mechanism.

One other note - if you do export as .obj from MoI (which is probably the overall best way just make sure to use Output:Quads & Triangles to avoid n-gon processing problems), HyperShot will tend to only apply one material for a whole object and not allow you to apply different materials to different sub-parts of an object.

There is a utility you can get from here:

which you can run on an .obj file exported from MoI to add some material flags to the file which will then make it work better for assigning different materials to sub-object parts in HyperShot. At some point in v2 this will get added built in to MoI's regular .obj export.

- Michael
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 From:  George (GKSL4)
2112.7 In reply to 2112.6 
Hi Michael,

Sorry not watching your previews answer. So I edited my previous message, before reading yours.

Thank you again for the immediate response.


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