Fillet problem

 From:  rickky
I discover MoI and nurbs modelling.
I don't understand this (look the image). Why the width fillet is not constant ?
Thanks for your feedback
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 From:  jbshorty
1515.2 In reply to 1515.1 
currently MoI does not have an option to create a fillet with a uniform distance between rails. So you have to do a workaround by first sweeping a circle along the edge. Then boolean subtract the swept surface from the original object. then delete the "scooped" face from the channel. Now use Blend to create a surface to fill the gap. and join the surfaces...

this is not perfect result for what you need. It's more like a "distance from edge" fillet. But it should be closer than MoI's "rolling ball" fillet...

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 From:  rickky
1515.3 In reply to 1515.2 
Thanks the tip jbshorty but my english don't undertstand a lot of your explanation
Some screencaptures will be welcomed.
Thanks in advance
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1515.4 In reply to 1515.1 
Hi rickky - the sort of standard fillet method is to not keep the width of the fillet constant but rather the radius of the fillet circle to be constant.

Due to the slope of your surface, the same radius takes up a different amount of space on different areas of your model.

So that's a normal thing...

It has been requested and I do want to add an option for a different style of "constant width" type fillet like you seem to want though.

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
1515.5 In reply to 1515.3 
See attached picture...

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 From:  rickky
1515.6 In reply to 1515.5 
Thanks a lot jbshorty.
Images tells me much than words... in English :)
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1515.7 In reply to 1515.6 
Thanks JBS.
That way of doing it sugests an idea for getting some interesting carving effects--will see what I can come up with today.(Lateral thinking involved!)
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 From:  rickky
is there a trick at step 6, I can't blend the two pieces :(
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 From:  Michael Gibson
1515.9 In reply to 1515.8 
Hi rickky - can you please upload a .3dm file attachment with your model that you can't blend?

It really helps to have a .3dm model file to go along with your question, it is otherwise difficult to guess at what the problem might be.

- Michael
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 From:  jbshorty
1515.10 In reply to 1515.8 
Hi Rickky. When you positioned the circle profile, did you align it with the vertical edge of the cylinder wall? This is important, otherwise the boolean would leave an extra edge around the top face. And MoI's blend tool does not "chain" along tangent edges...

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 From:  rickky
Here there's a file with my process before and after blending
Don't work. I miss probably something

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1515.12 In reply to 1515.11 
Hi rickky - right now in MoI blending can only happen between 2 edges (one from each surface).

Your circular disk has one edge around the outside, but the cylinder part is broken up into 2 edges.

In order to blend this particular shape you will need to split the disk edge into 2 pieces so that you can match them up in pairs with the cylinder one.

To split the disk edge, select that edge, then run Edit/Trim, click "Add Trim points", and click 2 points on it to cut it into 2 sections that correspond to the edges on the cylinder part.

After that, you can then select pairs of edges between the 2 surfaces and create a blend, then repeat with another pair and create a second blend.

Like Jonah was mentioning, if you position the circle for your sweep at the "seam edge" of your cylinder, then that would produce only one single edge on the cylinder piece and be easier to blend since there would be only one edge on each piece.

Please let me know if this doesn't make sense and I can give you some step-by-step instructions.

- Michael
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 From:  manz
1515.13 In reply to 1515.11 
Hi Rickky,

If you check the model you will see the outer edge is broken:-

That is a problem due to how the seam from the boolean is passed to the object.

To workaround, before the sweep, construct the circle on the seam of the cylinder.

- Steve

sorry, cross post with Michael. You can delete this post.

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1515.14 In reply to 1515.13 
> You can delete this post.

Yours is better with the illustrations!

- Michael
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 From:  rickky
At first, thanks all for your (patient) support
But.... Ahhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!
I'm going to be crazy or Nurbs workflow is particular
I don't undersatnd all the process
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 From:  jbshorty
1515.16 In reply to 1515.15 
you will understand with more practice, don't worry! Just keep in mind these small details as you model...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
1515.17 In reply to 1515.15 
Hi rickky,

> I'm going to be crazy or Nurbs workflow is particular
> I don't undersatnd all the process

Well, it's quite a bit different than polygons.

I do have some description here that describes some of the differences for how a NURBS object is set up.

You're kind of running into a couple of issues in this particular circumstance that are kind of pushing it more towards a somewhat more advanced type of "trim and blend" type modeling, rather than solid style modeling which tends to be more straightforward.

If you wanted to do the more standard style constant-radius fillet then you wouldn't have to mess with any of this and could just use the Fillet tool and be done.

In the future it should be possible to have options for constant-distance fillets and also an option for using more than just 2 edges for a blend, either of which would make this particular thing have fewer steps in it.

- Michael
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 From:  rickky
Ahhh yessss
My first step in Nurbs world :)
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 From:  jbshorty
1515.19 In reply to 1515.18 
looking good, rickky...
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