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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
Interesting. It's like a free, browser-based 'ZBrush Core Light' without Dynamesh, ZSpheres and the authentic ZBrush brushing feel.

I'm still not very fond of browser-based software though. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I still prefer a stand-alone native OS application without a subscription model. After all, a system's OS is the first layer of overhead, and the browser is a second layer of overhead, taking away more resources from the software's performance.

In the good ol' days of grandpa Metin, you took complete control of the hardware for ultimate OS-less performance, like in games for the Commodore 64 and Amiga. :)

— Metin

——————— — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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 From:  Mark (MARKG)
8593.5 In reply to 8593.4 
As an old computer geezer, I like to sit on my digital porch and holler at the passing whippersnappers to "Get off my LAN!"

I still use Strata, but I fear it is at end of life. New ownership that seems focused on other areas and now this "new" repackaged software don't inspire much confidence.

I've recently begun learning Blender since interest in developing it shows no signs of flagging.
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 From:  blindfoldjump
I totally agree.
It's borderline stupid with the subscription-only situation for some software.
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
"As an old computer geezer, I like to sit on my digital porch and holler at the passing whippersnappers to 'Get off my LAN!'"

Hahahaha! :D

I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one who's allergic to subscription-based software updates. I used to work with 3ds Max, before the whole Autodesk subscription nightmare, but even then I became fed up with having to pay around $650 per year for some relatively minor updates that supposedly justified a new version number.

That's why I moved to Blender, and subsequently MoI and ZBrush. They form my holy 3D trinity. :)

— Metin

——————— — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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 From:  mkdm
8593.8 In reply to 8593.7 
Hi Metin and everyone.

I totally agree with you.

I really hate any subscription based software.

In fact I get rid of the hated Adobe CC (replaced by the excellent Affinity products) and Autodesk Sketchbook Pro (replaced by Mischief/PaintStorm Studio).

The only one that I must have is Microsoft Office365, for my daily job.

@Metin "...That's why I moved to Blender, and subsequently MoI and ZBrush. They form my holy 3D trinity. :)..."

Pretty close to my 3D pipeline : Moi/Rhino, 3D-Coat, Blender (plus InstantLight/Thea Render and a little bit of Bryce)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  chippwalters
How's this for a nightmare. I subscribe to Adobe Cloud with Pshop, Illustrator, AE, etc.. One of the programs I use is Muse, which is a capable website design program. Now that Adobe has the pressure on to continue to update so often, so customers 'feel' they're getting their moneys worth, they are start to releasing, one after the other, buggy versions. So, I'm now in the unenveniable position of being an eternal beta tester for them. And of course their support is mostly lacking--- unless you're trying to figure out how to use the color picker, or save a file, you're pretty much at the mercy of some non-english speaking person talking at you, repeating everything you say back at you twice, all while a constant jibber jabber of others having the same problems is going on in the background.

It's clear Adobe doesn't care.
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 From:  mkdm
8593.10 In reply to 8593.9 
Hi chippwalters.

You're absolutely right!!

Why we must be beta testers of Adobe....and totally for free!
And we also have to pay a lot of money for this!

This is crazy!

Listen to me.....they already fooled me once, it won't happen again!

Long life to Affinty!!



- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  James (JFH)
8593.11 In reply to 8593.9 
Chip, I feel your pain,

I don't know that the subscription model is the culprit here. The shift was an inevitable outcome of the move away from shrink wrapped boxed applications to digital distribution with fast internet. I too, miss the the old days of installation CDs and bookshelves of print manuals and indeed I have not upgraded beyond CS3 bundle. And I wouldn't want Moi3d to go now this track.

As you infer, in the those days of gold master discs of product versions, the companies had to be damn sure the software was beta tested and bug free before release. But this also meant slower development, and was a significant barrier to entry for new small players.

The issue with Adobe Cloud really is specifically one of corporate arrogance. They was better behaved before acquiring their competition: Macromedia and Aldus before that. Hopefully as Marco alludes to, they will see their margins eaten into by the likes of Affinty, and start to treat their customers more respectfully.

I do wonder how thing may have turned out differently, if the FTC had ordered the divesture of "Freehand" before allowing Macromedia stock merger. It was a fulcrum product that a new player could have built a stable of products around. Although in many ways it lagged behind Illustrator, it was superior in it handling of multiple pages and more elegant with clipping masks. And where it lacked in exactitude, it made up in its freedom of expression.

Anyway, Adobe will go the way of QuarkXPress if they don't change their ways.
And I for one will not mourn their demise.


EDITED: 21 Sep 2017 by JFH

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
8593.12 In reply to 8593.11 
For those using Affinty -

Are there any functions that you miss from Photoshop?

I'm not keen on paying the Adobe monthly subscription, but I do like that I can find countless tutorials and videos on various PS techniques. How well would most of those tutorials translate to Affinty?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8593.13 In reply to 8593.12 
You have yet some tuts from Affinity Photo itself! :) (213 videos)

Affinity Designer (94 videos)

and for free don't forget this other one ! ;) (local & online)
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 From:  mkdm
8593.14 In reply to 8593.12 
Hi ed.

First of all I want to say that this is not a sponsored message and I'm not linked in any way with Affinity.

With that said...
I am only an hobbyist and enthusiast of CG (both 2D and 3D) and certainly not a professional photographer, so I can't talk about that point of view,
and also assuming that (so far) Affinity Photo can definitely not have tons of features and plugins like PS, that exists for about 25 years,
for what I've experienced so far and for what I've read here and there on the web (articles and videos),
I can tell without doubt that Affinity Photo (and also Affinity Designer) is a great, great piece of software.
I use it almost daily into my CG pipeline for many different kind of tasks : HDRI editing, image composition, retouching,
texture creation (coupled with FilterForge), illustration, etc...

Here you can find tons of video tutorials that cover almost all its features :

Official Affinity Photo YouTube channel :

"James Ritson - Photography/Editing Tutorials" : Amazing video tutorials for Affinity Photo from a great professional photographer :

"Affinity Revolution" : a very interesting YouTube channel for quick and easy :

Hope this can help.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Thanks for the feedback everyone.

I've been watching their video tutorials here: Well made, short, and to the point.

The price is right, so I'm going to give Affinity a try on my PC.

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 From:  mkdm
8593.16 In reply to 8593.15 
Hi ed.

You're welcome!

@You : " I'm going to give Affinity a try on my PC...."

Very well! You won't regret it!


- Marco (mkdm)
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