ZBrush 4R8 Beta testing Gallery
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 From:  mkdm
8471.25 In reply to 8471.24 
@You : "...our boss send us to a professional school, for one week..."

You're a lucky man :)


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  chippwalters
8471.26 In reply to 8471.20 

Certainly Cubicomp in the 80's had "all the tools to create polygon models" even if you did have to enter every vertex coordinate numerically and by hand. I have talked to PROFESSIONALS who use Zbrush, Blender, Substance, Maya and other apps. They tell me the polygon modeling in Z is not up to snuff. You, a self-proclaimed hobbyist, say differently. I'm inclined to believe the pros.

They also say the retopo in Zbrush, while good, is not great. Again, I believe them. Perhaps you can share some of your work and we can ask questions about it?

What is vector displacement other than a way to compete with a voxel modeler? I understand Z can create vector displacement maps, but so can 3D Coat, and also my understanding is it's difficult to create extreme mesh distortion in Z before vector displacement. Perhaps I'm missing something. If not, it seems like a way to PULL or PUSH extreme detail into a Z mesh, which is not an issue for a voxel modeler.

One of the posters at the top asked if ZBrush would replace other modelers, to which I replied categorically no. Great work is being created in all modelers and Z won't replace the whole suite of 3D apps.

That is still my stance. You are certainly welcome to think differently.
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
8471.27 In reply to 8471.26 
Hi Chipp,

Regardless what pros say, i'm pretty sure that ZModeler can replace dedicated
modeling apps. If not now, then in the future, because it's still relatively
new. If i had always listened to the pros i would not have the apps, which i
like, in my toolbox. :-)

ZModeler short videos overview: http://pixologic.com/zclassroom/tag/ZModeler

I'm following 3D as my hobby since 1985 and did before my first, very lo-res,
3D'ish looking images on an Atari 800XL, with a graphics tablet. :-)

Please see this thread, for example, about the space ship and if you scroll down
a bit about the bass player. Both models where done mainly with ZModeler.


If people had followed the ZBrush site for a while they could have seen more
examples done with ZModeler.

With Vector Displacement, there is no need to compete with a Voxel modeler.
In fact, there was never a need for ZBrush to compete with a Voxel Modeler, like
3D-Coat. ZBrush is the accepted de-facto digital sculpting standard, worldwide.
If it was not then we would have seen much more works done with Mudbox or 3D-Coat,
compared to ZBrush.

Sure, there could be improvements made in ZRemesher. I pointed out that
ZRemesher is imho better than 3D-Coat's auto-retopo tool, which you
claimed the opposite. Auto-retopo is not the holy grail, i'm only amazed
how good ZRemesher did it's job so far for me, compared to 3D-Coat.

In the end it does not really matter if you prefer 3D-Coat or i prefer
ZBrush and what we both say here in public! People should download both
trials, look at the galleries, forums etc. and make up their own minds.

Best regards

EDITED: 24 Jun 2017 by STEFAN

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
>They also say the retopo in Zbrush, while good, is not great. Again, I believe them. Perhaps you can share some of your work >and we can ask questions about it?

Normally i don't like to do that, but o.k.. Here's one simple example of a logo design made by a professional Designer and messed up, so that it could not be 3D printed for his client. I, as a hobbyist, reworked the design, so that it could be 3D printed.

As you can see in my picture i used a much higher mesh resolution in 3D-Coat than in ZBrush, because 3D-Coat gave worser results with an equal polycount. I also run several tests with 3D-Coat with it's various settings, to see if maybe one setting would result in a better mesh. The second picture shows where the 3D-Coat mesh is faulty, compared to the ZBrush mesh.
The ZBrush mesh was remeshed with it's default setting and needed only one try.

Best regards

EDITED: 24 Jun 2017 by STEFAN


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 From:  eriknoord (ERIK)
8471.29 In reply to 8471.20 
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Info ;)
About "voxels":
if ise one possible major base function of 3D Coat, there are also existing "in ZBrush but "hidden" for the users!

In some functions like "Unified Skin" for transform & replace some volumes made with other ways , "ShadowBox" for create volumes from tricky projections... ;)

EDITED: 26 Jun 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  chrisd (CHRIS_DORDONI)
8471.31 In reply to 8471.16 
"Mmmhhh.... there must be a reason why Pixologic implemented it that way. You are the first person, i have read from, saying that it is a nightmare! Why all the ZBrush users are not complaining? :-)"

I have used ZBrush since v1.25. It looks the same now as it did 17+ years ago, just with more buttons and menus. The original developer is artist. If he were an engineer, I'm sure it would look quite different.

I communicated with Pixologic many years ago about the interface and that CAD users in general are going to reject it. I did explain there is crossover between CAD and sculpture, and that will grow in the future. It would be useful to adapt the interface to a more CAD like environment (or offer it as an alternate), and provide tools and workspace that use absolute values so dimensions and location could match the typical 3D cad application.

I think there are a small number of ZBrush users who also use 3D cad applications, although its certainly more than it was almost 20 years ago. Maybe if the VFX and Gaming markets we not growing as fast, it might entice the developers to consider additional markets.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8471.32 In reply to 8471.31 
<< its a nightmare!

Only for the ZModeler! ;)

You can't say that is a pleasure to choose over numerous functions from a board! :)
(even if few are "contextual" !)
Icons are more friendly and better radial icons ! :)
and you must not read the newspaper! :)

EDITED: 26 Jun 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Thanks for the interesting reply chrisd!

@Pilou: Icons are imho good when you have only a few tools/functions like MoI has, for example.
I think when having tons of tools/functions like ZBrush has, you have more a hard time to remember
what each icon means, because then you have to read the newspaper... :-)


EDITED: 26 Jun 2017 by STEFAN

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8471.34 In reply to 8471.33 
<< you have more a hard time to remember
what each icon means, because then you have to read the newspaper.

No if the icons are well designed! :)
Sure that is not an easy thing!
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 From:  BurrMan
8471.35 In reply to 8471.34 
""""Do Nothing""""!!!!!! :o

Lol. That would be AFTER you infinitely radius transpose your edge!
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 From:  chippwalters

Please show me your work then we can discuss if Z-Brush can replace all other modelers.
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Chipp,

you can see my doodles in my signature gallery link. I had also a gallery with more than 260 images hosted
at minus.com, but this service is unfortunately gone :-( . I don't know why the links provided to the ZBrush
beta 4R8 gallery link could not convince you?!

I also see no reason to further discuss this topic, because what should it tell me other than that you have
a different point of view, once i'm fully comfortable with ZBrush...

Best regards
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
P.S. with dedicated modeling apps, i meaned classic Polygon/subd modelers like Silo, MODO etc, without fancy scripts usage, where those scripts can do stuff where people would have a hard time modeling such things, regardles of poly modeler or ZModeler.

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 From:  chippwalters
"I don't know why the links provided to the ZBrush
beta 4R8 gallery link could not convince you?!"

OK, now I understand. This is a religious discussion for you.

Obviously from your gallery, you are not a master of Zbrush, yet you want everyone to believe it can replace all other modelers. Good for you.

I suspect if I were only to use programs where there were 'best-in-class' designs created, I could start with just about any 3D product; SketchUp, MoI3D, Rhino, Maya, 3DMax, 3D Coat, Blender, Modo and others all have examples with similar or better outcomes.

As one who works as a professional in the industry, I choose to not proselytize how everyone should work. I offer suggestions and my work experience. That's it.
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Chipp,

"OK, now I understand. This is a religious discussion for you. "

Funny, how you argue...

"Obviously from your gallery, you are not a master of Zbrush, yet you want everyone to believe it can replace all other modelers. Good for you."

Do i have to be one, yet?

"Will Zbrush kill all Polymodellers now ?!"

"Absolutely, categorically, NO."

But everyone should believe you...

"I choose to not proselytize how everyone should work."

I did not, if you see it that way than it is your problem.


Best regards

EDITED: 27 Jun 2017 by STEFAN

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 From:  chippwalters
8471.41 In reply to 8471.40 

My apologies. I thought you were the one contending ZBrush would kill all other modelers. Going back and reading the thread I see that was not your intention. That was what I was reacting to and it's clear now you were not defending Zbrush as the be-all end-all for all 3D.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
I am always amazed about possibilities of monsters programs of todays! :)
(put speed *2 if you have not enough times! ;)

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Chipp,

no problem, everything is o.k.!

Best regards
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Retro futurist robot by my friend Etcher (I will make its 15 notes booklets in French :)

EDITED: 3 Jul 2017 by PILOU

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