Displaying / Matching ends of curves
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 From:  bemfarmer
8468.6 In reply to 8468.1 
For a preliminary investigation of the possibilities, the following scripts and posts may be relevant.
So the endpoints can be obtained.

_PointCoordinates3, currently displays point coordinates for one point. Perhaps could be modified to compare two points, within a tolerance distance,
to see if they are identical to n decimal places, another tolerance.


I guess zooming way in runs into pixel display issues?
Does a closed curve have identical start and end points, or is there a tolerance?
Do two curves intersect, or just pass very close together?

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8468.7 In reply to 8468.1 
Hi Tom, please try the attached script, hopefully it does what you're looking for. Instructions for installing a plug-in are here.

- Michael

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.8 In reply to 8468.6 
I appreciate your tips, Brian, thank you very much !

>>I guess zooming way in runs into pixel display issues?
>>Does a closed curve have identical start and end point>>s, or is there a tolerance?
>>Do two curves intersect, or just pass very close together?

I attached an image to explain

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.9 In reply to 8468.7 
>>please try the attached script<<
The amount of support provided her is almost scary ;-)
THANK YOU, I am delighted !

There is a related topic here which I very often stumble upon :

I draw 2 curves and they should have one point in common where both of them
touch each other in identical coordinates>> see attachment

To get this done I move nearby points (symbolized by the green arrows in the attachment)
until I guess (zooming in and rotating around) that the 2 (or more) curves do now touch each other in exactly one point.

Is there a better technique than the one described to achieve that ? And :

Is there a better way to control the "perfect match" than zooming in - maybe as
done in your last "little script" ?

EDITED: 13 Jun 2017 by SIRTOM

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 From:  bemfarmer
8468.10 In reply to 8468.7 
Installed plugin as Alt+G (for example)
Added script to MoiCommand folder.

Select two curves, hit Alt+G.
If two start/end points are, (measured with CustomDistance,) at a distance less than tolerance, a point appears.
If distance is greater than tolerance, no point appears.

Question for Michael:
When selecting a curve with the mouse, is the ability to identify the nearest end to the selection point, (as Blend is able to do for 2 curves,)
available to javascript?

- Brian

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.11 In reply to 8468.10 
Will give it a run inmediately tor test!

EDITED: 13 Jun 2017 by SIRTOM

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
With the Michael one "MarkCurveMatchingEnds"
As I suppose the polygon has only one Start End...(itself alone don't works (as not considered as a curve ? ) )

(here 5 simple curves and 1 polyline)

so 5 connections if matching! :)


EDITED: 13 Jun 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.13 In reply to 8468.12 
Hi Pilou,

In my test run all matching points where displayed.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8468.14 In reply to 8468.13 
Test with the file linked above ! ;)
Works if I "Separe" the polygon!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8468.15 In reply to 8468.9 
@Tom - one thing I forgot to mention is that the way it works is it looks for endpoints within 0.00000001 of each other, not exactly equal. Usually it's not so good to compare floating point numbers for exact equality because it's normal for very very small differences to be there. But if you want you can adjust the tolerance value in the script. I'll reply to your other question in a separate post.

@Pilou, re:
> so 5 connections if matching! :)

If you use Edit > Separate on the polyline it should then work like you're asking I think.

@Brian, re:
> When selecting a curve with the mouse, is the ability to identify the nearest end to
> the selection point, (as Blend is able to do for 2 curves,) available to javascript?

Sorry no it's not accessible to script currently. If you can remind me about it again once v4 betas are underway I can add it.

- Michael
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.16 In reply to 8468.12 
Pilou, you had the segments of the curves connected. for the script
to identify points there should be points ;-) see attachment

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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.17 In reply to 8468.15 
<< @Tom - one thing I forgot to mention is that the way it works is it looks for endpoints within 0.00000001 of each other, not exactly equal. Usually it's not so good to compare floating point numbers for exact equality because it's normal for very very small differences to be there. But if you want you can adjust the tolerance value in the script>>

This tolerance should be by far enough in order to create perfectly smOoth surfaces out
of the curves.

The goal is to avoid bigger gaps as the surfaces created would have wobbling edges
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8468.18 In reply to 8468.9 
Hi Tom, re:

> I draw 2 curves and they should have one point in common where both of them
> touch each other in identical coordinates>> see attachment

Do you mean that the curves currently don't touch in the z direction and that's where you're adjusting them?

Can you please post the 3DM model file for your example?

Maybe working with just half of your adjusting curve so that it had an endpoint where you wanted it to touch could work better, then you'd adjust the last 2 points and move the endpoint right onto the spot you want it to touch, then mirror or rotate a copy of it to get the other half.

Right now it's difficult to adjust some point on the curve that's not an end or corner point like that, although when you have control points of a curve turned on you can drag directly on the curve to move the point on the curve to another location but there isn't a way to grab the midpoint of the curve as the spot being located.

> Is there a better way to control the "perfect match" than zooming in - maybe as
> done in your last "little script" ?

Sorry I don't understand this part, are you talking about the endpoint marking script?

- Michael
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.19 In reply to 8468.18 
>>Do you mean that the curves currently don't touch in the z direction and that's where you're adjusting them?
Can you please post the 3DM model file for your example?<<

I attached an example. The points show where the curves should intersect in a way that they share
a common point (within the tolerance you have talked about in your former post)>>Right now it's difficult to adjust some point on the curve that's not an end or corner point like that<<

Thats what I mean. When working with curves located in a 2D plane it is easy but when the
curves are "freeform 3D", it is a challenge to arrange them in a way that they touch each
other in exactly one point. (I use to zoom in and move them around with the Nudge script at very low
values till I visually guess there is no gap left between them.>> Is there a better way to control the "perfect match" than zooming in - maybe as
done in your last "little script" ?
Sorry I don't understand this part <<

It is not easy to know if the curves do touch each other as close as possible or if there is a remaining gap between them.

So I thought if it maybe possible to run over a script similar to "MarkCurveMatchingEnds"
which will "DisplayCurveCommonPoints" to ensure that the respective curves do indeed
touch each other in one point.

But it may not be possible as there are no "real points"

Sorry its a bit difficult to explain ,,,

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8468.20 In reply to 8468.19 
Hi Tom, re:

> So I thought if it maybe possible to run over a script similar to "MarkCurveMatchingEnds"
> which will "DisplayCurveCommonPoints" to ensure that the respective curves do indeed
> touch each other in one point.

If I understand you correctly, you can select the 2 curves and use the Construct > Curve > Isect command which will intersect the 2 curves and should give a point object at areas where the curves are within 0.001 units of each other. I'll take a look at your file here next.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8468.21 In reply to 8468.19 
Hi Tom, I took a look at your file but there's 31 curves in it so I'm not sure where I should be looking for the question you had here:

Could you please simplify it and only have the curves in it that you had in your screenshot with the green arrows?

Certainly it is going to be difficult to manage so many curves all needing to intersect each other with everything swooping around in 3D at the same time. It might be better to use a smaller number of curves if possible like only focus on ones in one direction and loft between those or something like that.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< If you use Edit> Separate on the polyline it should then work like you're asking I think.
Yes fine!

If i good remember when 2 points or more are overlaped in the same x,y,z
there was a red square... but don't remember in what Function(s) and if it's always living! :)

@ Tom
Seems you are confused by "Control Points" and Points who are possibly on a curve!

EDITED: 13 Jun 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8468.23 In reply to 8468.22 
Hi Pilou,

> If i good remember when 2 points or more are overlaped in the same x,y,z
> there was a red square... but don't remember in what Function(s) and if it's always living! :)

The red square is if you have 2 of a single curve's own control points (the points you see if you select one curve and use Edit > Show pts) stacked up on top of each other. That has to do with the points just in one curve, not anything about multiple curves touching each other.

- Michael
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
8468.24 In reply to 8468.21 
So here reduced to 2 curves.

There is a tiny gap between them.

How do I achieve that the grey one will share an overlapping point with
the red one ? I have no point to pull, so I move the 2 nearby points
with the nudge commands visually till I guess the gap is gone.

Is there a way to let MOI tell me - yes the gap is less than 0,000001 now ?

EDITED: 13 Jun 2017 by SIRTOM


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8468.25 In reply to 8468.24 
Hi Tom, can you please post the 3DM file too?

- Michael
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