Export Import Moi3d - 3dCoat
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 From:  PaQ
8315.4 In reply to 8315.1 
Hi Ced,

Settings really depends on how far you can push 3d coat voxels resolution.

So A,B,C are 3 mesh versions from the same sphere primitive.

1) Low density voxel density grid : the difference between the 3 base mesh resolution doesn't really matter.
2) Medium voxel density grid : Model A is clearly too low for that resolution (faceted result), Model B and C give more less the same result
3) High voxel density grid : Only model C is dense enough to give smooth result.

As you can see, the key is to find a good balance between the voxel resolution and the input model density, and it requires a little bit of experimentation.

Personally I'll try to push MoI tessellation density as heavy as I can.

You can control this Mesh density in MoI using the angle based parameter, the lowest you go, the smoother the result will be.
MoI is still a 32bits application, so you will be limited anyway at some point. I usually also use the 'divide larger than' parameter to tesselate the mesh even more if I can.
'Quad and Tris' is probably the way to go, so you avoid import problems.

Then you have to try to push 3dcoat voxel density as dense as you can. This is done by scaling up the model before voxelisation.
If think there is an auto-scale option on mesh import that should give you a good starting point. If you start to see a 'faceted' result, you are pushing the density to high for
the input mesh.

Hope it helps a little bit.

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Perfect reply!~ Makes more sense and offers more clarity than anything else I could find on the web!

Too bad there aren't explanatory TOOL TIPS on the controls of most programs like there are on ROCKET 3F.

Thank you PaQ~
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 From:  BurrMan
8315.6 In reply to 8315.5 
It's ALL clear now..... no WONDER!
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 From:  mkdm
Hi everyone!

Regarding the workflow Moi->3DCoat, over the last few months I've been practicing with it,
and for what I've learned so far I can tell you that 3DCoat can offer different ways to achieve very good results even without push the polycount to huge values.

All depends on what kind of modelling you want to do into that workflow and what kind of models you're exporting from Moi to 3DCoat.

Now I can't explain better but keep in mind that for organic stuff you can follows some very basic rules within 3DCoat :

1) First of all remember that 3DCoat has not only Voxels but also a very efficient Surface engine
2) You can start importing from obj files with very low amount of polygons and increase the density while you advance into the sculpting process.
3) When you importing from obj files, regardless in you are in Voxel or in Surface, you can use the option "Flat Subdivision" that within 3DCoat
will give you the chance to perform a "first step" smoothing

When I have some extra free time I'm going to post a video tutorial about that.

See you.

- Marco (mkdm)
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That clip will be a dream come true! Exactly what's needed - Great News!
Looking forward to watching that...


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 From:  chippwalters
Another key point is whether or not you're looking to 'voxelize' in 3D Coat or just use 3DC to apply appropriate UV maps. I've been doing the latter a lot lately with Rubbermaid and Coleman CAD files and it works great as a basic UV Mapping tool and PBR shader workflow. You can then use Marmoset, Element 3D, Unity, UE4 or InstantLight.

Using 3D Coat, it's easy to add normal map wrinkles, bumps and textures on your model (in my case a tent) and you don't need (or really want) a super high poly model. Lots of times smaller is better.

Also, something very interesting I posted on one of my last videos: Exporting from MoI3D to SketchUp can create a better smoothed normal object for import into 3D Coat. 3DC doesn't have normal map smoothing and a 'coarser' mesh coming out of MoI3D can have smoothing errors (see my video starting at 9 minute mark:)

Lastly, for those interested in Unity, I'm getting some very high rez photoreal renders (realtime) out of it using MoI models. While I can't show any at this time, I will be adding some more public ones soon and will gladly share. The 3DC -> Unity is a wonderful workflow as it's so damn easy to go back and forth using the 3DC->Unity plugin.

Also, the same is VERY TRUE for SketchUp to Unity (save in SU 2015 format) and you can easily go back and forth with the built in SU support. It's pretty cool as you can assign those cheesey maps in SU to objects, (which is a MUST if you want to map in Unity-- assigning an image texture map in SU automatically generates UVs for the model-- though not necessarily very good ones) then double click the images to open them in Photoshop, upscale them 8X and add in your own texture and then save and it's automatically loaded back into Unity-- wonderful! Also, you can take an RGB texture, duplicate it, and add it as a NORMAL map in Unity and it will automatically render it out as a normal map. Pretty sweet.

Truly the SU workflow in Unity is something to behold-- especially if going to VR. Cool stuff!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
I don't know if that can interest you but there is new tool for SKetchUp or as Standalone :)
Access closses 28 february! ;)

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 From:  chippwalters
8315.11 In reply to 8315.10 
Yep saw this and downloaded it already. Very well done! Finally a professional level UV unwrapper for SketchUp!
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Do I get this?

Workflow between Moi3d & 3dCoat is complimented by using SketchUp as an intermediary too?

Does that make spending 695 USD a necessity?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
8315.13 In reply to 8315.12 
No you have SketchUp Make for 0$ !
Pro is only for "Pro use" who need to program Dynamic Components, Layouts for architects and some function like Boolean*...;)
SketchUp Make is not licensed for commercial work.
With "Make" you can use Dynamic Components!
And of course 99% of Plugins (maybe more 2 000 plugins are existing for anything! )

(when you downoad "Make" you have "Pro" version functions for a month then becomes "Make" !

As we say :Moi is the "SketchUp of the Nurbs" so you can imagine how easy it is! :)

You can even use SketchUp as Subdivision with 2 "Plugins"
Artisan (39$) https://artisan4sketchup.com/
or SUbD (20$) http://evilsoftwareempire.com/subd

Else SKetchUp is the program who have the more Render engines dedicated! :)
The more easy and funny is this free one!
http://getvisualizer.com/ (till SketchUp 2016)
else this very free cool one (maxi 1920 *1080) SimLab Composer Light (as it's a Standalone you can use it for Moi! )
: http://www.simlab-soft.com/3d-products/simlab-composer-freelicensee.php#light

* Booleans are now existing for "Make" for 20 $ ;) http://mindsightstudios.com/booltools-2/

PS You can also use SketchUp for free "Online" but there is no plugin! (not recommanded for that you want but funny!
and very pedagogic for learn & use only native tools! :)

My little try(s) of my SketchUp :)

EDITED: 22 Feb 2017 by PILOU

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Well that's more good news! Thank you for that!
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