ICONS - GUI Closed
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I've been combing through the Moi Discussion Forum like a Racoon going through a dumpster - snatching scripts and whatever juicy tidbits I can find and stuffing them in - I feel like a kid in a candy store.

Is there any hope that we could purchase a Moi already setup with all this stuffing ALREADY INSTALLED?

If not - is there a possibility I can go after a RESELLER license and sell a version of Moi that ALREADY HAS all the WHISTLES & BELLS as well as the COOL NIGHTSTALKER GUI?

It is time consuming to FISH through the Forum Pond trying to find these gold nuggets - and then one-by-one installing them, thinking up myriad shortcut commands - etc., and my hair turned white.

What you need is a version that caters to artists with narcissistic tendencies or narcissistic personality disorder - there's a huge market out there for that.



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 From:  Michael Gibson
8236.14 In reply to 8236.13 
Hi Ced,

> Is there any hope that we could purchase a Moi already setup with all this

Yes, eventually. In the future I do want to make a plug-in browser that will make it easier to find and install plug-ins.

> If not - is there a possibility I can go after a RESELLER license and sell a version of Moi that ALREADY

No, I think that could be confusing for people to have too many versions available. But in the future I do also want to also have a dark theme that would be bundled with the standard MoI install so you could switch between a couple of different UI themes.

I'm not exactly sure when these things will happen though, I have a lot more basic stuff than that which is higher priority currently.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
8236.15 In reply to 8236.13 
Burr's two lists of Scripts and Commands, as 9 Feb 2016:


Almost the 1 year anniversary, time for an update? Hint Hint.

- Brian


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 From:  BurrMan
8236.16 In reply to 8236.15 
Hey Brian,

""""""""""""""Almost the 1 year anniversary, time for an update?""""""""""""""""""

Wow, time flies!

I was able to keep a distant eye on things and that list remains fairly comprehensive back to around 10 years.

Its just messy. If it were categorized and documented well, it would fit well into something like this:

For me I think waiting for Michaels solution to a repository is what I'll wait for though....

I only have a couple weeks left before I am back to being a constant eyesore!!!

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Yes! This is what's needed - a ZIP download of all the WHISTLES & BELLS to add the gravy train to the Moi Mix! Getting all the gold nuggets off this forum is like finding a needle in a haystack! And then you are required to read through reams & reams of unintelligible drivel to find the ultimate warrior - the latest-greatest updated node - script - and after that - download each file - navigate to the commands folder - unzip la-te-da - x 50x... (yawn) and finally - at the end of the day you have Moi Plus!

Why not simplify the process for the proletarians, the sloggers?

Make one nice big fat 5# round 1940's silverscreen early depression ZIP FILE with all 10#'s of add-on scripts in it? and POOF! Done!

The lazy man's way to Moi Fat Man!

In fact - I'd be willing to PAY for that, why don't all of us contribute to the package for Michael to sell? Charge 9.99 USD for the file - and VOILA!

Myself? I'd be thrilled to make some ICONS and suggestions for the GUI interface design-skinz.
Cedrique Le Magnifique


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8236.18 In reply to 8236.17 
Hi Ced,

> Why not simplify the process for the proletarians, the sloggers?

That is something I'd like to do in the future - I'd like to make a script browser that you could open from within MoI which would make it easier to find and install scripts. So at some point it should be a simpler process.

Most scripts though are special purpose things that were developed to help someone with a particular problem and aren't really helpful for regular use.

- Michael
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Michael, can you make a repository where people can upload them (scripts)? Some kind of 'dropBox' where they can be downloaded and installed in one swell-foop?

In fact - if you had a 'sign-off' document - everyone could throw stuff into the pile - sign off on it - and you could sell the ADD-ON download for the 'fat-boy' Moi3d zip download for 9.99 which would be considered (I think) the community contribution towards supporting development - I doubt I'm the only one on board who would like to participate in your project.

Besides - that. I have a little difficulty moving objects into folders ha-ha. I want to HIGHLIGHT an object(s) and CHANGE FOLDER or COPY TO FOLDER - or click&drag to the sidebar - into the folder -
What do you say?

Below is the GUI to die for~ and I understand it has a worldwide, royalty-free non-exclusive license so it can be posted here. http://customize.org/site/agreement
From this website http://customize.org/rainmeter/skins/65675085

Cederique Le Magnifique


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 From:  Michael Gibson
8236.20 In reply to 8236.19 
Hi Ced,

> Michael, can you make a repository where people can upload them (scripts)? Some kind of 'dropBox'
> where they can be downloaded and installed in one swell-foop?

Yes, in the future I do want to make a script browser to make it easier to browse and install scripts as I think I've mentioned before. Part of that would involve making an online storage site that would contain the scripts. I wouldn't expect for it to install 300 scripts with one button press though, you could go find ones that would be useful to you and install those particular ones. There will be quite a bit of work involved in implementing this and so I'm not exactly sure when it will get done, it's not a high priority at the moment.

> Besides - that. I have a little difficulty moving objects into folders ha-ha. I want to
> HIGHLIGHT an object(s) and CHANGE FOLDER or COPY TO FOLDER - or click&drag to
> the sidebar - into the folder -
> What do you say?

Well, MoI doesn't have anything named "Folders" in it as of yet, are you talking about styles here? You can already use the Scene Browser to assign selected objects to a style by clicking on the color swatch.

> Below is the GUI to die for

It's very nice to look at but certainly not at all appropriate for MoI - MoI is focused on being an efficient tool, it's much better if MoI's own UI does not draw excessive attention to itself with so much extraneous ornamentation like that. Something like that would be great for a game instead of a productivity oriented app like MoI.

- Michael
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Make a COPY & PASTE style input page - on the forum - or under a separate folder 'PIGPEN' where you could muddy up the interface with DEVIANT SCRIPTS without all the hassle to multiple copy & paste.

I've never copied ^ pasted so much in my whole life - I've been through a gallon of Ben & Jerry's White Supreme Creme dealing with this! I can't go on! Cruel world...
Anastasia Quackenbush
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8236.22 In reply to 8236.21 
Hi Ced, usually when I make a script for someone it's to help them with a particular problem, and I don't really want to do any other steps like posting them somewhere else at least not until some future time when I've got some process set up for a script repository. Why is it that you're trying to install so many scripts in the first place?

If the copy and pasting is so troublesome, I'd recommend to just not worry about installing so many scripts at this time most of which you're most likely not going to be using anyway. Instead, if you run into a problem with your work and you think some script might help, post a question about your particular problem at hand and what you're trying to do and then I or someone else can look up any existing script for you and tell you where to go to get it if you are unable to locate it by the search function yourself.

Eventually I do expect to make a better process for browsing and installing scripts. At the moment it's not a focus area though.

- Michael
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Ha-ha! "Why do I install so many specialized scripts?"

ANS: Because I draw extremely complex natural organic shapes - mingled with a touch of M.C. Escher - SteamPunk - Gothic - Medieval - Industrial - Early Depression Art themes, and I need the parametric - terrazo - squishy - reverse matrix - chaos theory symmetry found at the base of a naked Oak Tree - in the leaf patterns below - not to mention the textures, light & dirt... therein.

Therefore - the more tools I have in my toolbox to perform a surgical procedure the better!

Furthermore - as far as eyes? Nothing is more restful than BLACK & shades of grey - whereas the pale-greenish-white yellowish interface that is standard fare resembles (to me) mashed potatoes served in a Super Max - with maggots for ICONS.

No need to feel insulted, I understand you're a wizard of sorts - or an engineer - and nature gave you a lobotomy on the art neurons - whereas those very same art-neurons in my head are hybrids - cloned with narcissist superbugs and virulent eye socketry that see's, uh, differently than what programmers have. I look like a christmas tree compared to a programmer, like perhaps Bill Gates, who looks like a burnt match stick in my view when it comes to art. However, Gates afforded himself a bonafide copy of Leonardo daVinci's sketches - so something is to be said for his taste in art.

I needed a relaxing black interface - with myriad tools - in order to be limitless.
Cheers - in hopes my dry humor won't be banned outright too soon - although honestly though I might sound snotty - I'm not. It just seems weird that there are so many cool scripts mingled into this forum - like gold nuggets - and they are hidden.

I see so many ways to make the GUI striking - and the software loaded like a nest of yellow jackets - and I want it that way. I'm creating just that - however - it's more difficult than necessary - and I wonder why -
Marmaduke Lambert III
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8236.24 In reply to 8236.23 
Hi Ced, re: "extremely complex natural organic shapes" - MoI is just not designed to do that type of job, it's focused on making it very quick and easy to do simple man made mechanical types of shapes. I'd guess this may be fundamentally why you're trying to find all these other kinds of scripts that are not prepackaged with MoI, but you'd probably be better off using a tool that is more in line with the type of work that you're trying to do.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8236.25 In reply to 8236.23 

> I see so many ways to make the GUI striking - and the software loaded like a
> nest of yellow jackets - and I want it that way. I'm creating just that - however
> - it's more difficult than necessary - and I wonder why -

Well, MoI is fundamentally intended to be easy to use and have a light and streamlined workflow and UI. The concept of "loaded like a nest of yellow jackets" is pretty much exactly opposite of those goals, so that's the reason why.

There are already other programs out there that cater to the "loaded like a nest of yellow jackets" type of design, but a lot of people find the complexity that goes along with that has a lot of negative side effects like being hard to learn for example. The reason why MoI exists is to provide a counterpoint to that, to make a CAD tool that puts accessibility as a fundamental target.

Now of course you're certainly welcome to use MoI in other ways than what it was designed for, and I've made things quite flexible so that it's possible to modify MoI in many ways to suit your needs, but still the simple answer to why it isn't set up the way you want is that it's designed with different goals than what you have.

- Michael
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Yes & no. People customize 'normal' motorcycles into monsters - and the EASE OF USE and SENSIBILITY which is inherent in Moi3d is incomparable to other CAD software - e.g., Blender is a nightmare, ProEng is a complete disaster (for my purposes), and I intensely 'dis' CLOUD based lease programs - so Moi3d is the 'sweet spot' - it's sensible - easy to use - easy to learn - and it's lightening fast to work within - however - it's a NAKED MAJA in my view.

Therefore - adding the ornaments is like decorating a tree - or customizing a motorcycle - turning Moi3d into a hotrod!

I'm accomplishing that task - it just seems apparent that if there were a REPOSITORY where all these scripts were - and would UNZIP into the COMMANDS FOLDER - why not?

Why not even get people to sign a release and sell them? I'd throw some GUI SKINS & ICONS into the bag -
Vlad the Impaler
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8236.27 In reply to 8236.26 
Hi Ced,

> it just seems apparent that if there were a REPOSITORY where all these scripts were - and
> would UNZIP into the COMMANDS FOLDER - why not?

Well as I've said seemingly over and over again, that is indeed something I want to add in to MoI. It just has not happened yet because other things are higher priority. The reason why it is not a very high priority is because (again as I explained above) the "loaded like a nest of yellow jackets" type of concept is not what MoI is fundamentally aimed at. Things that align more closely with MoI's main design goals just come first.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
I am unsure of issues regarding the distinction between commercial and open source, but some unofficial scripts might have "open source" code
with various "license" types... (?)
- Brian
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 From:  chippwalters
Other than the godrays piling through the clouds, I'm particularly not fond of that interface. I guess it does harken back to a time when game interfaces and skeuomorphic interfaces were all the rage (I've certainly seen and designed my share of them!).

Frankly, the MoI3D interface is clearly defined by design to be simple, friendly, unassuming and approachable. So is the logo and brand. It's not meant to be Gigantor Enterprises, but rather a lifestyle company with best-in-class customer support and superior ease-of-use. If that's the correct brand message-- it's coming through loud and clear.

For those interested in more complex interfaces, there are plenty to choose from. If the requirement is lots of organic capabilities, I might suggest 3D Coat. It's a huge program with a steep learning curve with which you can build just about anything...as long as it's not supposed to be part of a CAD file somewhere.

I applaud Michael's design sensibilities and focus on simplicity. As one who has just recently switched from Mac to PC, and then tried to work in Powerpoint having worked the past years in Keynote, I can attest to Michael's "simpler is better" rule when it comes to interface design. Ugh! The ribbon interface is just HORRIBLE!
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Uh - yeah. The point I'm making is that there are gadZillions of super cool specialized SCRIPTS that go into the COMMAND FOLDER buried in the forum. I'm suggesting that if someone when through all the drivel on this forum with a minesweeper and ferreted out all those scripts and placed them into a ZIP FILE that would install them directly into the command folder - in one fell-swoop - like a dump truck load - that would be totally sick. However, better yet, would be an ADD-ON that would permit you to SORT which ones you wanted - and whether or not you wanted a POP-UP WINDOW with the ICONS or prefer to have a bloated SHORT-CUT key style access - one or the other - myself - I prefer the icons in a window - and throwing in a few SKINS wouldn't hurt either - like this:

Most damned beautiful interface with the sickest set of custom scripts ever!
Moi Resident Artist,
Agrafena Quackenbush


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 From:  BurrMan
8236.31 In reply to 8236.30 
"""""". I'm suggesting that if someone when through all the drivel on this forum with a minesweeper and ferreted out all those scripts and placed them into a ZIP FILE that would install them directly into the command folder - in one fell-swoop - like a dump truck load """""

The zip file linked to here is exactly that (minus the forced into the actual MoI root folder. Thats because not everyone wants the entire truckload.) Is it really that hard to unzip it and move the whole thing in? I can make a zip for you that will do that.

Including the UI customization is a moot point. You dont want how i have customized mine.

Also, Michael answered he is planning everything you're requesting.

UI customization can be acheived with the gui builder script by chipp! But thats kindof moot too, if you want to follow the development of MoI.
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Yeah - Like buying a factory car - then you get the 'leather seat covers' + 'Bose speakers' + racing wheels - et al and the dealer tells you you can find them in the junk yard - go dig there.

Having, rather, to do nothing more than peruse a CHECKLIST and SELECT the add-ons - and UNZIP into the commands folder all the HOT ADD-ONS would turn this chimp into KING-KONG!

The benefit of Moi3d - in my humble opinion - is that Michael has some sort of aberration in his development in which he's developed a CAD designer's DAY DREAM - in terms of drivability -

In other words - all the other CAD programs handle like a FORD TAURUS where's Moi3d handles like a Bugatti - in terms of handling tools.

Like Apple - they are compulsive obsessive minimalist's - to the extreme - they made minimalism ugly and Apple's glory has been snuffed-out.

Michael - on the other hand - has developed the SUSPENSION in a CAD program that gives it DRIVABILITY - it handles super! However - the PANCAKE MIX AUNT JEMIMA style GUI with the EXTREME COOL STUFF sitting in boxes in the WOMEN'S AUXILIARY LOUNGE isn't wise - when they - the cool GUI'S & custom SCRIPTS - could be unpacked and added with a few terse clicks -

That stuff is like adding NITROUS OXIDE to your Moi fuel!

SCRIPT: Take the 'Poincaré Conjecture' - "In mathematics, the Poincaré conjecture (/pwɛn.kɑːˈreɪ/ pwen-kar-ay; French: [pwɛ̃kaʁe])[1] is a theorem about the characterization of the 3-sphere, which is the hypersphere that bounds the unit ball in four-dimensional space. The conjecture states: Every simply connected, closed 3-manifold is homeomorphic to the 3-sphere.

An equivalent form of the conjecture involves a coarser form of equivalence than homeomorphism called homotopy equivalence: if a 3-manifold is homotopy equivalent to the 3-sphere, then it is necessarily homeomorphic to it.

Originally conjectured by Henri Poincaré, the theorem concerns a space that locally looks like ordinary three-dimensional space but is connected, finite in size, and lacks any boundary (a closed 3-manifold). The Poincaré conjecture claims that if such a space has the additional property that each loop in the space can be continuously tightened to a point, then it is necessarily a three-dimensional sphere. The analogous conjectures for all higher dimensions had already been proved.

After nearly a century of effort by mathematicians, Grigori Perelman presented a proof of the conjecture in three papers made available in 2002 and 2003 on arXiv. The proof built upon the program of Richard S. Hamilton to use the Ricci flow to attempt to solve the problem. Hamilton later introduced a modification of the standard Ricci flow, called Ricci flow with surgery to systematically excise singular regions as they develop, in a controlled way, but was unable to prove this method "converged" in three dimensions. Perelman completed this portion of the proof. Several teams of mathematicians verified that Perelman's proof was correct." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poincar%C3%A9_conjecture

The Poincaré conjecture, before being proved, was one of the most important open questions in topology. and so to have a SCRIPT that would unravel a 3-sphere so that each loop can be continuously tightened to a point would be MY DREAM!

However - I'm an artist - not a SCRIPT WRITER.

Therefor I troll places (ha-ha) where I can find scripts which I think may help me achieve - as an anti-minimalist - my goals - which are another story. Basically, not that it matters - 'steam/diesel punk with soft/hard/rotten parametrics & surf flowing' design - hybrid natural with man-made - my own garden variety marmalade.

What's gripped me - is Michael's common sense suspension - Moi3d's handling is HOT HOT HOT!

H. Gene Variation

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