Suggestions for Modeling special laundry basket

 From:  ActiveRendering (DJBLUEPRINT)
Hi there,

I want to recreate this one in MoI:

Do you have any suggestions for me how to start, especially how to achieve the interwoven structure?

Thanks in advance.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Make a cross module
then array
then Flow
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  bemfarmer
8227.3 In reply to 8227.1 
stripThickness = 0.05 units
vertical strips = warp
warpWidth = 1.0 units
warpNum = 38 (must be an even number)
warpSpace = 0.9 on average. This will vary near corners to match rounded rectangles, as sides are tapered.

horizontal strips = weft
weftWidth = 1.0 units
weftnum = 8
weftSpace = 0.4

Horizontal slices will be along rounded rectangles.
Rounded rectangles will be slightly larger at the top, versus the bottom.
The warpSpace will be used to compensate for the different rounded rectangle lengths, near the corners.
Cross sections of the warp strips will need to be arrayed along the rounded rectangle curve, with corner adjustment.

Getting the weft curve:
It is assumed that the weft and warp are offset by each others width.
Using the x-axis to represent a rounded rectangle curve:
From the top view, place warp cross sections along and below the x-axis, separated horizontally by warpSpace.
Place points at the two bottom corners of each even warp strip cross section.
Move these even warp cross sections towards the center of the basket, (+y), by stripThickness, to be just above the x-axis,
but leave the two points behind.
Using through point curve, connect the appropriate points to make the weft curve.
These points are the top two corner points of the first (odd) warp cross section, and the two (formerly bottom)
points of the second (even) warp cross section, etc.
This will make a cosine-like NURBS curve, which is one side of an average weft curve.
This weft curve can be offset towards the center of the basket, and extruded to its thickness, along the angle of the vertical slope of the basket.

Similar for the curvature of the warp strips, using sloped side of the basket with weft cross section and weft space...
- Brian

EDITED: 16 Aug 2022 by BEMFARMER

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 From:  bemfarmer
2 by 2 tiles could be created...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
8227.5 In reply to 8227.1 
Hi ActiveRendering, it tends to be a lot easier to make a repeating pattern like that all flat on the ground at first and then use Flow when you're done to warp it onto a curved surface as opposed to drawing the interwoven strands directly in place.

To make the pattern, something like this, start by drawing a control point curve with grid snap turned on placing points in a straight line and then move the ends downwards like this:

Then use Construct > Extrude to extrude the curve into a wide surface, then select the widened surface and run Extrude again to give it thickness:

Make a 90 degree rotated copy of it, quick way is to hold down ctrl and drag on the edit frame rotation handle:

Move the rotated piece over:

Copy this over diagonally one cell step to make the base pattern:

Then use Transform > Array > Grid to replicate the pattern, having used grid snap earlier can make it easier to figure out the array cell size you need.

Then you'll put a large plane under that which will be the base surface for Flow, then you'll have a curved vertical surface as the target for the Flow. There are some examples of Flow here:

I've attached 3DM file with an example starting cell, it's ready to be arrayed with a grid size of 15x15 to make the pattern.

- Michael

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 From:  bigseb
On a tangent: that would be really hard to injection mould as is. You'd need slides for the weave pattern but these would interfere the deep rim...



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Message 8227.7 deleted 22 Dec 2016 by BEMFARMER

 From:  bemfarmer
Google searches were mostly non-productive, but many other interesting topics were discovered!

After more pondering, it becomes clear that weaving strips would mechanically behave as elastica curves.
The _Elastica2 script, with a mu or U.value of around 0.95 to 0.98 seems very promising.

- Brian

EDITED: 24 Dec 2016 by BEMFARMER

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