Whats going to be MOI 3d v4
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 From:  RayCAD003 (RAYCAD1962)
8028.3 In reply to 8028.2 
Hi Michael,

I am so happy what you told me regarding the Solid Editing commands that you consider it very important to be including into MOI 3D v4.

I notice a lot of important commands into MOI 3D folder command not including on the UI and if someone needs to used them first needs to put them on the shortcuts keys and then used them. It is not practical for me, I think its a waist of time. If you include them on a pull down menu, everybody can reach them understand. I so a lot of users using this system on MOI 3D. I like to know how to include them on my MOI 3D when I need them. Could you tell me how please?

Could you include the ribbon menu to minimized tabs command icons in MOI 3D v4 to have more working area space.

Can I import 3D AutoCAD models in MOI 3D for improvements.

Thanks again for your support in MOI 3D.



EDITED: 18 Jul 2016 by RAYCAD1962

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8028.4 In reply to 8028.3 
Hi RC,

> I notice a lot of important commands into MOI 3D folder command not including on the UI and
> if someone needs to used them first needs to put them on the shortcuts keys and then used
> them.

You mean the ones listed here: http://moi3d.com/3.0/docs/moi_command_reference10.htm#Additional%20commands ?

Those are generally rarely used during normal operation and so not really important and haven't been a big priority yet to bring into the main UI. I do have some ideas on how to incorporate them in the future, but it's a major priority for MoI to keep a streamlined and light feeling UI and so I don't tend to put things at the top until I have figured out a good place for them, or better yet if their functions can be built in to some other already existing command.

It is possible to modify the MoI UI to put whatever buttons you want at the top though, the UI is defined by .htm files that are in the ui subfolder which can be edited. You might want to install Max's plug-in which extends the UI and adds some new menus:

> Could you include the ribbon menu to minimized tabs command icons in
> MOI 3D v4 to have more working area space.

Sorry no that's not possible - the Microsoft ribbon is a horizontal bar and MoI needs a vertical bar because many of MoI's commands have options that you can change and the vertical layout works better for holding controls like checkboxes and dropdowns and such. Those are the controls that appear in the upper right area of the MoI window when you are running a command.

> Can I import 3D AutoCAD models in MOI 3D for improvements.

Yes, you can do this by using SAT format for transferring your solid models between AutoCAD and MoI. There is some info here on which commands to use in AutoCAD to do this:

MoI does also import DXF files but it's only for "classic" 2D drafting type objects like lines, polylines and arcs - not 3D solids.

- Michael
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 From:  RayCAD003 (RAYCAD1962)
8028.5 In reply to 8028.4 
Hi Michael,

Thank you so much for helping me in MOI 3D. If you want to see my 3D Models that I create with MOI 3D v3 you can access the Gallery of this site.

Thanks again.



EDITED: 19 Jul 2016 by RAYCAD1962

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 From:  Michael Gibson
8028.6 In reply to 8028.5 
Great job on your projects, Raymond!

- Michael
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