new MoI Logo/Icon concept
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Why don't re-take the original one that you can decline with round corners, tondo, spheric effect, reflect etc...

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  TOM (SIRTOM)
7994.13 In reply to 7994.11 
>> start thinking about what is current<<

Hi chipp,

Could you point to some good examples of what you would consider as "up to date"
graphic / logo design ?

EDITED: 20 Jun 2016 by SIRTOM

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
I suppose there's a good balance between designing what looks right in the 'eye of the beholder' and common sense in good communication.

Here's one take:

Steve Jobs was a proponent of skeuomorphism (making things look realistic and glossy) which, when he was alive (and Apple was thriving) represented an era of 'new' tech achievement due to "iris"-level color and graphic representation on devices that were not possible a decade earlier.
It was the age of AlienSkin Eye Candy filters. Apparently, as electronic devices became more sterile in design, the glossy/gooey effect began to look a little garish and thus outdated. MS and Google eventually pressed in with the current and more aesthetically functional "flat" look that has become the modern norm.

My observation (as a designer) is that the "architectural" styling the author in the linked article described is actually the old-hat scheme that higher-end advertising firms have been pushing since the 90's, which by the way is not what you see when you look at what constitutes as mass-consumer product packaging which still uses a lot of 3-D shading, drop shadows and 'bling.'

Styling is very demographics-based if not regional, believe it or not. And really, what comes to the surface in the mainstream is often what is considered to be economically trendy.

Ultimately as Chipp so expressed, good design all comes down to common sense and good communication.
Many of us have grown along with Michael's Moi and understand his direction which aims for a program that is approachable, easy and even fun.

The original cartoon icon is perfect!

I personally don't like knocking any artist's attempt, but I can say that the light 'bulb' itself is out of date as most of those types aren't even really sold in stores here anymore unless they're specialty types like halogen. Since the induction of LED lamps the shape of what constitutes a "light bulb" has blurred and really, the classic shape has become the 'classic'.
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 From:  mkdm
7994.15 In reply to 7994.1 
Hi ptaszek,

Thank you very much for your contribution.

Although i welcome your idea of thinking about the V4 Moi's logo,
i must say that i much prefer the statue icon, 'cause it's a very interesting subject.

Nice day,

Marco (mkdm).
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 From:  BurrMan
7994.16 In reply to 7994.15 
The logo? The icon?

First, the Moai is a brilliant sketch. When i look at it combined with a few years of interaction with michael, this forum and MoI, i would not, or ever change it.

The icon conveys "artistic" to me. (It was also flat before microsoft or any other entity told me THATS what i was supposed to want/need/enjoy)

looking at the screengrab from apple, there is ZERO about it that represents an ARTIST or anything innovative to me. Development and innovation has moved into a ux era, but most current systems confuse that with "change the way everything looks and release it. Be sure to add the year to the new build!"

I vote change either =zero.
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 From:  OSTexo

Design trends tend to keep designers in business. Convince enough people that the "trend" is the "in thing" and it ends up becoming one. I wonder if anyone has bothered to count how many "trends" actually became the "in thing". I happen to like the original logo for the story it represents, the new images sort of suck the life out of the brand. I also happen to think if the logo was going to change something more interesting could be done with the moai as mkdm suggested.
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 From:  chippwalters
While there certainly is a lot of 'fashion' and 'trendiness' in design, it's not all fluff. Skeuomorphism arose from a need to make highly technical interfaces comfortable and familiar. While it first appeared in the early PARC desktops, Jobs brought it to mainstream with the original Mac OS, with it's "folders, documents and trash cans." The heyday of skeuomorphic interfaces culminated with beautifully rendered interfaces for the iPhone where the goal was to make a very limited technical device be as simple, intuitive, straightforward and friendly to use as possible.

Along came better processors, larger screen sizes and more complicated 'non-modal' interfaces and what started out as familiar now became overly visually complicated. Too much 'edge detail' which took the focus off the main interface and just made it all look 'busy.' Thus the FLAT movement came along. With FLAT, you can put more controls and interface elements on a screen while still helping it to stay as clean, and therefore uncluttered as possible. Flat emphasized the use of color, icons and typography over rendered interfaces.

At first FLAT eschewed soft shadows and gradients, and any semblance of 3D. Now, UI designers understand the restrained use of drop shadows and gradients can be used to make controls easier to understand and access.

If I were to design a logo for MoI, I would first attempt to understand exactly what the client (Michael) is trying to communicate with the logo. I call this a Semantic Inquiry-- and I would use mood boards, discussions of products he admires (not necessarily software or CAD), and talk about his target audience.

We would talk about evolutionary vs revolutionary branding and help him decide what his brand means to users in this space. If Michael was interested in expanding his reach and becoming a first tier competitor to Rhino or Modo, I might suggest he consider the revolutionary approach and shoot for a more corporate design which communicates strength, power and simplicity with the possibility of appealing to a broader audience.

But, I somehow think he's more interested in a more artisan strategy, where he enjoys direct communication with a smaller group of his users and a more craftsman approach to new releases. In that case, I'd suspect an evolutionary approach would be better. Take the existing icon and 'bring it up to date' a bit. Allow it to read better at small resolutions but keep the colors, the cartoon look and whimsical style.

Next a round of concepts, then refinements, all focused on displaying the brand in likely end-use cases: Website, App Icon, T-Shirt, Business Card, etc.. Sometimes a good brand (IBM) had different logos for different size uses such as Paul Rand designed both a 8 stripe version as well as a 13 stripe version-- and this was BEFORE the Internet was invented!

I spent the last couple of years working with my friend Mark Rolston. As the former CDO for frog, he's worked on many big corporate identity programs and I was fortunate to see him design logos along with another good friend, Sir Charles Hurst. While both have different styles, they also both use a similar process as the one described above. HTH.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7994.19 In reply to 7994.18 
Hi Chipp, yes your suspicions are correct, I do view my business as an artisan or craftsman like approach just like you described and I really prefer working as a small one person company. That's not to say that I don't want some growth but at the same time I don't want it to get out of control either.

Once v4 is further along I will probably focus a little more attention to marketing like overhauling the web site at least. But just in general things relating to brand image or "corporate identity" or things like that are just not a particular focus for me.

- Michael
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 From:  ptaszek
Yeah U right guys :) I just thought the current one is a bit outdated with sketch style. Anyway I agree that my proposals are not better ;) I just had the problem with this white glow for current one. It looks like 1px alpha issue, but maybe because I see it often on my renderings :P
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 From:  aphaits
7994.21 In reply to 7994.19 
Hi, rather than making a new logo reimagined thread, I will reply here instead.

Was trying to tidy up windows start tiles and tweaked a few things using edgetile.
Trying to make the tiles clean and somehow ended up designing a nice clean logo version of Moi 3d.
It's not meant to replace or suggestion or anything, just a nice visual tweak for my own use and I felt like sharing it for possible critique.

Here's my take on Moi 3d logo :)

The logo is based on the original 'idea-lightbulb' logo and made up from the letters M-o-i.
M is used as the screw base of the bulb, O as the bulb, and i as the light filament inside.
The sideways M looks kind of like a sigma sign and the logotype uses Google's Montserrat Font.
Both reasoning for the sideways M and font choice is for aesthetic purposes emulating the clean look of the software.
Logo color is based on the feel of the Moi 3d viewport interface in general.

Large + Wide Tile: Main logo for splash or marketing (not that the software needed splash, loads so fast you'll miss it anyway)
Small Tile: Icon usage for small to tiny brand mark for app or online

Background image made by Amin Akhshi on Artstation:
I really love the combination of pale yellow highlight on grey and somehow makes it synonymous with Moi 3d in my mind.

Hope you enjoyed this tidbit :)

- David

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 From:  Death
7994.22 In reply to 7994.21 
Like the "light bulb" (inspiration) icon idea, but think the textual "d" of "3d" should be capitalized -> "3D"
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7994.23 In reply to 7994.21 
...and the "M" can be used for a spring inside an animation for bounce the bulb with some flashing of lights!
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 From:  aphaits
7994.24 In reply to 7994.22 
Yes! I struggled with that actually in my head but I went with a lowercap 'd' look to soften the whole logotype feel to make the 'Mo'i stand out more than the '3D'.

But it still works also with capitalized D, just minor visual preference on my side :)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
The name is actually MoI and not Moi. See the Software and website ...

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 From:  pafurijaz
7994.26 In reply to 7994.25 
Nice, but the Moai is lost here, I think is a part of logo..
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 From:  aphaits
7994.27 In reply to 7994.25 
Yes I'm aware, this is mostly an aesthetic decision for personal use.
I uploaded a version with proper letter capitalization.
Which one do you prefer?

It still works both ways :)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
No possibility to have the up top object visible?
(like you have the bottom in the first image)
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 From:  shane (SHANE_W)
7994.29 In reply to 7994.27 
Lowercase "d" looks much better to me. I would change the "l" to "I" so it doesn't look like MOL 3d.


rendering . animation .

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 From:  aphaits
7994.30 In reply to 7994.28 
Hi, not sure which part you meant. Can you elaborate?
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 From:  aphaits
7994.31 In reply to 7994.29 
One of the reasons I liked the lowerscase 'i' in the logo :)
but a modified 'I' with added serif might work, or maybe also another font option with a slab serif corner style.
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