Hi Max !!
I'm very glad to hear you again!!
> "Forgot to say, that I don't like idea about logical variables type. I think it will be much better to use numarray type for logical operations. X>0 = True, X<=0 False."
I agree with you. I think is useless add a new variable typ for this kind of data. Int num is more than enough.> "Yes, I know it. The current geometry engine is not fast enough. Let's hope it will be faster in the next version of MoI."
Hmmm...I fear that the bottle neck not lies on the strength of the geometry engine but on the Javascript engine and its execution environment.
I suppose that Grasshopper for Rhino is so fast because it's closely linked to the internal command pipeline of Rhino.
Let's hope that Michael in the next V4 will improve the overall performances of the script engine.
> "It's great, I'll try to not break it in the next versions of this project.
I can help to optimize the new nodes, and include them to the main package as external nodes."
Wow! This is really a great news!!
Max don't forget that a very important aspect of your Project Elephant should be also its documentation.
We (the community) are putting a big effort to find a good way to keep things organized and well documented,
for example with the new Wiki page, but I think that a direct involvement of you might be of great help.
Lastly, I have a question...just out of curiosity...
In all these years I didn't see on this forum, any 3D model created by you, but only (super excellent) javascript code.
So...I just tried to guess what's your job.
Are you a software developer specialized in mathematics ?
Thanks for all and see you.