A useful Kitbash technique for MoI3D
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
else Kitbash elements works fine in free Strata Design 3D SE 7.5 (less pricy than Keyshot! :)
Export as OBJ "Ngons" from Moi!

EDITED: 4 Nov 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  chippwalters
OK. Now I see what you mean. Fixed. Thanks Frenchy!
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 From:  Lobster (SAMKENT)
This looks super useful chip, i shall take a look!


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 From:  yakas
Very cool, thanks for sharing.
I would like to see McMaster provide that subtractable solid with their models.
Or perhaps http://masterlist.co/ could do something similar.
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 From:  chippwalters
7592.29 In reply to 7592.13 
Thanks Max,

Did try your ObjLibrary.dialog.htm and it works great. Couple points:

Line 16 is

should be
<body class="MenuBody">

Also, FOR MAC OS ONLY! as with the ObjLibrary.menu.htm file this line 106:
if ( moi.filesystem.fileExists (iconname) ) { document.write ('<div class="preview"><img class="icon" src="'+ iconname.split("\\").join('/') +'?'+randomID+'"></div>'); }

should be changed to:
if ( moi.filesystem.fileExists (iconname) ) { document.write ('<div class="preview"><img class="icon" src="file:///z:'+ iconname.split("\\").join('/') +'?'+randomID+'"></div>'); }

I've UPDATED the ObjLibrary.dialog.htm for MacOS only with the changes (see attached).

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
A challenger in the Poly world! ;) but not free (12 $- 100 assets )
24 vidéos hyper detailed!

EDITED: 27 May 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  ycarry
Hi Pilou
… Decal is a Normal map trick (with "HardOps" plugin when boolean needed)...
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Tricky thing indeed for helping during Boolean operation in Polyworld! :)
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 From:  chippwalters
Wow. Vey interesting. Blender has really come a long way.
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 From:  chippwalters
Damn you Frenchy! I'm losing a whole day watching videos on Decal Machine, Hard Ops and Boxcutter for Blender. And I suspect I'm this far from jumping with both feet into Blender, UGH!

Every now and then a demo comes along that is a game changer, and I'm thinking the Hard Ops demo + Decal Machine is just that. It shows the power of parametrics as applied to low poly models. Amazing. I read a bit over on the modo forum wondering what they thought of it and I don't think they get it. They think is a weaker version of mesh fusion, which it's clearly not. It's actually much more, plus they have a full kitbashing workflow built into it plus some of the best kitbash models included.

Decal machine needs to work with Unity and Unreal, which they say is a version away.

I guess the big question is, can I successfully work in Blender without going nuts over the non standard GUI? Don't know until you try...

FWIW, I'm also considering switching from KeyShot to Unity for final renders, as Octane is releasing a free version for Unity this quarter. Things are moving fast!

I need to learn more about Blender.

Michael, you should take a peek at how they implement parametrics. Couple of points:

1. They don't appear to create a history and only apply them in the order that makes most sense. In particular, they have a concept called *sharpening* (I think), which applies a small user resizable bevel/fillet to all edges on an object. It can only go as large as programmatically possible. I assume it's a post process which happens after large solid/ surface changes are made. My guess it works best in MoI case with solids.

2. It would be interesting to better understand what your users are now using Moi for. More and more, I'm seeing high detail box designs and sci fi concepts being built in MoI. Mostly people talking about that on other forums, but it is interesting to note -- and a flexible workflow like the Hard Ops one would certainly make sense for those users.

3. Hard Ops is a *mode*-- and I know you're not fond of modes. Still, this type of limited auto-parametrics could be a major differentiator for you in the future. I know, first get 4.0 out!



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Blender is a monster : when you see Youtube videos of Gleb or Andrew Price
that seems very easy...but you must have some years of use it! :)
I know how it works but...
Personnaly I never dig on...not genitically modified for this!
So...i see the videos for the pleasure of the eyes! :^)

PS we have a French Blender Guru Pitiwazu :)

EDITED: 27 May 2017 by PILOU

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 From:  mkdm
7592.36 In reply to 7592.34 
Hi Chipp and Pilou!

@Chipp "...Damn you Frenchy! I'm losing a whole day watching videos on Decal Machine, Hard Ops and Boxcutter for Blender. And I suspect I'm this far from jumping with both feet into Blender, UGH!..."

During the last month I too have begun to get a closer look to the almost (for me) "unknown" Blender.
Its super complex and strange UI always kept me away from it.

But now I have to say that after spending some time with some very interesting tutorial,
I'm seriously evaluating the opportunity to include it into my current 3d pipeline.

And the upcoming version 2.8 shows real promise.

I think that it could be an excellent companion for the other software that I'm currently learning : Unreal Engine 4.
(I preferred UE4 over Unity)

See you.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7592.37 In reply to 7592.34 
Hi Chipp, I watched a few minutes of the video and it definitely looks interesting. I'm not sure how much of it is very applicable to MoI though, the focus in MoI is on construction driven from 2D profile curves which is pretty different than what they're focusing on there.

> It would be interesting to better understand what your users are now using Moi for.

Well it's a quite diverse group of users, everything from students doing their first 3D design work for 3D printing all the way to people doing sci-fi graphics work like you're describing. Some people are much more likely to publicize their work than others, so it's easy to get a kind of lopsided view of the user base if you only focus in on the most highly publicized stuff.

One big thing is that MoI is very focused on being easy to learn and not very complex. It may be hard to reconcile that with a workflow like that which has a lot of special modes in it.

Having said that though, I do want to put in some work on other kinds of workflows in MoI in the future. But it will also be a priority to not ruin the "easy to learn" aspect along the way though.

It would probably work best if something like that was implemented in MoI as a custom extension rather than being built in, just like they've done there. A custom extension is more free to do complex and specifically targeted things than stock tools which have to be more focused on a wide variety of use cases.

- Michael
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 From:  chippwalters
All good points Michael.

Perhaps there's a middle ground.

Here's an idea:

1. Currently, beginner and advanced users have trouble filleting, especially a large fillet after a model already has a small fillet.

2. There is a large requirement on many (but not 3D printed) models to have some sort of small chamfer/fillet on all edges. Let's call this auto-filleting.

3. Perhaps there can be a way to automate this process in a way which is simple. Set an auto-fillet property for a NURBS solid object (doesn't work on non-solids). Set the auto-fillet/chamfer radius to a number which the current NURBS object can handle.

4. As one starts modifying the solid, the auto-fillet can continue to be added at the end of the editing process. If the fillet is programatically impossible, then it uses a smaller number and tries again. Perhaps this runs in it's own thread.

5. Perhaps one can override the auto-fillet on a case-by-case, edge-by-edge basis, with the understanding it may revert to a smaller number if further edits create an impossible to fillet model.

6. Allow one to "BAKE" the object at some point and no further auto-filleting is possible.

Something like this would make it easier to model because you would know quickly whether or not you wrecked the opportunity to add a 'final' fillet. And furthermore, it would also pop a red flag (no auto-filleting possible!) when something you did created surfaces from a solid object.

Just my 2 cents...
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 From:  ycarry
7592.39 In reply to 7592.38 
Hi chippwalters

7. use Octane render : as since v3.5 each octane material have the "Rounded edges radius" parameter ( a shading effect ) no more need to fillet edges.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7592.40 In reply to 7592.38 
Hi Chipp, it's an interesting idea and sounds like a good possibility for the future. Things running on their own thread greatly increases the difficulty of the coding though so it might involve quite a lot of work to make it function smoothly. Fillets in NURBS involves a lot more complex calculations than in polygons so the threaded approach might be a requirement to avoid lots of waiting before being able to do more stuff. Also I'm not sure if it makes sense to put effort into increasing fillet robustness first before attempting that.

- Michael
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 From:  chippwalters
7592.41 In reply to 7592.39 
If Octane's round edge shader is as poor as KeyShot's, then I would prefer real geometry.

KeyShot's shader struggles mightily on any but the smallest of settings, especially with CAD models converted to poly's.
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 From:  chippwalters
Michael (and all),


Please consider this video. Forget for a moment that it's focused on decals. What strikes me the most about this video is the relationship between the modeling and then the rendering. Design details which I thought too coarse in the model view, looked correct in the rendering.

I have seen this same phenomena in my own designs when working both in SketchUp and MoI.

I believe this iterative affordance of modeling and rendering quickly is a huge assist for designers and artists. I hope this helps provide further encouragement for the addition of a photoreal rendering or ambient occlusion addition to MoI.
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 From:  PaQ
7592.43 In reply to 7592.38 

Maybe some sort of post-process micro beveling that works at the mesh level could work better than a full auto nurbs fillet idea. (might be part of the mesher ?)
I kinda like the rounded edges at render time, it works very well for stills or normal map baking, and I never had problems with it in Modo and Clarisse.

However, people seems to extract normal maps using SubstanceDesigner now, and last time I checked, there wasn't any round shader available for the baking (but there are so post trick possible once the normal is extracted).
I end up to create a little process in Houdini, that 'voxelize' / decimate / export Moi models, the result was super crisp.

Talking about hard surfacing, this video get lot's a attention lately from non CAD users ^^


Spaceclaim for gun concept :

EDITED: 28 May 2017 by PAQ

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 From:  Nebuka (MINDWORK3D)
7592.44 In reply to 7592.43 
Widget Kitbash Library link seems to be broken anyone still has it?
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