Any way to zoom out all 4 views at once?
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 From:  chippwalters
7591.3 In reply to 7591.2 
Thanks, I know that one. What I want to do is zoom way out in all 4 views at once.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7591.4 In reply to 7591.3 
Hi Chipp, if by "zoom way out" you mean zoom out so you see all objects inside each view, then yes that's the right-click on that "Reset" button that Danny shows above. Or it's also available by left-click on a button in the side pane under View > "Reset all".

The way it works is if you have a selection on the first button press it will zoom to fit just the selection. If you want to zoom to see everything then click it a second time and it will zoom to fit all objects.

If you left-click the "Reset" button on the viewport bottom toolbar, it will only apply to that particular view. If you right-click it, it will happen in all views at once.

If the second click on the Reset button does not do what you need I guess you'll maybe need to explain a bit more on what kind of zoom you're looking for.

Hope this helps!

- Michael
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 From:  Lewis3D
Is there shortcut or option that we can add shortcut for that command ?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
7591.6 In reply to 7591.5 
Hi Lewis,

> Is there shortcut or option that we can add shortcut for that command ?

Yes, for the shortcut put in the following in the right-hand "command" column for the shortcut key:

script: /* Zoom to fit all viewports */ moi.view.resetAll();

- Michael
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 From:  chippwalters
7591.7 In reply to 7591.4 
Hi Michael,

Yes I know about the Zoom to Fit feature. I'm looking to zoom out all viewports further than fit.

Here's an example. I frequently have a small detail I'm working on and the small detail is selected. I zoom to selection which fills up all 4 viewports with the selected object. But, I want to zoom out in all viewports just a little bit more, but NOT all the way out to encompass everything. In other programs I can use a combo key and just zoom out in all viewports (not each viewport one by one like I currently have to do in MoI).

Another use case would be I have an object and have Zoomed to Fit. Now I want to draw another object next to it, and I need to see all the viewports to do this. So, it would be nice if I could possibly option-scroll or command-scroll and it would zoom all viewports at once (in OR out).

Don't know if MoI can do this, but just thought I'd ask. :-)
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 From:  Lewis3D
7591.8 In reply to 7591.6 
I must be doign somethign wrong here by typing in vlaues (why does paste nto work at that input field?) but it's not working for me ?

Do we have spaces between letter or do i need /* ?


I've set key to be "A" but command scrip not doing it.

EDIT - GOT it working

this is the right command:

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
Zoom out + reset
var z=2, vp=['3D','Left','Right','Top','Bottom','Front','Back']; for (var n in vp) { var v = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport(vp[n]); v.reset(); v.zoom(z);}

Zoom out
var z=1.2, vp=['3D','Left','Right','Top','Bottom','Front','Back']; for (var n in vp) moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport(vp[n]).zoom(z);
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 From:  Lewis3D
Wow, that's lot of commands/data there, thanks :).

BTW how does somene who is not a coder findout those codes/scripts for all tools inside MOI ? I'm shortcut guy so id' like to add shortcuts for all the tools like Fillet, chamfer, move, rotate, scale...... anythign what speeds up workflow.
Is there "easy" visual way of doing it like in other programs where you pick tool/from list and hit key and that's it, or we need to write commands/code for each one ?


Skype - lewis3d

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 From:  bemfarmer
7591.11 In reply to 7591.10 
I'm currently using Max's Custom UI for major scripts, and using shortcut keys for the smaller inline scripts.
It is a work in progress for the past few years :-)

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7591.12 In reply to 7591.10 
Hi Lewis,

> BTW how does somene who is not a coder findout those codes/scripts for all tools inside
> MOI ? I'm shortcut guy so id' like to add shortcuts for all the tools like Fillet, chamfer,
> move, rotate, scale...... anythign what speeds up workflow.
> Is there "easy" visual way of doing it like in other programs where you pick tool/from list
> and hit key and that's it, or we need to write commands/code for each one ?

In the future I want to make an easier way to do it by picking things off some kind of list, but currently you have to just type in the command name or script code that you want to run. Pasting text should work in there though, what operating system are you using?

There is a list of all command names in the help topic for shortcut keys here:

Some of the most commonly used scripts are listed there too, like the "reset all views" that you had asked about previously. Also there are more scripts collected here:

The shortcut key setup is definitely a fairly primitive area of MoI that needs some attention, but it's been difficult to prioritize spending much time on it so far though since it's an area that most people only go into very rarely to set up the keys. It's not something that is usually used on a daily basis, so it's been a little neglected compared to things that might actually be used frequently.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7591.13 In reply to 7591.7 
Hi Chipp, do Max's scripts above do what you're looking for? It looks like they should.

- Michael
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 From:  Lewis3D
7591.14 In reply to 7591.12 
Thanks for links Michael and sorry for so many questions. I'm MOI newbie which finally found some time to start usign the MOI (i bought it few months ago just for converison jobs) in modeling workflows also.

So far i collected some MAX and Chipp addons, GUI changers and it's helping me very much to adopt it's workflow to my needs so right now i need to add my shortcuts for faster work and i could se emyself modeling some stuff in NURBs instead polys only as for last 20 years ;).


Skype - lewis3d

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7591.15 In reply to 7591.14 
No problem Lewis, I'm glad that you are going to be getting some modeling use out of MoI - that's actually more the main thing that it's designed to do! :)

For the right project, especially mechanical stuff you can gain a tremendous amount of speed from using MoI instead of polygon modeling. But for other projects like things that are organic characters those are better off done with polygons.

The main workflow for NURBS modeling is very different from polygon modeling (but that's why it's a useful companion because it has different strengths and weaknesses), you want to use 2D curves to define things with some curves building base parts and other curves being used as cutting objects in boolean operations. Booleans are the primary way of modeling things in NURBS, that's the biggest difference from polygon modeling. Anything that has a structure like machine cut stuff is a great fit for boolean NURBS modeling.

One of the things that can tend to be hardest for a poly modeler to get used to is the idea of building extended pieces and then using cutting operations to form the final edges, a lot of times polygon modelers have a strong tendency to want to draw in all the final edges and then try to build patches between them to fill them in - but usually that's not the best strategy - instead you want to build simple stock pieces which may be extended and then cut them with a boolean if needed.

There is some previous discussion here on some examples of this and tips for poly modelers, you may want to read these:

- Michael
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 From:  chippwalters
Thanks Max for the great script!

I have mapped the Zoom Out script to the comma key ("<"):

var z=1.2, vp=['3D','Left','Right','Top','Bottom','Front','Back']; for (var n in vp) moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport(vp[n]).zoom(z);

and then I mapped a Zoom In script to the period key (">"):

var z=.8, vp=['3D','Left','Right','Top','Bottom','Front','Back']; for (var n in vp) moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.getViewport(vp[n]).zoom(z);

Works PERFECT!!! Wish I had done this sooner :-)
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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