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 From:  Michael Gibson
7521.3 In reply to 7521.1 
Also, for this one:

> I'm wondering if there's a way to create something like what's at this link below (which is done in Rhino)?

You can do that in MoI using Transform > Deform > Flow.

First draw a circle, then use Transform > Array > Grid to make the pattern, then use Draw solid > Plane > Corner to put down a base plane around the circle pattern.

Replicate the plane over to the side, place a center point down using Draw curve > More > Point, then select the copied plane and run Edit > Add pt to add control points to the plane, snap on to the center point you just placed. You can now select and delete the helper center point.

Now you have a squishable plane and you can edit its points same as shown in your linked video, when you are done select the circles and run Transform > Deform > Flow to map them from the base plane onto your deformed one.

I've attached a 3DM file that shows an example.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7521.4 In reply to 7521.1 
Or I guess the first one is not quite the same as a hexagonal pattern - it's probably something more like repeated circular arrays using different item counts.

Here I start by creating a line of circles, then for each one I do an Array Circular, using decreasing item counts each time, like the first one is with 32 items, then 28, then 22, etc... This basically emphasizes circularity over top of spacing, the hex grid one has even spacing everywhere, this type does not. (here just replaying undo/redo of the arrays I did):

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7521.5 In reply to 7521.1 
Another way that might be interesting to you is to do a circular array of some graduated sizes, then rotate every other radial set by a half step. After you figure out how many copies you want to make, undo the array and then select every other circle, run Transform > Rotate, click the array center point and then type in 360/numcopies/2 to get those ones rotate a half step and then repeat the array.

So for instance here I arranged a graduated set of circles each 80% shrunk in size from the next (click the Size entry in the properties panel and then type *0.8 to scale the existing radius by 80%), then arrange them a constant distance away from each other by putting in a line and moving the line on to a circle's quad point and drag the next circle by its quad point snapping on to the end of the line, then drag the line over again to repeat.

Then since I decided to make 32 copies, I select every other circle, run Transform > Rotate, click the center point and then for the rotation angle type in 360/32/2, then repeat the circular array (3DM file attached):

Hope this gives you some ideas to play with!

- Michael

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 From:  OSTexo

It might be worth it to take a look at benfarmers excellent scripts, the nest alarm looks like a Fibonacci sequence.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7521.7 In reply to 7521.1 
You can also get different types of radial deformation effects by using Flow on a sweep of a line around a circle to make a base surface. Then edit the line by adding control point and changing the spacing or positions and do a second sweep to make a target surface for the flow:

- Michael

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
These scripts by Max Smirnov can help!

Make boolean diff with Cylinder and complex volumes!
Sorry i can't help for the moment, my hard disk is burned! :(

EDITED: 30 Jul 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  chippwalters
WOW!! Thanks everyone! Great stuff and plenty to work with here. ***MUCH APPRECIATED***
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
7521.10 In reply to 7521.6 
I think OSTexo is correct.

The NEST grill seems to be based on the sunflower.

Some Fibonacci sunflower math here:

Ed Ferguson
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