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 From:  Michael Gibson
7414.24 In reply to 7414.23 
Hi Piter,

> What I made wrong?

I'm not sure - can you please post the 3DM file that you are trying to export ? The finished file I mean, not the earlier version of it. I will try it in a few other programs and see if I can see what they might be complaining about.

> And very big question about export to PROE, is there any solution this problem, plagin or other???

I'm not all that familiar with Pro/E so I don't really have a lot of advice. What specific version of Pro/E are you using?

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7414.25 In reply to 7414.23 
For smoothness it will probably help if you give the blend a bit wider space to work with, and also slice off a larger portion of the ellipsoid so that you don't have so much of it curving inwards which will then make the blend continue to curve inwards as well.

I've attached a smooth version here, if you export to a mesh format such as .obj and use the following settings you can see that it's very smooth, dense meshing settings like this will get rid of the display artifacts that you were worried about earlier:

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7414.26 In reply to 7414.23 
A couple of other things you can try for your Pro/E problem is to try running "ShrinkTrimmedSrf" on your object before you export and see if that helps:

And the other thing that you could try is to import your model into a different CAD program like ViaCAD for example and then export it back out again and see if Pro/E likes the file generated by ViaCAD better. You can get ViaCAD here: http://www.punchcad.com/p-27-punch-viacad-2d3d-v9.aspx

Those are the other things that I'd probably try.

But if you can post the specific file that you are having difficulty with I can take a look and try to see what it might not like in it.

- Michael
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