Rigging on MOI
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 From:  krass
7404.19 In reply to 7404.18 
Michael, thank you very much for the detailed answer!
I like MOI3D so that I will somehow get along without these functions for them to move to another platform simulation! ))))
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Yes Solvespace is cool (I have made its French Site :)

But free DesignSparks is more ergonomic :)
What do you want more simple for constraint something ?
As soon as you can see a "Star" you can edit if you are in compatible constraint!

In 3D the same!

EDITED: 19 May 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  krass
7404.21 In reply to 7404.20 
I'm sorry, I can not understand what relation DesizhnSparks has to rigging objects?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
This is not like some Kynematic ?

EDITED: 19 May 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7404.23 In reply to 7404.21 
Hi krass,

> I'm sorry, I can not understand what relation DesizhnSparks has to rigging objects?

Normally in CAD programs the type of thing you're looking for is called "constraints" and not "rigging" which is usually what it's called in animation programs.

Pilou is showing some of SpaceClaim's constraints mechanism there.

Maybe I have misunderstood what you are trying to do - I thought you wanted to edit the endpoint of a line for example and have the drawing change to accomodate the movement while keeping various measurements that you specify to stay the same, like same length on various other lines, tangency kept to a circle, etc... That's usually what is meant by constraints in a CAD program.

- Michael
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 From:  krass
7404.24 In reply to 7404.23 
Michael apparently really we mean different things.
I mean here that: the simulation of complex and interrelated systems there - sometimes - the need to change their state so that all elements of the system were changed "as a whole".
Once again I give as an example of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vU2MMc-woM

For example, when modeling such a robot, I want to change the position of a moving part which is connected with the other moving part, and that - the third ... and so on.
In a typical approach is necessary to move all the details manually, while calculating what position will take each of the parts after moving.
Here I am about anything!

An even more obvious example:

Suppose I modeled all the elements of the propulsion unit and are arranged according to some of its provisions.
Then I needed - for example - change the position of the drive wheel. What happens then?
I need to change the layout of all components in accordance with the new position of the wheel, right?

And I'm trying to understand whether it is possible to realize (in principle) any improvement to solve this problem.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7404.25 In reply to 7404.24 
Hi krass - so yes in a CAD program such a thing that you are describing is called "constraints" - you have to set up the constraints by assigning different types of them to individual features of your model, like you can tell it that a line should remain some certain fixed size, that another line should be tangent to a specific circle, and that there should be a 45 degree angle between 2 lines in another corner of the sketch. Then after those constraints are set up, you edit some piece of the drawing like move an endpoint or change the length on an unconstrained line, and then the rest of the model updates accordingly to enforce the constraints that you specified.

Pilou's examples above show some of that in practice, with other pieces of a sketch getting updated in response to an edit.

But typically in CAD programs functions like that are called "constraints". SolveSpace that I linked to above is one of the easier programs to mess with constraints because it's a very central focus of the program.

> And I'm trying to understand whether it is possible to realize (in principle) any
> improvement to solve this problem.

It is possible, but it will take a very significant amount of time and effort to do it, and the amount of interaction between the constraints and the overall platform makes it difficult for an external script to implement it. At this moment the best way to get that functionality will be to use a different CAD program in combination with MoI.

That type of functionality just has not been a focus area for MoI as of yet.

- Michael
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 From:  krass
7404.26 In reply to 7404.25 
Hello, Michael! Thank you for the detailed answer!
Of course, I realize that it's not so simple - to implement a similar function.
Did any of enthusiasts try to solve this problem - maybe it is interested not only me, who knows? And thank you very much for such a detailed attention to detail. I'm sorry to have taken your time! )
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7404.27 In reply to 7404.26 
Hi krass, no problem!

> Did any of enthusiasts try to solve this problem

Not as far as I know - it would be difficult to solve with the current scripting system since there is not any way set up currently for a script to receive a notification that an object is being modified. So probably the script would have to do all its own transformations as well...

- Michael
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 From:  krass
7404.28 In reply to 7404.27 
It just is not the biggest problem. IMHO.
There is an excellent program for processing photos - Lightroom.
It does not apply changes to the original file, and to its virtual copy and write next to the original photo format .XMP.

That is, the file does not store the photos in general any data processing, but there are changes in the supplementary file.
Also, when moving to another computer (for example), and the opening of a different version of the program, we get the same changes that originally made us.

But it is, thinking non-programmers, sorry;))
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 From:  chippwalters
Just to throw a monkeywrench in all of this, I'm thinking he's talking about plain old object hierarchy and instances. With both of these much of what is being discussed could be accomplished and if I'm not mistaken these features are also on the next generation like-to-have list.
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 From:  OSTexo

Companies like Algoryx ( http://www.algoryx.se/ ) provide simulation software, but it isn't cheap. I know Bricsys ( http://www.bricsys.com/) produced Rhinoworks but they no longer sell it, although some of those constraints and dynamics made it into their BricsCAD product.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7404.31 In reply to 7404.29 
Hi chipp,

> Just to throw a monkeywrench in all of this, I'm thinking he's talking about
> plain old object hierarchy and instances.

Probably yes for some of the examples, but this particular one here seems to be a constraint based editing mechanism:

That's something like constrain one line endpoint to be on a circle, constrain the lengths of the other lines and a couple of locations of other endpoints, then move the unlocked endpoint around and have it recalculate.

I think that's the particular image that made me realize that constraints are what's being asked for.

- Michael
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