My solution for filleting problems
 1-12  13-22

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
OK I have the trick ! A long run! :)

The key was DesignSpark Mechanical 1
(I have used DSM 2 so only SPaceclaim 2015 can reload the Sat format! )
With DSM 1 you can directly reload the SAT format inside MOI !!! DSM1 is here:

- So make your object in Moi: export as Step format
- Reload inside DSM 1
- Draw a Sphere(or anything): RightClick on the top Tree Structure - Disable Unlock

- Kill the sphere
- Save as normal DSM format (MyObject.rsdoc)
- Rename in
_ UnZip - find inside the result the .sab file (folder SpaceClaim/geometry)
- Find the SabSatConverter.exe (inside the folder of DesignSpark Mechanical 1 )

Now the hard part :) You must have enter this line inside the Window dialog of excecute a program ! :)
with address of the 3 parts
sabSatConverter.exe -i c:\path\to\my\inputfile.sab -o C:\path\to\my\outputfile.sat

(for have address of a file inside Windows : Right Click + SHIFT on the File !

mine was something like this! (remark the "", i don't know if its the same for you ) must be a single line!
"C:\Program Files\DesignSpark\DesignSpark Mechanical 1.0\SabSatConverter.exe" -i "C:\Users\Desktop\ku\kub\k.sab" -o "C:\Users\Desktop\ku\kub\k.sat"
Press ENTER your file k.sab is now transformed by magic in k.sat !!!
So I can reload it directly the object with the fillets inside MOI

I don't know if the format SAT is better or not than a format STEP ?

My final test ;) (not exactly the same start and final because i have erased it for write all above! :)
Inside DesignSpark (the program used by Buur for his fillet video)

Inside Moi with the reload in SAT format

EDITED: 21 Apr 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  adamio
7358.14 In reply to 7358.10 
>>>Consider that OnShape has raised $64M in Venture Capital from some top firms. Those guys don’t invest that kind of money unless they smell a huge success in the offing. They are literally betting this company can change the whole face of CAD and garner a big share of that market.

Jon Hirschtick (Founder of Onshape) has also raised Capital in the past for Breaking Vegas (True Story).

Now trusting him with your data is a deferent story :)

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 From:  chippwalters
The issue whether to trust the cloud is very much up for debate. Some individuals absolutely don’t trust it. Others are okay while even other favor the ease of use, cost savings and overall simplicity.

I have found many in IT who don’t trust it at all. Cloud based infrastructure can be a threat to their job security. We know it takes more IT staff to manage a full MS Exchange environment for a company, than a Google Apps domain.

I’m sure the debate will continue to go on and on, but slowly the cloud IS winning. More and more companies are recognizing the cost savings and data control which goes with cloud hosted and SAS solutions.

All that said, we do know one good thing local servers are really good at: hiding emails from the State department if your last name is Clinton. ;-)
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 From:  chippwalters
7358.16 In reply to 7358.5 

"but hell I’ll love to pay MoI twice his price to have a better native fillet library !"

I double that notion! That said, I suspect swapping out a Solids kernel is harder than even the 64-bit port. Still, it would be great!
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 From:  blowlamp
MaidSafe should be a big help with securing our personal information

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
7358.18 In reply to 7358.17 
... "but hell I’ll love to pay MoI twice his price to have a better native fillet library !"

I agree.

IMHO most of the other proposed changes being discussed are mute if you can't do the basics reliably.

Ed Ferguson
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 From:  OSTexo

The question really isn't technical in nature it's one of mindset. If you put a high value on the information you generate and that you hold in trust for others the tools will follow the policy and mindset. I'm not suggesting that cloud based apps aren't useful at all, but an honest assessment has to be done to see what exposure one has with the type of information that someone puts into the cloud, the same assessment that has to be done no matter where you're placing it. There is no getting around the situation that when you push your data to the cloud you've lost control of your IP, and you've just become a much larger target.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Ok I have taken a similar volume than Chipp Walters
Work perfectly as my process seen above! :)

Moi --> export Step Inside free DesignSpark V1 --> export and transform in SAT format --> reloaded inside MOI! :)

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 From:  chippwalters
7358.21 In reply to 7358.19 

Yes, I understand where you're coming from. Assessing risk is critical

On another note, the sad fact is just about all of our personal data ends up in the cloud. Our credit card receipts and information, our tax information, our health records, our phone and email and text all ends up there sooner or later.

Nowadays, with all the social hacking, even though one's account may not be compromised, someone you know may be. Apple is about as paranoid as they come, still their iCloud was hacked a few times and personal selfies belonging to famous people were posted. I suppose there's a way to NOT be connected, but not if you're a participating digital member of society.

While CAD files are certainly of high IP value, I would suggest some SAS companies source code may be even more valuable. And of course many times that assessment must be made, and sometimes the choice is to store it in the cloud-- sometimes not. I know of a company who had all their data stored locally with off-site backups once per month (ouch!). Eventually (of course), the were robbed and the thieves took all the servers. Took weeks to get back to business as usual, not to mention how they had to explain to their customers. So, I guess nothing is completely secure-- just varying degrees of it.

Thanks for you point of view.
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 From:  OSTexo
Hello chippwalters,

I agree that many bits of personal information will end up floating around in public due to negligence due to the individual or those who collect it. Reduction of footprint (exposure) and compartmentalization have been around for decades and are very effective methods to secure your data. Bringing personal responsibility to bear for individual data or data in trust will snap people into a more proper way of thinking like nothing I've ever seen. I think many data sharing vendors in general (not just cloud based) have done a job deflecting customers concerns on this point to their detriment. Interestingly a proper security mindset is exceptionally effective against on premise theft and insider threat. I wish that more people were able to properly evaluate the value of their IP and those of their partners, I doubt they'd be in such a mess if they did.

On the subject of the filleting issue, I've found that Autodesk Shape Modeling does a nice job of filleting those complex edges, and nPowers plugin is showing some promise in testing. Interesting stuff to consider, thanks.
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