MoI GUI Builder released for Mac and PC!
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 From:  chippwalters
7245.68 In reply to 7245.67 
Yep, you're right. I mistyped the code. It should be:

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Thanks Chipp and BurrMan - You both saved me a lot of time.

OK - If anyone simply wants to add four buttons to run Max Smirnov's SubD scripts without making any other UI modifications, I've consolidated and condensed the instructions:


To Install the SubD Scripts by Max Smirnov:
Unzip and copy the following files to the folder: MoI 3.0/commands

To add Hot Keys (optional):
In MoI go to Options > Shortcut keys and push the "Add" button in there. In the left hand column that says "Key" put in whatever keyboard character you want to use for launching it. Then in the right-hand "Command" column put in the same thing you are currently typing in at the command line.

To add four SubD Icon Buttons (optional):
Make a backup of your MoI folders in case you need to revert back.
Using a text editor, open CommandBar.htm in the MoI 3.0/ui folder.
Find the blue text below. Insert the new white text. Extra spaces are optional and were included for readability (use at least one space character where space is shown).

Download the Icon images from Chipp Walters here:
Select the four icons for the SubD scripts and copy to your MoI 3.0/ui/icons folder


Ed Ferguson

EDITED: 23 Apr 2015 by EDDYF

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 From:  MarkRG (MARKRG0)

I'm posting this just for reference. I've been using it for about a year and created it to blend with MODO - the app I use alongside MoI. I find it a little easier on the eye.

Image Attachments:
Size: 716.8 KB, Downloaded: 974 times, Dimensions: 2120x1293px
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 From:  yakas
This looks cool, I will check it out. Would it allow me to reorganize the toolbar? I would like to show all tools without clicking on their drawer tab. Even more, could commonly used functions within each tool be shown, for example show all the align command types?

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 From:  yakas
7245.72 In reply to 7245.71 
It looks like the image above my post shows this as possible.

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 From:  keith1961
7245.73 In reply to 7245.69 
Hi ed
I don't know anything about programming but I followed your instructions and now have:

The scrips in the Command folder
A nice row of buttons in Moi

The buttons don't seem to do anything when I follow the instructions in the car modeling tutorial. Have I missed a vital step? Am I worng to think that it would be as easy as copy and pasting the scripts and copying code?

Typing in code took me back to my youth, a time when when my brother used to make me type in pages of basic into his Dragon32. With similar, unspectacular, results.

Best regards
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
7245.74 In reply to 7245.73 
Keith -

Have you verified the scripts are working by typing in the name of the script?

Hit TAB then enter the following in the box at the bottom of MoI: _sSPLIT

Even with nothing created in MoI you should see a pop-up dialog that says "Select edge or face(s)

If you don't get the pop-up dialog then your scripts are not installed correctly.

If you do see the pop-up then the code you typed in from here has an error:

The code in white is a screen shot from my working system, so if you retype it as shown it should work.

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 From:  keith1961
7245.75 In reply to 7245.74 
Thanks so much! I found a couple of errors in my typing. Less tired today so that helped too, Look like I will have some fun working out how to exploit this new power up.
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 From:  Marv (MSWRITES)
7245.76 In reply to 7245.73 
I attempted to put the scripts into the command folder and when trying to save got an "Access Denied" message. That stopped me.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7245.77 In reply to 7245.76 
Hi Marv,

> I attempted to put the scripts into the command folder and when trying to save
> got an "Access Denied" message. That stopped me.

In newer versions of Windows, Windows will by default prevent programs from modifying anything in the "Program Files" (or "Program Files (x86)") folders, unless the program is running with elevated privileges.

If you're trying to unzip directly into that commands folder, try right-clicking on your unzip program and choose "Run as Administrator", so that it will be running with elevated privileges and then be allowed to unzip into there.

Or another way you can do it is to unzip it to some other place like your desktop, and then use the Windows File Explorer to copy the files over - instead of just ending with an error message, Explorer should put up a Yes/No dialog and if you say yes there it will use the elevated privileges just for that file copy.

- Michael
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 From:  chippwalters
There's a new update to MGB, so please click the button 'check for updates.'

Michael changed the latest Mac version app name to "MoI" and MGB looks for the legacy name: "MoI"

I've now fixed it. You should press the check for update button on the top right of the interface, and it will automatically update the program. No need for Windows users to update, but if you do things should work just fine.
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 From:  paulrus
7245.79 In reply to 7245.78 
I couldn't find the answer by searching here or on Chip's site, so can anyone tell me what the "Externals" folder is for? It's empty on my install.

Also, I'm sure I asked this at some point in this thread, but is there a way for MGB to read the current CSS file for MOI so you don't have to recreate something you've already done prior to installing MGB?


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 From:  chippwalters
7245.80 In reply to 7245.79 
Externals -- no need to worry about it.

No way to read an existing CSS...would require me to write my own CSS renderer/parser. Sorry.
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7245.81 In reply to 7245.3 
WOW! That's CLASS!
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7245.82 In reply to 7245.40 
Created a /New Discussion/ labelled: ICONS-GUI, where I posted icons and GUI design suggestions...
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 From:  Neo (REYALICEA)
7245.83 In reply to 7245.1 
Hi Chipp,

I'm getting a "Stack not found" error when I try to launch the builder. What am I doing wrong? Running MacOs Sierra
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 From:  chippwalters
7245.84 In reply to 7245.83 
I'm not near a Mac right now.

Did you unZip everything before running it? There's a single file called MoiGUI.livecode which should be in the same folder as the app bundle.
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 From:  Neo (REYALICEA)
7245.85 In reply to 7245.84 
Unzipped everything, .livecode is in the same folder with the app bundle. When I click on the icon the GUI Builder Start screen pops up for a second then a message "A stack cannot be found" appears.
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 From:  chippwalters
7245.86 In reply to 7245.85 
Try moving everything to your desktop and run there. It may be a permissions issue.
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 From:  Neo (REYALICEA)
7245.87 In reply to 7245.86 
Tried that, same problem, it might be Sierra.
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