AMONIT modelling
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7172.13 In reply to 7172.12 
Options / General / Language/ English for have an answer by Michael! ;)
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 From:  Lara (MALA)
7172.14 In reply to 7172.13 
Could you make a simple example object and a screenshot of it. In order to see weather it is a script that goes the amonit way at all...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7172.15 In reply to 7172.10 
Hi Lara, I think the script is only working with MoI v3.

The script itself is not going to draw a finished solid for you, it will just give you a precise curve. If you don't need an extremely precise curve you can just draw a curve of similar shape using Draw curve > Freeform > Control points.

- Michael
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 From:  Lara (MALA)
7172.16 In reply to 7172.6 
Hi Glenn,
I tried to start your concept. But I need some help because some points I did not follow. (Because of my poor english and my poor MOI skills)

Here is what i do not understand of your concept:

"I unwrapped the spiral, wich gives you a flat line"
Means unwrapped the sweep function? How to unwrap? Where comes then the flat line from?

I copied the base shape 70times on this line and then used flow to flow it on the spiral.
Which function brings it onto the helix?

Would be nice to here from you!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7172.17 In reply to 7172.16 
1 . Unwrap : It's a command who unfold your curve (here an helix) on an straight line (you must load the 2 files! )
This line will have the lenght of the curve of course!
Select the any curve
Press Tab then Write unwrapcurve (or copy past this word from a list text file - you can also make a shortkey)

2. Flow Command. It's an internal Command of MOI: Menu Transform / Deform / Flow

EDITED: 13 Jan 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Lara (MALA)
7172.18 In reply to 7172.17 
Hello Pilou,
thanks for your MOI training.
Becauce I have MOI 2 the FlowCommand is not available for me. Should be in MOI3?!

Perhaps I can progress my Amonit with these new skills.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7172.19 In reply to 7172.18 
<< Should be in MOI3?! Yes Flow is only the V3!

But you can modelise your object without this function ;)

Maybe Scale Array can help you! ;) video in French but very visual :) use of the plugin

EDITED: 14 Jan 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Glenn Claes (GLENN)
Hi Lara,

I'm not that skilled either.
We learn step by step.
Trying to help you out learned some new things too.

I see that Pilou basicly told you what you didn't understand.
So far I learned that there is always more than one way to get a certain result.
Flow isn't realy necessary as I also used scale aray , as Pilou suggested.

As for a base shape, look at the last example that Pilou posted.
It's one "base" or "Basic" shape that has been copied several times.
So you don't have to model all of them sepperatly.
When you go to the copy tool you have several choices.
One is to copy on a line.
So what you should do is model just one of those sections until you have a shape that you like.
Then copy it and use scale aray.
(Note that you have to put a single point at the center of the base shape you make.
You need this for the scale aray function.
You can use the command " bounding box center " to do this

If you want a nice smooth curvy surface as a end result.
You could select all the edges that you copied on the spiral and do a loft.
But it will be important to select the edges in the correct order to give you a nice result.

Hope it helps.

Otherwise, the experts such as Pilou can probably help you better than me!
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 From:  Lara (MALA)
Bon Jour Pilou - Hi Glenn,
I just saw the video of Pilou. I try it out next days. You both are wonderful. Deep thanks to you (and the other helpers).


Best regards
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 From:  Lara (MALA)
7172.22 In reply to 7172.20 
Is it possible that the plugIn does not work in MOI 2? I got a script error.

EDITED: 10 Feb 2021 by MALA

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7172.23 In reply to 7172.22 
I don't believe because it's a very old plugin! One of the firsts! ;)
Maybe your version of Java Script...
Wait the Michael's answer ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7172.24 In reply to 7172.22 
Hi Lara, are you trying to run the BoundingBoxCenter command?

If so from that error message it looks like you probably need to adjust your shortcut key - it looks like you have the command part for your shortcut key to be "bounding box center" with some spaces in there. Try taking out those spaces, the command name is "BoundingBoxCenter" with no spaces in it.

- Michael
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 From:  Lara (MALA)
Thank you.
I tried it with BoundingBoxCenter (before: bounding box center).
No error this time - fine. But also not an operation - ces´t dommage.

My workflow like seen in Pilous video:
1. Making the base ellipse
2. Creating a Center Point (a second object - a tiny circle)
3. Named both as "Base"
4. Made the array along the helix
5. Hided the helix
6. Activated all objects
7. Did with B (my shortcut) the BoundingBoxCenter operation followed

Where is my mistake?
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 From:  OSTexo

Basic spiral using sweep in sections. Are you trying to construct a sink mold? If so you would need to reverse the wall height to be able to cut it away from the sink base and do some filleting and figure out the plumbing. You could still use Sweep to make ridges in the model. I'm not sure if there is a script to automatically draw perpendicular lines between two curves but that would save you a bunch of construction time.


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
<< 7. Did with B (my shortcut) the BoundingBoxCenter
Presume all objects + "the" point of each object are selected
You must press Tab then write ScaleArray : nothing to do with BoundingBoxCenter ;)
(except for the first point if you want like the little video following,
but this first point can be anywhere! So you can just click this first point without BoundingBoxCenter!

EDITED: 15 Jan 2015 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
7172.28 In reply to 7172.25 
Hi Lara,

> I tried it with BoundingBoxCenter (before: bounding box center).
> No error this time - fine. But also not an operation - ces´t dommage.

It may be a little bit difficult to see the result - the command BoundingBoxCenter puts a point object at the center of the bounding box around the selected objects. So after you run it, a point object should appear, it will be a small marker at the center of the selected objects.

It sounds like you may be expecting something else to happen instead?

- Michael
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 From:  Lara (MALA)
now I´ve got the basic operations.
THANK YOU VERY VERY MUCH for your patience and helpfulness and your spent time.
So beautyful to know that you are not alone in this world and people help together.

My last question for the moment is, how do I arrange it that the swept objects along the helix do point into the center of the helix?

Best regards, Lara

EDITED: 10 Feb 2021 by MALA

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
7172.30 In reply to 7172.29 
Maybe something like this ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
7172.31 In reply to 7172.29 
Hi Lara,

> My last question for the moment is, how do I arrange it that the swept objects along the
> helix do point into the center of the helix?

I'm not entirely sure I understand what the "swept objects along the helix" means - do you mean you want to reposition the profile curves used for the sweep so they are all on lines radiating out from the center point?

If so then maybe setting up a guide line like Pilou shows above and then using those lines as snapping guides to reposition the profiles.

Probably the easiest way to reposition a curve to a different orientation in the Top view is to use the Transform > Orient > Line to Line command.

To use orient line to line, select the object you want to reposition, then run the Transform > Orient > Line to line command, it will then ask you to select a base start point and a base end point. in the Top view snap these onto the curve you are repositioning. Then it will ask you for a target start and end point, you want to select the target start point onto the helix, and then select the target end point onto the guide line, or instead of using guide lines you can use the "perpendicular" straight snap for the second target point to make the second point come off perpendicular from the helix.

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

I'm sorry I wasn't clear on the Sweep construction. The green lines were setup to be perpendicular to the curves, and the orange three point arc was Scaled and Aligned to the green lines seen here. Once the initial outer section was Swept, subsequent sections spiraling inward were Swept using the edge of the surface and the following curve. If you wanted to make the sink you would increase the size of the inner orange curves and decrease the size of the outside. If it's helpful I think I have some time to make a short video of the process. Keep in mind it's just one of a few different ways you can construct this model, you may come up with a more efficient way to do so.


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