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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.211 In reply to 6925.209 
Hi thesixtyeight,

> Also one major (to me)thing for the wishlist:
> -loop selection by doubleclicking the edge so you can select whole loop and
> apply fillet instead of clicking every single curve segment

For the edge select loop see here for some demos on how to use it:

> Few minor things:
> -Perhaps this can be done with simple script but while holding shift, the straight snap would
> be automatically turned on; and turned off when shift is released

The way it works right now is that holding Shift increases the "strength" of straight snap, meaning if you have straight snap enabled if you hold shift it will engage the straight snap no matter how far away your cursor is from the snap line instead of the regular way where it engages if you are close to it.

I guess I don't see any reason why it shouldn't also be used to temporarily enable straight snap if it's currently off as well. If you can remind about this when v4 betas are underway I should be able to do it then.

> -when selecting multiple objects/lines, you would need to hold CTRL and click and removing already
> selected object/line would be done by holding ALT

Right now you don't need to hold down any key to select multiple objects, but do you mean you wished that it did need to hold down a key?

A lot of other programs use Shift for this, what programs are you using that use Ctrl and Alt ?

> -Sometimes its a bit annoying that when you are doing booleans , sometimes you get
> automatically activated some type of boolean and sometimes its not activated .

That's normal behavior with the Boolean Union command - when you open up the "Boolean" command set, boolean union will not run automatically because it doesn't have any stages to it, it just processes things and immediately finishes. So running it automatically when the boolean command set opens is not good because you wouldn't have a chance to switch to one of the other boolean commands instead.

- Michael
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From: http://kyticka.webzdarma.cz/3d/moi/

You can put the following scripts as a keyboard shortcuts. To define them, open Option dialog window, go to Shortcut keys section, push the "Add" button there which will insert a new blank shortcut key; click in the "Key" column and add the key you want to use to activate it, like "H" for example; then click in the "Command" column and paste in the script line _or_ open the moi.ini file (C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini) and edit directly the [Shortcut Keys] section. Just assign some key (e.g. K, Space) or key combinations (e.g. Ctrl+U, Alt+E) or function key (e.g. F5). The code for shortcut should be one long single line. Simple shortcuts can be found in moi_hotkey.txt file.

Note: for keyboard shortcus (*Spelling error*) that have script code in them, you can put a comment in the code with a note in it. You put in a text surrounded by /* */ , just after the script: part – see MoI forum for example.

See illustration: I added the shortcut key, then to recreate the selection process:

1. Select FILLET
2. Select 2 curves on the object
3. Shortcut key: Ctrl+L

Looks easy! Nothing happens! Shouldn't it select all the curves to fillet?


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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.213 In reply to 6925.212 
Hi Ced, for a case like you show there a better way is to select the top face and then run the Fillet command. When Fillet is given a face as input it will target all the edges of that face.

For the loop selection, is it possible you have some tiny unselected edge in between those 2 you have selected? You need to have 2 consecutive edges selected for it to work. Either that or do you maybe have a standalone curve object selected there instead of edge sub-objects?

If you can post the 3DM file you show there I could probably give you some better information.

- Michael
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I just slapped this together to test the Ctrl+L script - made a bunch of curves, then EXTRUDE.

I supposed one follows this procedure:

1. Select FILLET
2. Select two (2) curves
3. Ctrl+L
4. Hold the SHIFT key down and click somewhere?

Great software - certainly compared to 3dCoat - which - despite Chipp Walters helpful clips - is difficult to learn!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.215 In reply to 6925.214 
Hi Ced, the problem is the Ctrl+L script only selects edges. Edges are a special category of curve, an "Edge curve" is part of the trimming boundary of a face. A "Standalone curve" is an independent object not connected to a face.

In your file you have these 2 types of curves overlapping on top of each other, you've got the original "Standalone curves" that you initially drew, and then after you did the extrude there are also "Edge curves" of the extrusion overlapping that same area.

You're getting the standalone curves selected when you click there, you're not getting the edge curves selected. Try hiding or deleting the original generator curves so you don't have anything right over top of your edges anymore so you can target the edges.

You can also look at the object type indicator in the upper right corner of the window to see what type of objects are selected. It will need to read "2 Edges" selected in order for the script to do anything. If it says "2 Curves", that means you have standalone curves selected not any edge curves.

- Michael
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Do I win the Darwin award, yes or no?

Thank you! Now please delete my question ha-ha!
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 From:  thesixtyeight
@Michael Gibson:

>I guess I don't see any reason why it shouldn't also be used to temporarily enable straight snap if it's currently off as well. If you can remind about this when v4 betas are underway I should be able to do it then.

cool, sounds good :)

>Right now you don't need to hold down any key to select multiple objects, but do you mean you wished that it did need to hold down a key?
>A lot of other programs use Shift for this, what programs are you using that use Ctrl and Alt ?

Yeah, so one wont accidentally deselect while wanting to select. This behaviour is from 3Ds max, I think maybe it would be cool to have it as an option?
I mean its not like a big deal, it just makes you feel that you can select/deselect more smoothly :)

>That's normal behavior with the Boolean Union command - when you open up the "Boolean" command set, boolean union will not run automatically because it doesn't have any stages to it, it just processes things >and immediately finishes. So running it automatically when the boolean command set opens is not good because you wouldn't have a chance to switch to one of the other boolean commands instead.

Sorry maybe I didnt explain correctly. As you can see in the image sometimes the boolean type is selected and you can proceed with selecting the second object, and sometimes its not. And so it gets a bit annoying as you count on it being selected even tho its not, and it happends quite a lot to me. I am not sure but this is maybe something to do with right mouse click. This is also /to me/ quite annoying thing, The right mouse tries to repeat last operation, I think right mouse should be used to deselect everything, or maybe if it is possible it should be possible to remap the RMB to a command. So people who would like to have deselect on it could switch it to it. This would be quite convenient I think.
Im not sure if you understood what im trying to explain, if not, if you would be interested I could quickly show you over skype with screen share ^^
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.218 In reply to 6925.217 
Hi thesixtyeight,

> Yeah, so one wont accidentally deselect while wanting to select. This behaviour is from 3Ds max,
> I think maybe it would be cool to have it as an option?
> I mean its not like a big deal, it just makes you feel that you can select/deselect more smoothly :)

There is something a little similar to this actually built in already - if you just click normally if there are several things all within target distance (like say 3 lines radiating out from a common center point and you're clicking near the common point), the preference is to target unselected objects which will become selected. So if you click 3 times on the common point you should end up with the 3 lines selected.

If you hold down ctrl and click the preference will be reversed, it will have a preference for targeting selected objects which will then get unselected. This is only for situations where there are many different targets clustered close to each other.

Really the best way to avoid selection and deselection problems is to avoid clicking in ambiguous areas to begin with, and to use the mouse over feedback to help see what's going to happen before you click. When a curve is going to be deselected it will get a dark halo around it, when it's going to be selected it gets a bright halo around it. If you intend to select things and you see a dark halo that's an indication that you shouldn't click there, it's not going to do what you want.

> Sorry maybe I didnt explain correctly. As you can see in the image sometimes the boolean
> type is selected and you can proceed with selecting the second object, and sometimes its not.

Well are you only ever using boolean difference or are you using boolean union sometimes too?

Those pop out things are called "Command sets", and when you open a command set the last command that you used in it is the one that will get launched. Except that is for commands that can work without any additional stage in them such as boolean union. If boolean union did launch automatically then if you had 2 objects already selected before pushing the "Boolean" button, it would run boolean union and be all finished which wouldn't be good if you wanted to run one of the other booleans instead.

You should be able to repeat this systematically - just run boolean union and do something else like draw a line and then come back to booleans, it should open up empty just like you show but that's intentional behavior.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
6925.219 In reply to 6925.218 
Hi michael,
If you do any work on the forum, an addition could be a "user filter" where one could hide a user.

I know its kindof off from a positive request, but i could find this useful for myself....
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.220 In reply to 6925.219 
Hi Burr, that is actually possible now I just removed some of the quick links to it in the original forum streamlining.

But you can still access that forum functionality by going to Options on the top bar and then "Relationships" in the left side menu.

Search on the user name, then click on the name in the list and you can set that user's messages to be ignored.

- Michael
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 From:  Marbleman
6925.221 In reply to 6925.220 
Thanks Michael.....very useful tip!
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 From:  BurrMan
6925.222 In reply to 6925.220 
Bingo. Works perfectly!
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 From:  chippwalters
Shhh. This is a test to see if in fact Burrman has relegated me to his discard pile.... :-)

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 From:  BurrMan
6925.224 In reply to 6925.223 
Lol..... never!
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 From:  bigseb

just a small request (probably won't be too hard). I wouldn't having larger windows for layer naming, or possibly make it possible to drag the window to larger. Sometimes (often) our files name are such that I can't see the layer's entire name.





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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.226 In reply to 6925.225 
Hi Sebastian, I'll see about making it resizeable in v4.

For the moment you can get what you need by editing the UI files though, go to the /ui sub-folder and edit the file named EditNameDialog.htm in a text editor.

The text field is on line number 30 which currently has:

				<td><input id="nameinput" size="32" style="width:auto;"></td>

If you change the size="32" to something larger that will give you more space, like if you make it size="64" that will have room for 64 characters.

- Michael
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 From:  bigseb
6925.227 In reply to 6925.226 
Cheers Michael that worked :)



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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.228 In reply to 6925.227 
Hi Sebastian, also I was able to tweak things for v4 to make the edit name dialog resizable in width by dragging the window edges. So in v4 you'll be able to just drag it to whatever width you prefer and it will remember that new width.

- Michael
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 From:  bigseb
6925.229 In reply to 6925.228 
Awesome! Awaiting the beta... :D



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 From:  Mindset (IGNITER)
Might it be reasonably convenient to implement OLE DB in version 4 and assign every MOI object a unique identifier to link to external databases?
Either way, MOI3D is the greatest.

-- MindSet
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