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 From:  guyver (DAVGIAN)
6925.150 In reply to 6925.148 
yes :)
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 From:  Przemas
for me that a wish for V4 would be a Linux version - as I still haven't managed to get MoI usable through WINE. I can get it to run easily but there's a visual glitch that makes it non workable (it's like display is one frame behind actual state - for example when I make a selection the "marquee" stays on screen until I move the cursor. What's worse this affects highlighting the selection - tough to explain , if anyones interested I can work out a video). Tried on 3 different systems, with different configuration - happens every time.
And damn, I would really love to have a NURBS modeler on Linux - apart from mid lvl video editing , CAD is something where choices on Linux suck badly. At the very least dcc apps are covered thx to Modo / Maya / Houdini (... and Blender).
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 From:  niko (NICKP100)
Michael I was wondering if you have any plans of incorporating real time filetting in V4 ( a la Spaceclaim, DesignSpark).
To me it is MOI's main weakness/time sink right now.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.153 In reply to 6925.152 
Hi niko, I've had some thoughts that I'd like to look into that. So we'll see - no firm plans yet though. It depends on getting filleting handled by a different geometry library and how reliable the library is.

- Michael
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 From:  glmr
6925.154 In reply to 6925.153 
I don't know if anyone already posted, but I suppose that numeric coordinates editor is a must also.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.155 In reply to 6925.154 
Hi glmr, I would definitely not take away numeric input for the fillet radius value, the part that would be modified would be setting it using the mouse.

- Michael
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 From:  glmr
6925.156 In reply to 6925.155 
I mean objects and gropus position/orientation. X,Y,Z with a possibility to move them via coordinates system.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.157 In reply to 6925.156 
Hi glmr, you can already use the Transform > Move command currently to move a point on an object to a specific X,Y,Z coordinate already.

I guess you're asking though about objects having a sort of "local axis" point that you could set. That tends to be something that's used by animation systems though and not so much with CAD programs like MoI.

EDIT: Well except for instancing, that should have that type of thing.

- Michael
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 From:  glmr
6925.158 In reply to 6925.157 
How can I move a point to a specific XYZ?? I'm trying but see usual dialogue - boundary box, distance from edge etc. so, I can set XYZ in window, but I need to change evrything in this way. so it is not possible to change one axis only
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.159 In reply to 6925.158 
Hi glmr,

> How can I move a point to a specific XYZ??

You just type in the X,Y,Z value when it's asking you for the target point. You'll see your keystrokes go to the XYZ coordinate input in the bottom toolbar:

- Michael

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 From:  glmr
6925.160 In reply to 6925.159 
it would be netter ho have such option as in Rhino - just choose an object and edit each parameter without re-type al of them
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.161 In reply to 6925.160 
Hi glmr, I don't remember Rhino having any feature like that, it must be relatively new. Can you describe it a bit more?

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
6925.162 In reply to 6925.161 
Hi Michael.

I think glmr is referring to BoxEdit command of Rhino V5.

Look at this video : http://take.ms/ddgch

See you.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.163 In reply to 6925.162 
Hi Marco, you can do the sizing part of Rhino's BoxEdit command in MoI by clicking on the size line in the properties panel, it will show an "Edit size" menu like this:

@glmr - if you can describe in more detail what you need for positioning, it's pretty likely I could make a plug-in for you to do it.

- Michael

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 From:  mkdm
6925.164 In reply to 6925.163 
Hi Michael.

@Michael "Hi Marco, you can do the sizing part of Rhino's BoxEdit command in MoI by clicking on the size line in the properties panel, it will show an "Edit size" menu like this:"

I already knew that editing feature of Moi but thanks anyway for the reminder.

I told you about Rhino's BoxEdit command only because it has some additional features that Moi's Edit Size doesn't have.

But IMHO are negligible things.

See you.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  glmr
6925.165 In reply to 6925.164 
I'm just talking about BoxEdit-like possibility to change also XYZ position of an object. It would be good to change also rotation, but positioning in BoxEdit style is much more important.
Now I can edit XYZposition but every time I should type all new coordinates. It is not comfortable if I need to change just one of them.
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 From:  klaudio

One suggestion but also curios if it's already possible somehow or there is some script out there.

Option to directly select faces, edges or points and move/rotate/scale them. Something like this > http://www.autodesk.com/products/fusion-360/blog/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/move-face_direct.gif

I know currently you can move things a bit by showing the points together with using ShrinkTrimmedSrf and to some degree, kind of, using Extrude....but all of those are a more like a workaround rather then actual solution, if you know what i mean.

The Fusion360 example posted above seems to work exactly like with polygon where you can select the face and then move/rotate/scale it. Do you thing something similar is already possible in Moi3D, if not then maybe for Moi3D v4?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.167 In reply to 6925.165 
Hi glmr, I've attached a plug-in which will give you separate X, Y, Z input fields for changing the bounding box center position, like this:

Hopefully that will help with what you are describing. There are instructions for installing a plug-in here.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6925.168 In reply to 6925.166 
Hi klaudio, that's something that I would like to add but it's a lot more difficult than what it looks.

> The Fusion360 example posted above seems to work exactly like with polygon where you can
> select the face and then move/rotate/scale it.

It's actually different than with polygons - when you do that in a polygon modeler and rotate the points, the points stay in the same planar shape and the "side walls" of the shape will no longer be vertical after the rotation. The "CAD solid modeling" way is different than that, it rotates the face, then extends the face and extends the "side walls" and intersects those extended pieces with each other so the side walls stay vertical. The points that were rotated are then no longer in the same planar shape as the original, it's elongated by whatever amount is necessary for it to run into the side walls.

This particular kind of extension mechanism is not all that robust in the geometry library that MoI currently uses, one of the things I hope to gain by using a different library would be better handling of these types of operations.

Because it involves a lot of difficult calculations for general cases other than boxes, it's not really something that's feasible to do in a script.

- Michael
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 From:  glmr
6925.169 In reply to 6925.167 
The plug-in works perfect! That's what I needed, thanks Michael!
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