Polygonal Converter.
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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
>> Wondering if the "shrinkage" is something that is more or less a known factor, or is it more arbitrary with different geometries?
This "shrink factor" depends on many parameters, and may varies from vertex to vertex. It will not be easy task to revert subdivided shape to its original state.
I'll try to find information about it tomorrow.

Frenchy Pilou
>>So maybe number line, color line, extra color word, ...
I will think about built-in multilanguage support.

>>is OK to use Separate ?
Yes. This is the best way. I use it too.

Thank you very much! I'm happy that my scripts is useful for you :)
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 From:  bemfarmer
I thought this paper might be of interest:

Conversion of trimmed NURBS surfaces to Catmull–Clark subdivision surfaces.


- Brian
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 From:  Paulo (MADEIRA3D)
Hello all

I'm sorry but how do I install this script?
Were do I place the 2 files?

I'm on mac.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6674.436 In reply to 6674.435 
Hi Paulo,

> I'm sorry but how do I install this script?
> Were do I place the 2 files?

I've just now added an answer to this in the FAQ section of the wiki, please check it out here:

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
6674.437 In reply to 6674.436 
French version updated! ;)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
Hi all,

I've got some pretty simple solids set up and constantly get an unsupported polygon pop up - am I not understanding a crucial concept?


- Rich


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 From:  eddi
6674.439 In reply to 6674.438 
This mean, face polygon has more than 4 sides
Make it 4 sided, (only 3 or 4 sides supported)


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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
6674.440 In reply to 6674.439 
Ah okay great thanks for that

- Rich
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 From:  toggi
6674.441 In reply to 6674.68 
you are really the master of great scripts.
accidently found this...
a while ago i was looking for a way to further modify OBJ files.
this is the only solution i found so far.
(and MoI makes it really easy to re-model the surface parts where needed.)
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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
Hey Max,

I'm a huge fan of your scripts and just now work on a design that requires the translation from Subdivision Surfaces to NURBS.

I have one problem though:
Everything works great as long as only two edges meet to build a sharp edge, but in my model I have several places where more edges meet and I wonder if it's possible to solve that somehow?
Here is my Model in Softimage XSI with hard edges applied (the blue ones):

And this is the result in MoI with your script:

I probably could remodel all those edges by hand, but they are many and I wonder if you would have an idea how to deal with it automagically ;-)

If I preserve corners I get rather weird results that are not usable.
It basically would need to keep the rounding but make the corners sharp only where several cuts/corners meet.

Thank you VERY MUCH!!!!



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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
6674.443 In reply to 6674.442 
Thought some more on how this could be implemented:
If recognising the cross-points automatically is a problem, maybe we could select the points we want to stay sharp before we apply the script?
But I guess you would still need to somehow pick up the continuity between the parts...

BTW. My illustration above from MoI contains some selection errors, in both cases there would be four hard lines that meet in one point if it would be the same as in XSI, but I also have corners where three hard edges meet.

If there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.


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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
6674.444 In reply to 6674.443 
Another question:
I checked for a while now, but seem to be unable in MoI to separate an edge.
How would I go about separating edges that are not separatable by a polygon selection?
Like splitting one edge in a ring of polygons? Can that be done at all?
Sorry if I miss something obvious here... ;-)
Otherwise I would have to try if it can be done by separating the polygon edge before import...


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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
If you select all edges and then do a copy and paste you should have all edges as curves.
Is that o.k. for you?

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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
6674.446 In reply to 6674.445 
Thanks Stefan,

my question was maybe unclear: I want to do the conversion from OBJ to NURBS, but want sharp corners inside for instance a Ring of polygons (just as a simple example, my real objects are more involved):

These are four polygons (a cube with top and bottom removed) and one sharp edge. I have not found a way in MoI to "disconnect" an edge like that so that the script can treat it as "sharp".

But somehow I feel it would be even better if we would not have to disconnect the pieces for sharp corners but could simply select the edges we want sharp and the script would work from there. The disconnecting has some disadvantages that I guess would be easier to solve with selected edges instead, since you would still have a whole, connected mesh.

I looked at the script but the math is over my head, so I can't directly contribute other than with some brainstorming on possible approaches and workflow.

Cheers and thanks!


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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Tom,

now i understand, in Silo for example it's called "crease edges". I quickly created a polygon cube like you show, imported it into the free Fusion 360 (for hobbyists etc.) converted to T-Splines and then creased one edge. See attached image. Another one i have tried is to do the same and then refined the mesh in Silo and imported into Rhino trial with "MeshtoNURB" command, resulting in a high surface patches object in MoI, so not ideal...

So if Max could somehow implement a "crease edge" function for poly import and his subd script, this would be awesome!



EDITED: 30 Oct 2016 by STEFAN

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6674.448 In reply to 6674.446 
Hi Tommy,

unfortunately my script doesn't support creases at the moment.
But you can try to use the split script to make a crease

EDITED: 7 Mar 2022 by SMIRNOV

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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
6674.449 In reply to 6674.448 
Hey Max,

awesome, thanks a lot - the good old techniques from the past before there was edge-weighting ;-)
That works pretty well for what I do at the moment, although it creates a tiny rounding instead of a really sharp corner.

Would you consider implementing sharp creases (for instance from an edge selection) or is that out of the scope of what you want to do with the script?
I would really love that feature.

But for the moment I'm very happy :-)

Thanks and Cheers,


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 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
Hey Max,

it turns out it's not optimal to work with the multi-line-edges since they tend to create subtle wobbling and smoothing in places where you don't want them.
I can't use an OBJ mesh where the parallel edge-lines coincide completely (for a maximum sharpened edge), I guess the obj importer or MoI merges those away? But even with very small distance values, the Subdiv Script fails (no error message, it just doesn't do anything).
The smallest I seem to be able to go is 0.05 mm which still creates too much smoothness for some of my edges.

So I still would very much love to have a way to set completely sharp corners :-)

Thanks a lot,

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 From:  noetigenfalls (SIECHFRED_NOETIGENFALLS)
Thank you Max. You have a very good tool created for a fine Program.

Greetings from Berlin
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 From:  keyi

I was searching the forum here but didn't saw someone mentioned something regarding ImportObj script.

It seems like, if you have your objects in your other 3D app not perfectly world centered but instead somewhere in the scene - the ImportObj seems to completely ignore
object position/scale when imported in Moi3D, it will just import it in the center of the Moi3D scene. When you export back from Moi3D to other 3D app the object will not anymore be in the original position but instead centered in the middle of the scene.

What i usually do is when i model something in Maya and i see something would be just easier/faster/better to make in Moi3D, i will block it out and export as Obj then using ImportObj script import in Moi3D. At this point the object will not be anymore in original position/scale/rotation so when i am done working in Moi3D and export back to Maya i have to position/scale/rotate the object back in the original place again.

Is there a way currently for Moi3D and other 3D app get along nicely when import/export your object and for object to remember position/scale/rotation instead of, when you import obj, Moi3D to auto center it?

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