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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.206 In reply to 6507.204 
I tried out all 4 snapshots with a curve and points.
The first two looked very good.
The last two were huge files, and were badly faded. The points are tiny, and almost invisible.
(On Windows 7)

- Brian
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.207 In reply to 6507.206 
Hi Brian, yeah currently there isn't any way to scale the display of points up dynamically like you would want with a very high resolution screen render.

The points are drawn based on bitmaps in the \ui sub-folder: Point.png, Point_selected.png, Point_transitionfromselected.png and Point_transitiontoselected.png .

You can modify the point size in a permanent way by changing those bitmaps, if you make a larger bitmap it will make the points larger too. But since they are not composed dynamically there isn't any way to just temporarily change them only for the render itself.

It can be possible to avoid the curve display from getting fainter by adjusting the script to make the setting for mio.view.lineWidth to be larger when doing a higher resolution capture, right now the script only seems to increase it up to 2 pixels in size, it probably needs to go more than that for the higher density ones.

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.208 In reply to 6507.207 
Thank you Michael.
No complaints here, just a new, for me, observation :-)

- Brian
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 From:  Jay (JAYGEE)
Hi Michael,
I've got an iMac with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB.

By the way, maybe there is a discussion somewhere:
If I got too many objects writing out a .pdf or .ai it is running out of memory.

Copy/Paste with a graphic-program (Sketch):
Sketch -> MoI = ok
MoI -> Sketch = false
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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.210 In reply to 6507.209 
Hi Jay,

> I've got an iMac with a NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096 MB.

Normally that should be plenty, but it's possible that the mechanism that MoI uses for running on the Mac is preventing it from accessing the full amount of video RAM and limiting the resolution that you can use for the screen render.

> By the way, maybe there is a discussion somewhere:
> If I got too many objects writing out a .pdf or .ai it is running out of memory.

What do you have for the "Canvas megapixel resolution" on the PDF/AI export options dialog? If you've set it above 30 please try resetting it back to the default value of 30 and see if that makes any difference.

- Michael
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 From:  Jay (JAYGEE)
Thank you very much. Restart solved the problem. Work great!
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 From:  mikebres
Great Job!

What do I need to do to get the Shortcut menu to work? All I get is an empty dialog when I click it.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
6507.213 In reply to 6507.212 
Hi Mike,

> What do I need to do to get the Shortcut menu to work? All I get is an empty
> dialog when I click it.

I think you need to mark which shortcuts you want to appear in the list by putting in a ! character inside of a comment in the shortcut.

See the instructions on this other shortcut menu for more explanation:

- Michael
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 From:  mikebres
Ah, perfect. Thank you very much.
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 From:  joe (JOEG171717)
i am using your custom ui. i was wondering how i might go about adding the 'reset all' button to the bottom command bar alongside object library, script, snapshot and the like.


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 From:  bemfarmer
6507.216 In reply to 6507.215 
Hi Joe,

For Max Smirnov's CustomUI script, for Windows7, from Windows explorer directory, just remove (by renaming), the - (dash or minus) from in front of -ResetAll.htm file, in ...Program Files (x86)/ Moi3.0/ ui/ customui....path. (Your path may vary.)

- Brian
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 From:  joe (JOEG171717)
6507.217 In reply to 6507.216 
perfect! thanks very much
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 From:  ttype (STRUBE)
6507.218 In reply to 6507.182 
Can you perhaps add autocomplete for commands to the command bar? I have had a look at jquery and the functionality for autocomplete is completely implemented in there.

In fact, just a few lines are needed in order to set up autocomplete itself:
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery-2.1.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery-ui-1.11.3/jquery-ui.js"></script>

And then it even searches "inside" words. Like for "ar" it suggests "PlanARSrf". Which is absolutely fantastic.

Unfortunately I failed putting it all together, because it is simply not possible to just add an input field to the commandbar.htm, because the menu popping up tries to resize the commandbar's part of the whole screen. (And, well, it feels like it would take weeks for me to figure out how the whole UI thing works. Especially since documentation is rather rare in MoI land.)

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 From:  Max Smirnov (SMIRNOV)
6507.219 In reply to 6507.218 
>>Can you perhaps add autocomplete for commands to the command bar?
Sorry, right now I have no time for this.
I prefer to use shortcuts and Ext.scripts addon. It's much faster than typing.
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 From:  ttype (STRUBE)
6507.220 In reply to 6507.219 
>> I prefer to use shortcuts and Ext.scripts addon. It's much faster than typing.

Typing must be faster than searching sth. here:

But I guess, I am going to try to add an input field to that menu and some jQuery that updates the table while I'm typing. Or so. I'll attach it somewhere here should I come up with something useful.
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 From:  chippwalters
Hi Everyone,

Hope this helps any of those Mac Users who want to create a CUSTOM folder (say a Dropbox folder) for their Object Library files. I do this so that I only need to keep one folder on Dropbox and all the library files automatically show up both at work and at home.

You'll need to find the file: ObjLibrary.cfg.htm in the mods folder and edit it from:
Object Library;MOI\objects
to: (use the accurate path to your file. See HERE for how to properly find the file path on MacOS.)
Object Library;/Users/chippwalters/Dropbox/Moi/ObjectsDONTMOVE

NOTE the slashes are going the opposite way!
Next, you’ll need to change Search for this code:
if ( moi.filesystem.fileExists (iconname) ) { document.write ('<div class="preview"><img class="icon" src="'+ iconname.split("\\").join('/') +'?'+randomID+'"></div>'); }

and replace with this code (note inclusion of 'file:///z:')
if ( moi.filesystem.fileExists (iconname) ) { document.write ('<div class="preview"><img class="icon" src="file:///z:'+ iconname.split("\\").join('/') +'?'+randomID+'"></div>'); }

Now you should be good to go! :-)
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 From:  Moriturimax
6507.222 In reply to 6507.3 
I tried installing it, put the commandbar.htm in the root directory of moi3d, and the customui folder in the root directory like it said above. When I start moi, nothing happens, no new menu items at the bottom, nothing different.

When the instructions say to extract it into the moi folder, does it literally mean into the root moi folder?

UPDATE: never mind, like a dumass I was opening the archive and manually trying to install it, when the directory structure in the archive showed me exactly how it was SUPPOSED to work... facepalm.


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 From:  Carlo (CARLOBEE)
6507.223 In reply to 6507.54 

The Line:

var Path = moi.command.getOption('ExePath', false) + "\\snapshots\\";

Doesn't exist in the 84 Snapshot.html file.

The closest thing seems to be this line::
vp.render(w, h).save(moi.filesystem.getProcessDir()+"\\snapshots\\"+time+"-[""].png");

Is that right?

If so, does this example look right to you?
vp.render(w, h).save(moi.filesystem.getProcessDir()+"F:\\Dropbox\\Work\\MOI3D\\snapshots\\"+time+"-[""].png");

Can't seem to make it work

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Message 6507.224 deleted 28 Dec 2015 by GETROOT

 From:  bemfarmer
6507.225 In reply to 6507.223 
Snapshot in CustomUI stopped working last year after reinstalling all Windows 7 programs to a new hard drive.
Previously it had worked. The snapshots directory is located alongside of "ui" and "commands."
To enable writing to Program Files (x86) \ MoI 3.0 \ snapshots, it was necessary to right click
on MoI 3.0, select Properties, Security, Edit, select my user name, and place a checkmark in
the write box, then apply. (Increases Administrator-like privileges)

Similar to using Michael's method here:
I was able to create a snapshot2 directory alongside snapshot directory, but was unable to relocate it to AppData directory.
I modified 84Snapshot2.htm to 85Snapshot2.htm file with
vp.render(w, h).save(moi.filesystem.getProcessDir()+"\\snapshot2\\"+time+"-[""].png");
and also modified the end of the last line to ==">Snapshot2</moi:CommandButton>
Also need to rename the function name to "function snapshot2(w, h, button, shiftkey, ctrlkey)
as well as its call in the last line.

- Brian

Also added the snapshot and snapshot2 subdirectories to the file directory library for quick viewing access.
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