Trim edge

 From:  brash
Hi All,

When I construct a network from four curves I get a solid with single edge.
When I trim a solid on surface near edge I get one edge, but when I trim surface on edge I get two edge.
Pls help:
How I can choose one curve from four curves which be single edge of solid?
How I can blend three edges on two solids?


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 From:  Mauro (M-DYNAMICS)
5792.2 In reply to 5792.1 
first trick,draw a line (blue) perpendicular to the opposite edge like in my picture,than trim the edge using that line:you'll have two edges to blend

second trick: if they are spheres,rotate left sphere 180° before trunk them to get the seam on back



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 From:  brash
5792.3 In reply to 5792.2 
Thank you!

I did trim the round curve, but get three curves! WHY???
Of couse i can rotate example sphere, but my model is not possible rotate(((
Could explain how I can change a single curve of solid?

EDITED: 26 Mar 2013 by BRASH

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 From:  brash
For example

I think I understand. I increased the length of this curve, make the network, and edge of the solid became a different curve. Probably the shortest curve became a edge of solid? Then why not profile curve do not became a edge of solid?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5792.5 In reply to 5792.4 
Hi Brash - a closed surface will always have a "seam edge" - that's just how NURBS surfaces work. The surface is defined by a rectangular grid of control points, something like a sheet of paper. But it's a stretchy rubber sheet of paper and some spots (the ends) can be pinched down to a point, and you can also make a closed tube by rolling up the sheet of paper so that 2 opposite ends touch each other, that's what results in a seam edge.

The particular profile that becomes the seam depends on the order that the curves happened to be processed inside of the command's calculations. In some commands if you individually click on curves that can affect the order that they are processed, I don't remember right now if that is the case for Network or not.

- Michael
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 From:  brash
5792.6 In reply to 5792.5 
Hi Michael,

Thank you! I continued to experiment and has increased the length of the curve, but this time the same curve has an edge. It would be good to have the opportunity to choose the curve, that will be the edge. I would be grateful if you would have understood how the algorithm of choice of the curve in the edge.
Because I have shown by example that cutting along the edge and the solid produces different results, but for me it's important.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5792.7 In reply to 5792.6 
Hi Brash, now that I look at it - the seam edge will be determined by the starting point of the opposite set of curves.

Similar to how a closed surface has a "seam edge", a closed curve also has a "seam point" where the start and end of the curve come together.

The next edge from that closed curve's seam point will be the one that will become the seam edge.

You can find the seam point of a closed curve by using the plug-in here which will place a point object at the start location of a curve:

Unzip that and copy the files into the \commands sub-folder and then there will be a new command available named MarkCurveStart which you can set up a shortcut key for.

Right now there is not an easy way to relocate the seam point of a closed curve, but if you have a symmetrical closed curve like a circle you can just rotate it around.

- Michael
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 From:  brash
5792.8 In reply to 5792.7 
Thank so much, good plugin. Is it possible change start point of curve?
Have not symmetrical curves(((
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5792.9 In reply to 5792.8 
Hi brash,

> Thank so much, good plugin. Is it possible change start point of curve?

There is not currently any easy way to do that - in the future I want to add a tool to do it.

One kind of roundabout way to do it is to duplicate the curve a little ways off to the side and then do a loft between the 2 curves (making an extrusion-like shape), then during the last stage of Loft where you can adjust options you can also drag the seam point which controls how the curves are being connected to make the loft surface. When you then finish the loft you can extract the edge curve of the lofted result which will be a curve with its seam point moved. You extract an edge curve by selecting it and doing copy / paste.

- Michael
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