Imported object orientation and imported object scale for ai-file
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5625.2 In reply to 5625.1 
Hi JPVikholm,

> I was wondering if it could be possible to give imported ai-file a orientation. Normally imported ai-file end up in xy-plane.
> To have a choice between xy, xz and yz would be just awesome.

There's an "Orient view to view" tool that can make this reorientation really easy - after you do the import, run the tool which is located here:

The prompt will say: "Click in source view" - here you will want to click in the Top view which is where the curves are currently aligned to. You can click anywhere inside the view, the specific point location does not matter.

The next prompt will say: "Click in target view" - here you want to click in either the Front or Right view, again just anywhere inside the specific location does not matter.

That will then remap your 2D curves from the Top view into the particular view that you clicked on. This tool is helpful for this particular situation of wanting to reorient curves from one view's plane to another one's by just clicking in each view.

> When importing ai-file it would be helpful if there were possibility to set its limits. I mean bounding
> box type of limits for x or y directions. For example you could give 4m to x-axis and y-axis would
> scale accordingly.

After you import, the imported curves will be selected and the current bounding size of them will be displayed in the properties panel in the upper-right area of the main window:

If you click on the line that is displaying the size, you will then be able to edit it:

So for example to give 4m to x and let the y-axis scale accordingly, just click on the size line to bring up the edit size menu, leave the default "Maintain proportions" to be checked and enter in 4 for the x value and that should do what you are asking.

> One thing relating to this... Is there any way that one could snap to object handles with a tool? For
> example when scaling you can of course snap to object it self but sometimes handles would give more
> accurate result. Especially when dealing with curves 2d or 3d.

Right now there is not any built in method to snap to those handles when drawing, I have though some before about possibly adding that. But it's not always necessarily good to have more snap points, when the whole screen gets filled with them they can get in the way.

But usually for scaling it's just easier to use the handles themselves to do the scaling - if you want the handles to scale from the corner instead of from the center, just click on a scale handle instead of dragging on it. On every click on a corner handle it will toggle between "Scale from center" and "Scale from corner" mode, and you'll see the anchor point move on each click. When you move the mouse over any scale corner a little marker is shown to show you what will be used as the scaling center - it will either be the center or the opposite corner.

More details on various functions of the edit frame here:

If you do want to get at a corner point for some specific reason, it is possible to get to it by using the BoundingBox command to create a rectangle that frames the selection, that will then have endpoints you can snap on to:

Hope this helps!

- Michael


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 From:  Michael Gibson
5625.3 In reply to 5625.1 
Also another option for orienting the AI file is to use the "ImportPart" command, that's available by right-click on the Import button. It will then use the orientation picker to let you position the just imported objects.

But the orientation picker mechanism is more set up to orient things onto objects, like if you wanted to stick the imported file onto the side of a box it would work easily for that, but for doing things between views doing a regular import followed by orient view to view as shown above is easier.

- Michael
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 From:  jpvikholm
Hi Michael,

Thank You again. I really have to start reading manuals more often... and browse these forums :)

- JPVikholm
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