Hi Mike, so from what I can tell on your most recent screenshot there is that your keyboard shortcut now looks ok but your commands directory looks strange - have you accidentally made a second copy of the commands folder in a different location? Because your screenshot seems to be showing it under drive_c/commands, while MoI's actual commands folder is located under drive_c/moi/commands.
So the problem is that you're not getting into drive_c/moi/commands which is where you need to put the 2 files.
Please try the following steps:
Step 1 - right click the MoI .app icon and choose "Show package contents".
Now a finder Window will pop up with 4 things showing on it (initially at least, if you have expanded the "Contents" folder previously there will be a lot more showing - in this case collapse the Contents folder back down again so you only have the 4 initial things showing again), which are: Contents, docs, drive_c, and Wineskin.
Step 2 - double click on drive_c.
You'll now have 4 different things showing: moi, Program Files, users, and windows.
Step 3- double click on moi.
You'll now have a bunch of things showing and second from the top is commands.
Step 4 - double click on commands.
Now you are at MoI's commands folder - this is where you need to copy the files for any downloaded plug-in files.
Somewhere along the line I guess you must have accidentally copy/dragged the whole commands folder to a different location, so now you have 2 of them (copied one in drive_c/commands and original one in drive_c/moi/commands), one of which MoI doesn't know anything about or do anything with and so if you copy files into that unused one it will not be recognized by MoI.
Hope this straightens things out, please let me know if you are still stuck.
- Michael