Surfaces and edges : 3 question to know how-to well do.
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 From:  Alomphega
5204.3 In reply to 5204.2 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for point #1, that's all what I needed to know :-)

About #2 I cannot do that with planar, I have tried and re-tried, but nothing seems to work.

& for the #3 yes, I made it small by small steps. This curve is the result of a line tangent to an ellipse joined then extruded. As it was joined as line tangented I thought the surfaces was smooth enough to not make an edge...
Well, I will try to make big solids then cut in with bolean to obtain the good shape.

Anyway it could be so cool if you could show me !
There you will find the 3dm file in attachment, please use it at your convenience.

My Best,

Guy Capra,
always working on few funny projects : ; and so on...

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5204.4 In reply to 5204.3 
> how can I erase this edge to obtain a smooth unique surface here ?

it's not if there is a line(s), that want say that the surface are not smooth for a renderer engine!

If you disable in the Browser Visibility of Edges, you can see that these surfaces are some smooth ;)

If you want absolutly no line you must repair your object!
Verify that you have not Points who are not necessary!

The more easy is Copy Past from the original some parts and reconstruct them ;)

If you have 2 same curves kill one and copy move the last for be sure that they are not fliped!

Then at the end kill false original parts and assemble with news :)

Ps Don't put your object with any orientation in the floating space
because we must rotate it and past it on the gride
for more easy to work on it ;)
(times won)

EDITED: 20 Jun 2012 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5204.5 In reply to 5204.3 
Hi Guy - thanks for posting the file, that makes it a lot easier to answer your questions about it!

For #2 - there is not any hole there, you already have a surface in that spot, here I have selected it to help show it to you more clearly:

So you don't need to do anything at all to fill in that hole - there is no hole there, it's filled in by a planar surface there already.

The only part that actually needs to be filled in is the very top of the piece where you do actually have a hole here:

To fill in that place that really does have a hole, select the whole object by one click on it so that the whole thing is selected like this:

Then run the Construct > Planar command here:

That will fill in an end cap in that planar opening of the object, sealing it off and making it into a solid now:

re: #3 - you actually don't need to worry about that either - it looks like you did a good job constructing your original curves making them tangent to one another and with extrusions if the generator curves are tangent the surfaces that are created are tangent too regardless of whether they are in multiple pieces or not.

So your object is already nice and smooth at that spot, it's ok that there is an edge there, in this case that is just part of the topology of your object and does not automatically mean that it is not smooth, although that could be the case in other situations like if your generator curves were not smooth to begin with or if you had a more complex type of surface there that was flexing and bending in the middle of it and not just an extrusion.

But anyway your object is actually smooth there already, here I've done an polygon mesh export with a high polygon count and shaded mode set, you can see that your existing object is smooth there:

It's normal for extrusions to inherit the segmentation of their generator curves - when a curve is made up of multiple different segments joined together, then when you extrude it the extrusion will be made up of multiple faces joined together with one face for each segment in the original joined curve. That's not an error, that's how it's supposed to work. The different pieces of the extrusion will be smooth to one another if the segments of the generator curves were smooth to one another like yours were.

If you do have just one single curve segment instead of multiple joined pieces, you will definitely have a smooth piece though because you can only have sharp corners in a curve at segment junctures. So sometimes it is convenient to eliminate segmentation in a curve to smooth out any small corners in it. That can be done by turning on control points and deleting the control point where 2 segments meet which will fuse them together into a single segment or also the Rebuild command can be helpful for some kinds of curve repair cases: However in your case here you've done a nice job making the curve segments constructed so that they are tangent to one another so there is no problem in having things as segments in this case.

Hope this helps!

- Michael

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 From:  Alomphega
5204.6 In reply to 5204.5 
Hi Michael,

Say : for sure this helps a lot ! :-D

Thank you very much for your time taken to work on my file and to answer me.
This helps me a lot also with my understanding of MoI. (How to use Rebuild function with shortcuts or tab&typing, re-make point curves etc.)

Strange : yesterday I was sure to have checked the lack of this small surface on the top of the half-cylinder without seeing any kind of surface...
Anyway maybe I was too tired, so today is a very good day with its good news :-)

Again thank you very much for your excellent help.

Best Regards,

Guy Capra,
always working on few funny projects : ; and so on...

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
< That will fill in an end cap in that planar opening of the object, sealing it off and making it into a solid now

Never seen seen that!!! I was selecting each edges of a future face! :)
here a simple click on one face of the object make the trick :)

So in fact Planar is an automatic close volume engine !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5204.8 In reply to 5204.7 
Hi Pilou,

> !!!
> Never seen seen that!!!

But yes you have! :) Because didn't you translate the reference for Planar here which describes it and shows an example too? :


But yes, it's a shortcut - if you select an entire surface object instead of selecting curves you can then run Planar and it will find sets of open edges that make planes, then construct the planes there and join them in to seal them off, so it combines a few steps doing it that way.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5204.9 In reply to 5204.8 
Yes i did indeed :)

but don't realised that for one simple rectangular face in a box no need to select the "4 sides" of the hole against just click an adjacent face one!

Now that is fixed in my mind ! :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5204.10 In reply to 5204.9 
Hi Pilou - you don't need to select any individual faces at all actually, you just select the whole object with just one click so the whole thing is selected and then run Construct > Planar. Any planar openings will get sealed up.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
5204.11 In reply to 5204.10 
Yes only one click on one face if the object is boolean unioned like the model of this thread ;)

And the "4 sides" if by hasard you want in your model just one hole face planed ;)

So many possible combinaisons

EDITED: 20 Jun 2012 by PILOU

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