UnwrapCurve plug-in
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Michael, that was absolutely intriguing information. I had no clue it took so much to make a nice surface. (years of being stuck with four-point 2-D Brazier curves).

My PC at home is absolutely a giant lump of mud and it took two hours to do this version... man what a sad difference.

It worked!!! And it's even cleaner and more well groomed than the version using the arc-spacing points # method.

...interesting.... ;-) Chalk one up for Parameteorologicalivation!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5136.33 In reply to 5136.32 
Hi Mike, yup the "refit to tolerance" mode can tend to help resemble the original curve more accurately since it's adaptive and can add more detail just in bendy areas.

After you have done a rebuild like that, the result is all ready to go as far as eliminating parameter-space compression or stretching and it doesn't particularly matter how many control points are in the result.

So anyway, after all this I hope this explains why you it's not really needed to have an "unwrap to line with same control point structure" - instead of worrying about replicating the uneven spacing in your line it's far easier to just rebuild your bendy curve and then it's all ready at that point and will then match to a simple 2 point line segment just fine.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5136.34 In reply to 5136.31 
Hi Michael,
Thanks for that explanation... I somewhat understood the original statement, but this explanation actually helps me in understanding some other stuff. In partucular, handeling data I read in with the opennurbs.dll. I would love to have big, long threads about it, though, I know that doesnt really fit into MoI's purpose or need.

Thanks again for taking the time with that response! Much appreciated.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5136.35 In reply to 5136.34 
Hi Burr, no problem!

Are you doing some kind of special project using OpenNURBS directly for your own program?

If you're stuck with dealing with 3DM data or understanding how some of the data is structured, you can open up a new thread with some questions in it if you like and I can try to at least point you in the right direction...

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5136.36 In reply to 5136.35 
Wow, thanks Michael,
At some point, I may take you up on that. Right now, I am just working on basics, that are just fundamentals I need to understand to undertake the task. I had an intent in doing some work with stuff to "add-on" to MoI.

""""""Are you doing some kind of special project using OpenNURBS directly for your own program?""""""""""

Yes. I'm working on reading 3dm data to my own viewport to interact with MoI, with minimal user managment...Like, at the moment, I can proceed with IGES, because I can read IGES, but that extra step kindof defeats the whole mission of MoI. So, I have a bit of work to do with just the simple 3dm studies, before I know what my questions are. (Also, alot of my goals became your goals, so I'm still on the fence)

I may find my goals to be a bit above my head, but if I get my head above ground, then some of the questions may be very helpful...

The offer is very valuable to me.... Thank you for that.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5136.37 In reply to 5136.36 
Hi Burr, do you mean one of your goals with your own 3DM reader was to do a curve length unwrapper like this one here? Do you have some other specific stuff that you are trying to get done?

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
5136.38 In reply to 5136.37 
Hi Michael,
"""""""""do you mean one of your goals with your own 3DM reader was to do a curve length unwrapper like this one here?""""""""
No, totally unrelated... It was just a better understanding of what the underlying definition is.. Kindof like learning to read what I'm looking at when looking at the raw NURBS data. An analogy could be understanding how to write html with notepad instead of a wysiwyg editor. If I could write a 3dm file with notepad and then just compile it, I would be better at working with it!
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
This new function is also very cool for know the the length of curves ;)

EDITED: 20 May 2012 by PILOU

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  bemfarmer
How about Style Color preservation for the UnwrapCurve?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
5136.42 In reply to 5136.41 
Hi Brian,

> How about Style Color preservation for the UnwrapCurve?

I've updated the plug-in attached to the original post with a new version that should do that now, you can get it from here:

- Michael
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 From:  bemfarmer
5136.43 In reply to 5136.42 
Thank you very much Michael!
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 From:  Stargazer
5136.44 In reply to 5136.43 
More examples :)

Unwrap Curve script + Curve to Curve flow

Rebuild +Unwrap Curve script + Surface to Surface flow


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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Very cool pedagogic images!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.46 In reply to 5136.24 
Hello, I was not able to achieve what you had achieved!

I used arc 3pts to create a curved surface then I used unwrap curve to create a flat surface ( I tried to keep the number of points equal using rebuild command)

Then I created a textured solid and finally used Flow command!) but I was not able to achieve what you had achieved!

Could you please help?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
5136.47 In reply to 5136.46 
Hi Psygorn, if you select your surface and turn on control points, you should see that the "underlying surface" of your flat surface looks like this:

It's a rectangular plane with trim curves on it - that's the kind of surface that will be generated by the Construct > Planar command.

For use with Flow in your case here you need to construct a flat surface where the "underlying surface" has the trapezoidal shape to it, not just the trim curves having a trapezoidal shape. There are a few different ways to do that, one would be to loft between 2 lines like this:

If you then turn on surface control points for that shape, you can see that the actual surface has that trapezoidal shape to it, it's not just the trim curves that have that shape:

If you make the base surface like that, and also move it right on the bottom of the shape to deform, you can then run the Flow command on it to get this result (you can hide the object to be deformed after launching the Flow command to make it easier to pick on the base surface):

Let me know if you're still not able to produce this result.

- Michael

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.48 In reply to 5136.47 
Hi Michael,

I got the same results :) Thank you!

However, I noticed if the lines that are used to create the trapezoid surface using loft command have more points (let's say 10) The results would be different.

Edit: Also is it possible to unwrap cylindrical or curved surfaces directly?
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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.49 In reply to 5136.47 

I had tried the same technique to create textured cylindrical shape, However the bumps end up inside of the cylindrical surface & not outside of it!

Note: I tried to click different corners of base surface and even rotated cylindrical surface along its height . I couldn't get desired result! what am I doing wrong?

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 From:  Phiro
5136.50 In reply to 5136.49 
Hi Psygorn,

Use the option Flip normal surface in the Flow's option UI frame.

Have you tested it ?

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 From:  Psygorn (DRILLBIT)
5136.51 In reply to 5136.50 
Hi Phiro,

Yes, I did! but it was after I left my message here! It worked! :)

and I forgot to come back here and say it! Sorry, My bad!

Anyway I want to thank you for your reply :)
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