Funny thing at the opposite of Moi ;)
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4446.115 In reply to 4446.114 
Marco: Hahaha, yeah, it seems that we can't afford to become lazy for now. I hope AI will change auto-retopology soon.

Speaking of AI — Michael, have you thought of using AI / machine learning for topology generation? Although MoI's topology generation is already the best in the field, machine learning might help recognizing shapes and optimizing polygon layouts. There are several open source machine learning resources available.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4446.116 In reply to 4446.115 
Hi Metin, it's an interesting idea but I don't have any experience in the area of AI / machine learning at all. I think it would require a lot of effort and research to attempt something like that.

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4446.117 In reply to 4446.116 
Hi Michael,

I understand. Focusing on MoI V4 is much more important.

Can put on our tuxedos to attend the beta premiere soon? :)


— Metin

——————— — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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 From:  Michael Gibson
4446.118 In reply to 4446.117 
Hi Metin, well I've been targeting the end of this month but I may need an additional week beyond that, we'll see. I got stuck for a bit on a couple of difficult bugs which are solved now though. The final loose ends are coming together well. Probably the first release will still have a couple of things unfinished like maybe text label display in viewports.

- Michael
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4446.119 In reply to 4446.118 
That's exciting news, thanks for the update, Michael!

— Metin

——————— — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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 From:  chippwalters
4446.120 In reply to 4446.113 
Thanks Metin for the helpful list. Much appreciated!
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4446.121 In reply to 4446.120 
My pleasure, Chipp. Thank you for your very informative tutorials.

I'm still exploring 3D Coat, and I love it more every day, especially the voxel sculpting mode. It offers the highest level of sculpting freedom I've experienced so far.


— Metin

——————— — visualization • illustration • animation • 3D (print) design

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 From:  mkdm
4446.122 In reply to 4446.121 
Hi Metin!

@You : "...especially the voxel sculpting mode..."

Don't forget to discover all the great and powerful opportunities offered by "Surface mode" and "Clay brushes" also!


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Metin Seven (METINSEVEN)
4446.123 In reply to 4446.122 
Hi Marco,

Yes, exploring Surface sculpting — including Live Clay — is high on my 3D Coat to-do list, although I've already messed around with it a bit. Promising!


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 From:  Michael Gibson
4446.124 In reply to 4446.118 
Hi Metin, well my extra week after the end of the month is almost up and I'm still not quite ready but it's awfully close. I just finished up getting everything except text labels (which I'm leaving out for the first release) drawn and so the only remaining thing is some work on shaders for shaded surfaces and line drawing. If it looks like it might take a while I guess I could leave the line drawing ugly for the first release.

- Michael
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 From:  keith1961
4446.125 In reply to 4446.124 
Hi Michael
Will all the scripts that people have created work with version 4? I have become attached to them.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4446.126 In reply to 4446.125 
Hi Keith, yes it is intended that V3 scripts should work with V4. For a few scripts its possible some tune ups in MoI will be needed or possibly a couple of lines of the script might need to be altered but I think that shouldn't be very common. Once the v4 beta is out please let me know if you find any scripts that don't work.

- Michael
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 From:  Finema
4446.127 In reply to 4446.126 
Hi Michael,
Can we use the moi.ini V3 for beta V4 ? or copy / paste ?
It would be great if i could keep all my shortcut keys.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4446.128 In reply to 4446.127 
Hi Finema, MoI v4 uses the same moi.ini file as MoI v3, by default the moi.ini file is created in a shared location in %AppData%\Moi on Windows or ~/Library/Application Support/Moi on Mac and all versions of MoI share the same one moi.ini file.

So unless you've customized the moi.ini file location (which can be done by moving it into the same folder as the MoI.exe or by giving a command line parameter with a path to the moi.ini file when MoI.exe starts up), V4 will use the same moi.ini file and have the same settings and shortcut keys as V3.

- Michael
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 From:  Finema
4446.129 In reply to 4446.128 
Yes ! very cool !
I can't wait to test it.
Thanks Michael.
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 From:  mkdm
4446.130 In reply to 4446.124 
Hi Michael.

@You : "...I just finished up getting everything except text labels (which I'm leaving out for the first release)..."

What's this "text labels" you are referring to ?

@You : "...If it looks like it might take a while I guess I could leave the line drawing ugly for the first release..."

I think this shouldn't be a problem :)

Have a nice day.

- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
4446.131 In reply to 4446.130 
Hi Marco,

> What's this "text labels" you are referring to ?

It's the little tag labels that show up on snap points like "End" or "End, Mid, Cen, Int" that tell you the type of snap that's engaged when you're picking points.

It will be coming back, it just won't be in the first beta release. Text can be kind of complicated in 3D accelerated graphics there isn't just one built in way to do it there are a variety of different methods with different trade-offs.

- Michael
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 From:  mkdm
4446.132 In reply to 4446.131 
Thanks for the info Michael.

@You : "...Text can be kind of complicated in 3D accelerated graphics there isn't just one built in way to do it there are a variety of different methods with different trade-offs..."

I understand. No problem.


- Marco (mkdm)
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Hi Metin, Chipp or Marco

i looked up the 3DCoat site on how to mask (flat) areas of a surface and found a thread there which is unfortunately closed.

@Metin have you found already a way to mask with automatic fill (in my case flat areas) so that you can refine
unmasked sculpted areas? In ZBrush this is super easy, but when i try this in 3DCoat (because i like to try out something
there too) i don't know how to do it. I first thought to do it in the paint room, with fill and freeze activated, bit it fills
the whole area, even if i set it to convex or concave or flat etc. ... :-(

In case you guys have a solution i would be quite happy.

My attached pic shows what i mean, i used the Tiger from, cleaned it up in MoI and then used
the region-relief tool on the parts with ArtForm Pro 4.0 and finally brought the model into ZBrush for auto masking
and refining the non-masked areas.

(dark brown areas are the auto masked areas)


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 From:  mkdm
4446.134 In reply to 4446.133 
Hi Stefan!

@You : "...Looked up the 3DCoat site on how to mask (flat) areas of a surface...@

I'm not sure I understand well, but there are in 3DCoat at least a couple of main tools that you can use to "mask" areas :

1) "Vox Hide" in Voxel Mode

2) "Freeze" in Surface Mode

Both tools work in tandem with the "Freeze" and "Geometry" menu :

You can use these commands to perform very sophisticated editing of voxels/surfaces

Here's a very basic and rough example on how to use the "Freeze" tool to "mask" flat areas.
The key is to switch from perspective to "orthographic" view.

The video :

But I don't know if I understood your question correctly :)

Let me know.


Marco (mkdm)
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