MoI is the best nurbs modeling software!!! congrats Michael!
All the features that have been asked will be welcome but I have another one: Smooth. Some times when i make a network, the generated surface gets wrinkled. So smooth please!!
Another one is make2d like in rhino. Silhouette is fine when you are working with one object, but when there are objects behind other objects it makes lines that you dont want.
Deformers would be a great implementation for MoI too. Imagine one solid taking the shape of other one while embracing it!
Offset and shelling tools need to be improved. For example, when you offset too joined surfaces, some times it will create intersecting surfaces not joined.
Variable filleting, continuity options in the network command (so that creases are not visible when building something patch by patch), variable blending.
I consider those to be basic functionalities.
I'm sure SuperMike will come up with something awesome!
1) Texture support
2) comprehensive training video
3) Rhino 5 compatibility
4) option to maintain Rhino texture coordinates
5) option to have objects grouped and named by Styles when exporting to LWO for modo
-array (either by angle, centerpoint, spacing, etc.)
-divide space (equally, by a number, etc.-sort of an offshoot to array)
-printed manual for $10 postpaid in the USA
Dimensioning, text and line weight control (so I could use MoI as a drafting tool as well as a modeling tool) ... I guess that's 3
Printing from within MoI
Extrude is beautiful ... sometimes I would like to reverse extrude a face instead of having to trim with boolean difference.
MoI is wonderful for modeling ... I use it more and more for illustrating structures to clients ... it might be nice to be able to print to 3d pdf but that has already been discussed.
Even at this point MoI's 2D output is exceptional. Waiting for the icing on the cake in 2011. Some better filleting would be welcome, but I suppose that is more dependent on the library than MoI itself.
>>Hi Chris, just a quick note re: Array
>>The already existing Transform > Array > Circular command lets you create an array by an angular distribution around a centerpoint:
Wow! Michael, I gotta RTFM. LOL I don't know how i missed that.
Can a new user place a request for a V3 change? Hope so.
I am big on desktop customization and having two 24" monitors I would find that the ability to show all the tabs on the command palette opened at the same time to be very sweet (or as toolbars that can be docked or undocked).
I would love to see a simple renderer attached to MoI as well - having to deal with all the complexity (and flexibility) of large packages like Modo or C4D is not always necessary.
I would suggest looking into adding a simple exporter to Luxrender scene format; it's plain text and fairly uncomplicated. I would even say that writing UI for it would be harder than the export itself. :-)
Here is my top 5 wishes for V3 in order of importance:
1. Object Grouping
2. Array group that can be edited later
3. Surface Paneling
4. Be able to Rotate and scale array elements as part of command (no script)
5. Improve scene Browser ( I have some ideas, see attached file )
Must I point out 5 ?
Michael I got one only one big one
I want t splines for Moi.... ! Yes and its Christmas today so here you go.
Why is that only an option for Rhino users...... ?
I got so many shapes that I´d like to build like subdivision surfaces and join and boolean like nurbs.
that would also avoid many peoples problems with complex shapes and networking.......
plus if we had more ways to make smooth class a objects like car surfaces.... but that a part of
my t spline wish.......
Merry Christmas !