Top 5 Features list for V3 !
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 From:  JTB
MoI is a great modeling app... My 5 wishes are:

1. Better history handling. I really love Max's modifiers stack and the way it works.
2. Object grouping and named selection sets.
3. Material and texture handling. Maybe an option to create shadows for better presentation.
4. Some more classic commands like bend, taper etc... for simple transformation
5. More 2d functions like dims and text for better communication and presentation...
***Modeler Of Ideas***
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.203 In reply to 3628.202 
Hi JTB - for named selection sets you can currently assign a name to any selection of objects. Do that by clicking on the name line in the properties panel:

Once you have assigned a name, it will show up in the Objects section of the scene browser and you go to there to do various actions like hide it, lock it, and also select it.

So using that method you can set up a name associated with a set of objects and then go select that same set later on - does that cover what you are thinking of for named selection sets?

- Michael
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 From:  JTB
3628.204 In reply to 3628.203 
Thank you... I'm getting old!!!
***Modeler Of Ideas***
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
I really need/want a shear/skew tool, unless there is a way to currently do this that I don't know about.

I would also love a non destructive fillet command. I usually get my shapes built and then I feel this great anxiety when I fillet the edges because there is no going back! I know I can have a version of the object that hasn't been filleted, but it would be great to have some sort of non destructive filleting, that would let you undo it at any time in the future.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
3628.206 In reply to 3628.205 
Michael, I second that on the Shear(Skew) tool. Could work like the scale tools on the side panel. Doesn't have to be part of the on-View handlebar setup.

On the same token, an adjustable Taper tool as well.
I think both would work on a simple transform calculation.

Andy, check this out:
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
I think they could work by making just a button that activates 3d grips like the 2d that already exists, even better if you right clic one of those 2d grips the 3d ones could appear!

Recently I've been many times in the same situation: I have 2 or more curves and I want to draw something (a polyline, a circle or an interpolated curve) that touch those curves but with all the points sharing a single plane. What i have done is to copy those curves, trim them with a plane and then used the end points of that new trimmed curves for snapping the thing I want to draw. Those are a lot of steps for something as simple as drawing a circle.

What do you think about this feature?: Making two construction lines that starts on the same point makes a temporary cplane. I think this could be useful in many situations not just the one I described above.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
3628.208 In reply to 3628.207 
Doesn't the "CPlane" command already do that?

If you place Construction Lines where you like, you can use this:
to keep them in place.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.209 In reply to 3628.205 
Hi Andy,

> I really need/want a shear/skew tool, unless there is a way
> to currently do this that I don't know about.

I am planning on having a Shear command as part of the Transform > Deform tools.

In the meantime you can make a shear happen by using the new Flow command.

To do that, draw a plane using Draw solid > Plane, placed under your object, and then copy the plane off to the side. Turn on control points for the copied plane and drag the upper 2 points over to create a sheared plane like so:

Now select the object you want to shear, run the Transform > Deform > Flow command, choose the plane under the object as the base surface, and the sheared plane as the target surface and you'll produce a shear like this:

> I would also love a non destructive fillet command.

I'd like to have that eventually as part of a deeper history mechanism. It will require quite a lot of work so I'm not sure exactly when that will happen.

In the meantime if you need to edit fillets there are some other programs like SpaceClaim that can help you tweak things like that more easily right now: - you should be able to load your MoI model into SpaceClaim (copy and paste between them also works) and it has methods for editing fillets and also tweaking things like pulling or angling a face.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.210 In reply to 3628.207 
Hi ed,

> Recently I've been many times in the same situation: I have 2
> or more curves and I want to draw something (a polyline, a
> circle or an interpolated curve) that touch those curves but with
> all the points sharing a single plane.

Like Mike mentions above, the View > CPlane tool can be good for this situation.

The key thing that helps is that there is a intersection object snap available where a curve intersects the construction plane. So once you place the cplane you should then have snap points at all these juncture points that you were interested in, you should not need to do the extra step of actually cutting all the objects.

The snap tag will read "CPlane Int" when that object snap is active.

> What do you think about this feature?: Making two
> construction lines that starts on the same point makes a
> temporary cplane. I think this could be useful in many situations
> not just the one I described above.

I've thought about that one before, and that could be possible to align things that are looking for a surface normal direction like drawing a circle but probably not for generating intersection object snaps like placing a full cplane will give you.

But also I worry about aligning normal directions automatically too much though, it can potentially make for bad results if the thing you really wanted was a circle that had its origin at that particular intersection location but was still aligned to the cplane.

Here's an example of that - here I use one construction line to drop downwards in z and the other to come horizontally and then draw a circle. But if it the 2 crossed lines formed a temporary cplane you would not be able to get this same circle anymore:

It's kind of safer to rely on setting a cplane to make that kind of stuff, since placing the cplane is more controllable with more options in it.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.211 In reply to 3628.210 
Hi Ed, maybe though if the 2 construction lines shared the same explicit start point (which I see now is what you wrote) a normal aligned to them could be automatically used, that's likely to be harder to mess things up than just any 2 crossing ones like I was showing above.

I'll have to think about that some more to see if there are any scenarios where that may produce an unwanted result though too. It seems quite a bit less likely though since it would not kick in for "drop lines".

- Michael
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 From:  ed17 (ED17ES)
Youre right the manual cplane is a better way to go instead of triming those lines, and go ahead testing the temporary cplane, I hope it has no downsides.
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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
Great to here that a skew command is coming in the future, can I also hope for a simple bend? :)

I figured that history fillets would be something that would require a ton of work, but thought I would throw it in there anyway.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.214 In reply to 3628.213 
Hi andy,

> Great to here that a skew command is coming in the future,
> can I also hope for a simple bend? :)

I'm not sure about having a bend command as a separate thing, since you can already make bends happen using the current Flow command - you draw one base line through your object and then draw a separate arc for how you want it to bend, and then run Construct > Deform > Flow. Pick the line as the base object and the arc as the target object and it will perform a bend like this:

Is that the kind of bending that you are looking for?

- Michael

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 From:  andy (ANDYJAGGY)
Yeah that's what I want. I realized you could do it with the flow command, but it seems simpler to have it as a dedicated tool.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.216 In reply to 3628.215 
Hi Andy,

> Yeah that's what I want. I realized you could do it with
> the flow command, but it seems simpler to have it as a
> dedicated tool.

How were you thinking that it should function?

If you wanted to have as much control over how you can currently draw an arc that would probably make for a pretty complex command since there are several different arc drawing tools each of which has options within it that would then be trying to get crammed into a single command.

Just in general it can actually be more simple in the long run to have a smaller number of more powerful tools rather than a bazillion little special purpose tools, because there has to be some way to put the zillion little tools in the UI and it is easy for one particular thing to get lost in a vast sea of UI.

So in that sense, adding more separate stuff also brings about complexity.

- Michael
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 From:  andras

my favourites would be the following;

1. History, parametric solution (like in viacad)
2. Printing
3. Hidden line removal
4. Dynamic Section
5. Dimensions (basic only)

Ui would be better with customization of a separated rolling menu bar (horizontal or vertical at the edge of window)
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 From:  andras
So regarding parametric solution I mean when I create a surface for example a car body in case of doors I have to split the original surface.
After I have to split the door for a handle. when I want to modify the whole surface of the car later I have to start the job again. In Viacad the parametric stuffs work well (I spent just a small time to test but... it seemed ok). I can apply an remove boolean commands from the list. I really would like to see it in Moi as well.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
These items might have been mentioned before:

1) A (quick) Shear handle on the ortho handle bars gizmo.
2) Free-Form Distortion (FFD). Where X by X by X control points in a box/grid configuration around the object will allow for envelope-driven free distortion.
3) A view control for angular Orthographic Projection. (Already Possible)
4) A tool for making Call-Out dimensional notations. (Shown below)
5) A Blend tool that can blend off of MORE than two surface edges, and do so with options to follow or not follow tangents of each associated surface edge.
This could be the end-all be-all surface creation tool for matching surfaces.

These are some things that might be good for the list:
(Maybe not possible without getting into parametrics territory, but there must be some good part from this idea)

6) The ability to physically move curves and curve control points on surface edges and the surfaces will re-build. Multiple surfaces joined into one object will conform as well.
7) The ability to move holes and trimmed sections, as well as being able to "push/pull" surfaces, and the associated connected surface and curves would follow suit.
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 From:  FelixPQ (FELIX)
3628.220 In reply to 3628.211 
Hi Michael,

though I understand it's not so difficult to setup a Cplane it would be nice if we could name a cplane at creation time for example and then it would appear in the browser window in a new "CPlane" section, the default cplane could already be there by default and all other named cplane could be activated with a simple click on the "eye" or the new dot area. I understand it would be necessary to automatically deactivate the current active cplane. I you don't want to croud up the browser window, you could possibly use the options window instead.

As you probably know by now, I just love using your excellent program, MOI but recently I realized some of the stuf I would like to do is more kind of SubD stuff then Nurbs stuff and I can live with that but ounce it's done outside of Moi I'd like it a lot if I could bring this back in MOI a bit like with ZSurf. You go out and make your heightmap, process it in ZSurf and you get a nurbs surface you can import in Moi and do whatever you want there. Though I know about getting an .obj file in Moi, thanks to your little utility, there is no comparison with getting a true Nurbs surface. If it was possible to import something more usefull then a zillion tiny segments it would make my day.

I wont hold it against you if it's to complicated to do but I would be mad at myself if I find out later that there was a work around like this crazy idea to convert an .obj file into a hightmap and use ZSurf to get a Nurbs surface, this wouldn't work so good for true 3D object but what about 2.5D objects??? If you or anyone else happen to know of a method and or a program that those that already I would certainly look into it.

Lastly, I wonder if there would be some technical reason why this wouldn't work in the case of 2.5D objects because I believe I could write myself a VB program with the FreeImage library to translate each vertices x,y coordinate into a pixel location and use the z value to get a 8 bit grayscale value or better yet, into a 24 bit color value, if I can find out how ZSurf uses 24 bit color values and converts them into Z values. Just in case you ask, I'd prefer a very average looking Zsurf surface (Nurb) then having to work in another program to combine every thing together to get the final object. After final assembly in MOI I would probably export my work for rendering and I don't think a few small surface added to a much larger object (50 to 90 time larger) rendered to a 640x480 image would ruin the job. At machine time, of course I would use the original SubD file directly and all would be fine for me that way.

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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Why not add the "Whirlpoolizer" to the list. ;-)

Great for adding a little twist to fan turbines, sports wheel rims, bending things a little like winding a spring, and spiralized applications like that.

It's just a thought. This could be a low-priority request, if you like. I was thinking it could be an extension of the Twist tool, but it appears to be a whole other tool itself.

EDITED: 19 Oct 2011 by MAJIKMIKE

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