Top 5 Features list for V3 !
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 From:  binfordboy
Hello Michael
Here is my Top 5 wishlist:

1: Deformation Tools
2: Deformation Tools
3: Deformation Tools
4: Deformation Tools
5: Import & convert obj to nurbs

Have a nice day,
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 From:  stevey3d
Hi Michael,

Heres my 5.... with a weeks experience (so may change ;))...

1. Text along a path
2. Falloffs (ala Modo)
3. Deformation tools
4. TBA
5. TBA


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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
3628.107 In reply to 3628.106 
Hi Steve,

Excuse my ignorance but bu what are Falloffs or TBA?

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 From:  BurrMan
3628.108 In reply to 3628.107 
To Be Announced (I'll tell you later)
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 From:  stevey3d
3628.109 In reply to 3628.107 
Hi Marc,

Falloffs are modifiers use with move, rotate, etc. They affect to movement of an object. A linear falloff in modo set against a side of a rectangle for instance, allows you to move the side more at one end than the other.

Here is a link to the manual and falloff examples:

As said TBA (To be announced (as I have only owned Moi for a week only have only found these 3 features that I would find useful)).


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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
3628.110 In reply to 3628.109 
Ah, I think I get it, some kind of proportional falloff or "soft selection".
It usually works on points or faces if I remember?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.111 In reply to 3628.109 
Hi Steve, that could potentially work for curves, but for surfaces the structure of a NURBS model can be very different than how polygon mesh geometry is structured and that generally means that there isn't really a direct way to use the exact same tools that you would use with polygon meshes.

A NURBS model can be built out of "trimmed surfaces" - this is where there is an underlying surface that then has trim curves on it which mark different areas of the surface as inactive or holes. This means that there may not really be any correspondence between the surface control points that you would yank around and a particular edge - it's very different than in a polygon modeler since in a polygon modeler an edge or point that you see in the model can be pulled around and it pulls the surface too because surfaces in the poly modeler (polygon faces) are fundamentally defined as going through those points and through those edges.

Here's a bit more description of a "trimmed surface" - here I have a surface:

Now if I turn on control points for that surface, you can see that there is an underlying surface that is just 1 rectangular surface with 4 corner control points in it:

It's those 4 control points that actually define the overall shape of the surface, all the edges that you see are all trim curves that are defining which regions of the surface are inactive.

But the trim curves are just markers - they do not themselves define the shape of the surface, that comes only from the surface control points.

So that means that it does not really make sense for example to try and grab this edge curve here and try to move it around (like pull it up or down in Z for example):

The thing that can be freely pushed around is the 4 outer surface control points, not that marker trim curve that is just living on the surface.

So just in general this kind of structure with trim curves just does not work the same way as a polygon mesh structure as far as squishing individual points of things around.

There is some more description of how trim edges and "underlying surfaces" work here:

So you may ask - why use this structure at all if it doesn't allow for doing the same things as a polygon mesh?

Well, the answer is that this very same structure is the reason why Boolean operations works so much better with NURBS than with polygons - in a NURBS model when you do a Boolean the surfaces of the models actually remain exactly the same and only new trim curves are calculated to mark different regions of them as being inactive. This fundamentally helps keep things a lot more under control because your model stays in large logical sheets - when doing a Boolean operation in a polygon modeler the poly modeling program has to fragment things into a zillion little tiny sub surface faces because it doesn't have this way to have just a zone on an existing piece to be marked as being a hole...

This difference in structure is basically why there is a much different base toolset in a NURBS modeler versus a polygon modeler. But that difference is kind of what makes NURBS useful as a companion to a poly modeler, because it has a much different set of both strengths and weaknesses...

- Michael


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 From:  stevey3d
3628.112 In reply to 3628.111 
Hi Michael,

Thanks very much for your detailed explaination.

I guess our only way to affect a mesh/nurbs object globally then is to use a deformer (bend, etc)? When I mentioned falloffs I was thinking of the control points on a sphere , where you have multiple points and applying a fall off to that would help produce certain shapes.

I do have question/feature request if its possible.... Would it be possible to increase the control points on an object (such as a plane) or a cube, etc. When creating a cube or a shere could we have an option to specify the number of control points it consists of? If an object has already been created could we increase the number of control points via a properties panel?

Thanks again

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 From:  vodkamartini
Some noteworthy people have already mentioned these, but I'll reiterate since I think it's important.

1. Variable Fillet
2. Continuity options in more of the existing tools.

Those two alone would eliminate my need to use rhino every so often, and I think it would entice a lot of people to jump over to MoI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.114 In reply to 3628.112 
Hi Steve,

> I guess our only way to affect a mesh/nurbs object
> globally then is to use a deformer (bend, etc)?

Yeah, and that actually involves some fairly fancy stuff like automatically rebuilding surfaces to have as many control points in them to flex to the amount of bending that is happening. But there has been some support for that kind of thing in the new release of the geometry library that MoI uses, so there is a pretty good chance at being able to get something going for that kind of deformation. I'll know more about this kind of deformation when I get a chance to dig into it in v3.

> When I mentioned falloffs I was thinking of the
> control points on a sphere , where you have multiple
> points and applying a fall off to that would help produce
> certain shapes.

Yeah, it would actually work in this case - when you have a simple sphere that has not been booleaned with anything, then it is an "untrimmed surface" - one where the trim curves are only around the natural boundary of the surface.

Those can be handled by pulling control points around like you would with a polygon mesh. But the problem is that once you boolean it with something else then the resulting booleaned object is made up of various trimmed surfaces and you can't easily pull any of those control points around anymore without tearing open holes between the different trimmed pieces.

So because it's kind of limited to certain special cases, this area of surface control point manipulation is kind of underdeveloped in MoI right now, I wanted to focus more effort initially in areas where NURBS have their greatest advantages compared to poly modeling, like boolean operations.

> I do have question/feature request if its possible.... Would
> it be possible to increase the control points on an object
> (such as a plane) or a cube, etc.

Yes, this will be possible - I do expect to flush out some of the surface control point functions in MoI as time goes on and this would be part of that.

- Michael
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 From:  adamio
If we ever get falloff tools I would like them to be ala Michael Gibson or at list ala Alias ;)'s_N61/0071-Modeling71/0080-Direct_S80

Michael could something like that be possible with the Solid++ deformation engine?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.116 In reply to 3628.115 
Hi adam,

> Michael could something like that be possible with
> the Solid++ deformation engine?

I'm not really sure yet since I have not had a chance to dig into it in detail yet.

But I think it's possible that a kind of deform that is limited to only a small localized area is not really a great fit with the deform mechanism.

It's probably going to be more likely for stuff that warps the whole object.

But we'll see...

- michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
Michael ...

I would really like to be able to print directly from MoI ... or convert to pdf, once we have text and dimensions.
I know we can use SimLab Composer to do 3d pdf and that is great but I need to be able to print to 2d also.

So I hope that will be part of Ver 3

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 From:  AlexS (ALEKSEI)
Why support textures? This program is a modeler and let it remain so! Extra instruments will only interfere with the work. And with the texture units can work in other programs.

Michael, good luck!
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
The main things I would like to see are:

Variable radius fillets
Continuity options for patches
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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
3628.120 In reply to 3628.119 
Any chance for more file types for import/export?

Windows 7 x64, Precision T3400, Intel C2Q @ 3 GHz
8 GB RAM, ATi Radeon HD 3870

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.121 In reply to 3628.120 
Hi Nick,

> Any chance for more file types for import/export?

Sure, it's possible. What formats did you have in mind?

Right now DXF, SVG, and PDF are kind of at the top of the list.

- Michael
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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
3628.122 In reply to 3628.121 
Import - *.wrl, *.dwg (3D data), pdf underlay
Export - 3D pdf, *.dwg, *.bip (for us Alibre users :-) )

Other than these I don't really have a "top 5." Even these are a "would be nice" feature and not something I would quit using MoI over.

Stuff that I would have in a top 5 you have already hinted at working on (mainly UI stuff).


Windows 7 x64, Precision T3400, Intel C2Q @ 3 GHz
8 GB RAM, ATi Radeon HD 3870

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3628.123 In reply to 3628.122 
Hi Nick, so there are some various difficulties with several of those formats.

.wrl is a polygon based format, things like a sphere in a .wrl file are made up of a lot of little triangular facets and not an actual smooth sphere surface. That's a pretty different type of data structure than the NURBS surfaces that MoI works with.

.dwg is a proprietary format from Autodesk which is not very easy to deal with without using some special kinds of libraries. There is a companion format called DXF which is actually documented (for 2D stuff anyway, NURBS solids are not documented).

.bip I don't think is publicly documented. I think it is a text file format so it could be possible to figure it out but having an official public document that describes the file structure helps a lot when trying to make an exporter for that format.

.bip is pretty specific to just one particular rendering program - just in general with MoI it's more feasible for me to work on file formats that tend to be used by a variety of different programs for file transfer instead of ones that are specific to just one program. OBJ format already contains the exact same kind of data that would go into a .bip file...

- Michael
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 From:  Nick (NVANLAAR)
3628.124 In reply to 3628.123 
Thanks, like I said these are kind "nice to have" things, but no real biggie. I understand DXF, but find DWG to be more robust/feature rich for 3D and is of course an industry standard (despite being proprietary). Maybe I could amend this and request 3D DWF instead?

The API, specification, and toolkit are freely available.

Thanks for listening,

Windows 7 x64, Precision T3400, Intel C2Q @ 3 GHz
8 GB RAM, ATi Radeon HD 3870

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