V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.192 In reply to 2570.189 
Hi Igor, also check out here:

for a collection of all the release notes on what is new in v2 so far.

- Michael
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 From:  igor
2570.193 In reply to 2570.192 
Michael, Thanks!

I actually awaiting studica for two days already and they haven't even started processing my request..

So as soon as they resolve my request I'll be able to explore beta 2
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 From:  Anis
2570.194 In reply to 2570.193 
Hi Michael....

BTW, is there any info when the next beta will be release ?
Sorry, cant wait for it :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.195 In reply to 2570.194 
Hi Anis,

> BTW, is there any info when the next beta will be release ?

I'm not sure yet, but maybe next week.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
2570.196 In reply to 2570.195 
Hello Michael....

> I'm not sure yet, but maybe next week.
Wow, it will be very nice :).
I am also interested your next target --> surface modeling !

Thanks Sir !
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.197 In reply to 2570.196 
Hi Anis,

> I am also interested your next target --> surface modeling !

The focus for the next one is on finishing (or almost finishing...) the object management tools, nothing new for surface modeling yet.

- Michael
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 From:  igor
2570.198 In reply to 2570.195 
Hi Michael!

I've found that there's a problem with the SAT exporter in MoI:

If I model a shape in MoI and that shape has curved surfaces in it - Revit cannot read curved surfaces! - (see attached pic - planar surfaces are ok at the same time - in the place of the sphere - just a hole!)

Rhino has an extensive SAT export dialog with some 10 options for SAT file version and i've checked all of them - and they work flawlessly!
(mean import whatever curves into revit as expected)

Autocad SAT export also works flawlessly!

What is most interesting - if I import autocad(rhino) sat file into MoI with one curved surface - everything reads in just fine,
then I save it as native Moi 3dm, then I add one more curved shape - then I export entire shape to SAT from MoI

when opening exported SAT file in Revit, the program reads curved part that was initially design in Autocad and the part that was added later by MoI - not! again - just a hole! (this is shown in the pic)

Please let me know if its possible to review SAT exporter, because it's kind of pose a serious problem for my intended workflow..


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.199 In reply to 2570.198 
Hi Igor - does the problem happen with any kind of curved surface, or is the problem specific to spheres?

For example, does the attached file work ok or do you see a similar problem with it?

- Michael

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 From:  BurrMan
2570.200 In reply to 2570.199 
I just imported testobject.sat into 2 other apps I have and it came in ok. You may want to look at revit settings?

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  igor
2570.201 In reply to 2570.199 
Hi Michael!

I've experimented here a little bit but actually it seems to be only relevant to spheres..

Your example imports just fine..

Sorry for exaggeration))

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 From:  igor
First I thought that maybe it's outdated SAT file format but rhino showed that even the most ourdated one works good

Here's yet another sample of the same 3dm file - one exported from rhino (looking fine)

another from MoI (looking bad)

But this 3dm exports good SATs only if 3dm was created by rhino (4) if i initially create 3dm im MoI and than open in Rhino and export from there - export doesn't work correctly..
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.203 In reply to 2570.202 
Hi Igor - like Burr I also tried a few different applications with your testObject.sat file and didn't see any problems in ViaCAD, Alibre, or the ACIS part viewer.

So it seems to be something that only Revit is particularly sensitive to.

I don't have Revit over here, so I'll probably need you to run a few tests to try and narrow it down to see what it doesn't like. Is there any kind of settings dialog or options for SAT import into Revit? If so then could you post a screenshot of what it looks like?

What happens if you export just a plain sphere all by itself (not booleaned on to anything else, just draw a single sphere)? Does that work or not?

Also, if you can get 2 SAT files prepared with one file that works and one that doesn't (with the same model in each), could you please post both those files here, plus the .3dm file for it as well? I may be able to examine the SAT files to see what is different between the one that works and the one that doesn't.

Another thing you can try in MoI is to turn on analytic output, which is a setting in the moi.ini file.

To edit the moi.ini file, shut down MoI first (since it write settings to file at shutdown), and then open up moi.ini in a text editor like notepad. If you are on WinXP, the moi.ini file is located here (Vista slightly different):
C:\Documents and Settings\ [your login name] \Application Data\Moi\moi.ini

In it there is a section like this:
[NURBS Export]

Try switching both of those to say =y instead, and save the moi.ini file - now when save the exporter will use "analytic entities" for some kinds of objects like lines, circles, and possibly spheres I think, rather than general NURBS entities. That may have some effect.

- Michael
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 From:  igor
2570.204 In reply to 2570.203 
Hi Michael!

1. Re analytic output: (shown below)
If I change section parameters to y (both or one by one) SAT file is not exported at all
[NURBS Export]
So SAT file can only be exported when both parameters are set to "n"

2. One model for exports from Rhino and Moi to see difference in SAT files:

The Problem comes from MoI 3dm because:
If I create .3dm file in MoI - no matter where I export from to SAT (from Rhino or MoI) - export doesn't work properly.
If I create .3dm file in Rhino - no matter where I export from to SAT - export works just fine

Therefore I cannot give one .3dm model and 2 SAT files exported out of it, instead I have created identical shapes in both Rhino and MoI to be able to generate both bad and good SAT export

pls see attached (also import dialog - but nothing really changes there from import to import)

Sorry for this problem, hopefully you'll be able to fix it

Regards, Igor

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.205 In reply to 2570.204 
Hi Igor - thanks for the examples. I'll see if I can figure anything out.

Also what happens if you do just a plain sphere? I mean no booleans, just draw a Sphere in MoI using Draw solid / Sphere, and then export to SAT - does that fail to import into Revit?

- Michael
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 From:  igor
2570.206 In reply to 2570.203 
btw re interface

I haven't figured it out if I select a shape and see its coordinates and I want to move it by changing them I cannot select x coordinate - all selected at once - and i only need to change x coordinate.. if anyone please explain.. Thanks

And one more thing.. re the same coordinates input field pls see pic attached.
If you zoom out the corrdinates increase substentially and there's not enough space for them (even if you enlarge the UI)

So would be nice if you could look to that as well..

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 From:  igor
2570.207 In reply to 2570.205 

forgot to mention that sphere alone (and along with other objects but not booleaned) imports perfectly
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.208 In reply to 2570.206 
Hi Igor,

> btw re interface
> I haven't figured it out if I select a shape and see its
> coordinates and I want to move it by changing them I
> cannot select x coordinate - all selected at once - and
> i only need to change x coordinate.. if anyone please
> explain.. Thanks

Those coordinates are not connected to the selected object, they show what point was under your mouse.

Entering point values when you are not in a point picker does not have any effect.

What is that you want to do? If you want to move an object by a certain amount, select it and use the "Move" command, then you can enter a distance constraint by typing in a number and hitting Enter. Then make sure Straight snap is on and move the mouse in the direction you want to move.

> And one more thing.. re the same coordinates input field pls
> see pic attached.
> If you zoom out the corrdinates increase substentially and there's
> not enough space for them (even if you enlarge the UI)

Yes, but that's fine because you should generally try and avoid constructing objects with large coordinate values in them in a NURBS modeling program.

Many kinds of operations are carried out to a particular accuracy level, for example 0.001 units.

If you have objects that are of a large coordinate size, then 0.001 becomes very very tiny in relation to the object and fitted curves will become excessively dense and slow to calculate because they will be trying to get too high of an accuracy.

So it is generally best to avoid such large coordinate values, try to keep things within 3000 units in size, make sure to choose an appropriate units value. For example do not try to model something in mm that is going to require units of 1000000mm - instead use Meters for such objects.

- Michael
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 From:  igor
2570.209 In reply to 2570.208 
Thanks for the explanations! Very useful info!

Just one more wish for MoI
If its possible for Straight Snap Guide to be locked (while shift down - as in Sketchup) cause when there are many other objects around Straight Snap guide often get dismissed by other snaps

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.210 In reply to 2570.209 
Hi Igor - if you have a lot of other things in the way, my best recommendation is to hide them so that they don't interfere.

Don't try to struggle so much with a lot of things in the scene - try to clear things away earlier and free things up.

But other than that, a couple of things you can try:

- Disable object snap so that it will not kick in. You can do this either with a click or if you wish to set up a keyboard shortcut, then go to Options / Shortcut keys, and enter in this for the command:
script:moi.drawingAids.objectSnap = !moi.drawingAids.objectSnap;

It is also possible to set up a kind of "enforced" ortho line - to do that, drag out a construction line and hold the mouse down on the little tag that shows up, and pick "Project next point":

Construction lines overview:

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.211 In reply to 2570.204 
Hi Igor - thanks for posting the example SAT files.

I took a look into them, and it appears that MoI's exporter structures the data a little differently than Rhino, but it seems to be a valid way since no other programs have a problem with it.

I have sent a message including those files to the company that makes the SAT export library that I use in MoI.

Maybe he will be familiar with this issue, I'll have to wait and see what he says.

- Michael
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