V2 beta Apr-12-2009 available now
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 From:  BurrMan
2570.113 In reply to 2570.112 
>>>>You don't even have to double-click, just a single click will do it.

You can double click if you want though, it will just set it to that style twice in a row... ;)>>>>

All the time and effort you put in to keep the UI clean....And I just add clicks at will!!! Go figure.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi Michael,

I noticed that if you create a feature on an object, that feature takes on the current active style, e.g. if a cylinder has style=green and the active style is red and you apply a fillet to the cylinder the fillet takes on style=red, I would prefer that the fillet inherit the style of that cylinder no matter what colour is active, when working on an object I don't want to always check if I have the same colour active.

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 From:  okapi
2570.115 In reply to 2570.109 
From: Michael Gibson 16 Apr 7:33 (109 of 113)
Are you really changing your styles very frequently? I mean is it something that you go to mess with every few minutes?
It is generally not efficient to try and highly optimize operations that you don't need to do very frequently, in fact it can be kind of good to have those kind of non-optimized because it helps to leave the optimized spots for things that you may want to do several times a minute instead, like hide/show.
So it is not necessarily a priority to lower the number of steps for every single action.
.... ///

Hi Michael,
you are right, I don't think I will be changing styles very often, and I can work with the system as it is.
I think I am changing styles often now because it is a new feature and I am trying it out ! (please stop adding new features, it hurts the workflow ! just joking..)

I agree that it is much more important to get the exports etc... working properly.
However once you have a chance to improve it, it would be good to get a more streamlined way of editing styles as mentioned.
I think a drop down arrow would work well too.

Thanks for all your hard work!
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
2570.116 In reply to 2570.107 
""The ones that have objects on them have black text, ones with no objects have gray text""

That's the part that I didn't catch!

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Message 2570.117 deleted 16 Apr 2009 by PAOLOLOBBIA

 From:  Tommy (THOMASHELZLE)
2570.118 In reply to 2570.103 
Hi Michael,

very good to hear that you will try the tabs without the legs - if that doesn't work, I guess the shorter version from Marcs screen would do well also.
I don't know about others, but somehow I don't see it as such a huge problem to be able to differenciate the tabs from the main browser label. Since your solution is so flexible, the heading is not so extremely important for me, each tab stands for himself in a way. I guess this is why I felt the current one to be a overly strong division - and as soon as the tabs are opened, the problem solves itself anyway, since the sub-stuff is indented much more.
Whatever you will come up with - I like it a lot.

And no, I wasn't talking about inside mode. I tried with about ~40 named objects and then in adjacent mode the browser was pretty full screen ;-)
On that large screen I can spare some space ;-) but inside is very slick for less objects.

Yeah, I also wasn't sure about automatic naming. I just realized how used to it I am from software like XSI etc.
I agree that it can be annoying at times and meaningless.

You do a perfect job of rethinking some of the so-called standards for us!

Thank you very much!

Thomas Helzle
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
Hi Michael,

When i copy/paste one object into rhino,
all the styles are pasted as well.

I prefer to copy only the style in which the
object belongs to.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does it possible to "lock" something in the Browser?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.121 In reply to 2570.120 
Hi Pilou,

> Does it possible to "lock" something in the Browser?

Not yet.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Does "transparency" is on the list?
for example
50% visibility of a group of objects for work on a new object
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.123 In reply to 2570.122 
Hi Pilou,

> Does "transparency" is on the list? for example
> 50% visibility of a group of objects for work on a new object

That is something that I would like to add in the future, but I do not expect to have that for the v2 release though.

- Michael
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 From:  Schbeurd
Nice work Michael !

The AI import with files from Photoshop works great now. I've also been able to use the offset command in situations where it would have failed in previous versions. Really cool.

I like the way you've organized the browser. Just one question there : custom styles are saved in the project but if I start a new file, my custom styles are not available anymore. Is there any way to keep them so I can create a few styles that I like and reuse them in all my projects ?

Any chance to have variable fillets in V.2 (or at least on the top of the list when you will start to work on the V.3 beta) ?

Thanks a lot for this beta.

Edit : By the way, can you explain this (from the release notes) : "or by using the new typed-in command launcher." ?

- Schbeurd
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.125 In reply to 2570.124 
Hi Schbeurd, thanks! I'm glad that the AI import works again for you.

> Is there any way to keep them so I can create a few
> styles that I like and reuse them in all my projects ?

Yup, to do this make a .3dm file with the styles set up the way you want, then specify that file as the startup template under Options / General / Template file.

That will then load that file when MoI starts or when you do a File/New, so that you can start a new scene up with that stuff in it initially.

There is still one situation where the "hard defaults" get used, which is when you read in a file written by a previous version of MoI which only made a single style/layer in them. At the moment that situation won't bring in your template file styles but I should be able to tune it up to do that.

> Any chance to have variable fillets in V.2 (or at least on
> the top of the list when you will start to work on
> the V.3 beta) ?

It's not likely to make it for v2. I would like to make it in for V3 but it's a bit early yet to know what will happen immediately there, I don't really have it all planned out yet.

> Edit : By the way, can you explain this (from the release
> notes) : "or by using the new typed-in command launcher." ?

That's referring to this other new feature covered later in the list:

Enable mini command-line entry by typing in a command name into the XYZ coordinate entry box. Type <tab>, then the command name, then <enter> as an alternate way to execute a command or script file.


- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.126 In reply to 2570.119 
Hi Paolo,

> When i copy/paste one object into rhino,
> all the styles are pasted as well.
> I prefer to copy only the style in which the
> object belongs to.

Yup, I will be tuning it up to behave like this for the next beta release.

- Michael
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2570.127 In reply to 2570.126 
Thanks Michael,

I hope you did'nt get stressed these view days
answering al those questions.

I purchased T-Splines,wich has wonderfull features
and after playing with it, i realised that Moi is still strong
in putting up a fast Sketch.
And the beta crashes several times.

So for a long time i will support Moi.
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 From:  Val (GAT)
Hi Michael, some kind of weird bug in the new beta. All I did is cut that face out of the loft shape behind it.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.129 In reply to 2570.128 
Hi Val - are you talking about the control points of the trimmed face being larger than the edges?

That's actually a normal thing if you trim a face from a larger surface, the original surface is still a part of that face, it is the "underlying surface", there are just new trim curves on it.

There is some description on how underlying surfaces work here.

It is possible to shrink the underlying surface down if you want - to do that set up a shortcut key with this as the command: ShrinkTrimmedSrf

Then if you select that face and hit that shortcut key, that will shrink down the underlying surface to the trimming boundaries.

Please let me know if you are talking about something else other than that...

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
2570.130 In reply to 2570.129 
Oh thanks! I completely forgot about that command, I read it awhile ago, but never got to use it.

Also, I experienced a bug where I would try to use a curve to cur a loft or a network and the mesh would have a hole in it afterward, but extruding a curve through the surface and using that to cut it would work instead. Does that sound like something previously reported?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2570.131 In reply to 2570.130 
Hi Val,

> Also, I experienced a bug where I would try to use a curve
> to cur a loft or a network and the mesh would have a hole in
> it afterward, <.....>
> Does that sound like something previously reported?

No, I don't think I've heard of that one yet.

If you can reproduce it or if you still have the model file available can you please post it so I can take a look?

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
2570.132 In reply to 2570.131 
lol now I can't reproduce it. I will upload it as soon as it happens again.
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