Sweep can be use for ?
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 From:  Anis
2226.10 In reply to 2226.9 

Any boday can give me clear example the uses of :

H Burr,

no problem....

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 From:  Michael Gibson
2226.11 In reply to 2226.10 
Hi Anis, check out the sweep documentation here:
for an example of the Maintain tangent option.

That shows this example:

The curve set up:

After sweeping that and doing a mirror the default sweep gives this result:

If you turn on control points of the sweep you can see the reason why:

Notice how the control points for different stations along the sweep kind of twist around, sort of like this:

That happens because of the different shapes and lengths of the 2 rails that are being swept along. When doing a 2 rail sweep the shapes slide along each rail and makes new profile curve at the connections between those rails. When the rails are of different lengths and shapes then the connection points travel at different speeds along them so there can be some slanting like that.

The "Maintain tangent" option can eliminate that, in this case using maintain tangent and then doing a mirror produces this result instead (as seen in the documentation page):

Now if I turn on control points of this sweep, you will see these points:

Notice how there is no lateral slanting there at all in this case? Each of those control points are lined up in a planar section that is in the same plane as the starting profile.

With the maintain tangent option, profiles are generated by an intersection of the rails with a set of parallel planes rather than by sliding along each rail.

But you can only use it the situation where all your profiles are on parallel planes, and they all share a common tangent direction where they touch along one rail. If those cases are not met in your curve setup, then turning on "Maintain tangent" does not have any effect.

- Michael

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 From:  Anis
2226.12 In reply to 2226.11 
Hi Michael...

How about maintain height ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2226.13 In reply to 2226.12 
Hi Anis,

> How about maintain height ?

Check out this previous thread for some examples on that parameter:

- Michael
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
Hi to all,

In this case Sweep is better than Network
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2226.15 In reply to 2226.14 
Hi Paolo, yeah although they can sometimes use the same set of curves, Network and Sweep calculate their result differently.

Network is actually more related to Loft, and actually internally the calculation does do 2 Lofts, one through the U curves and another through the V curves, then those surfaces are combined together to produce the final result. It's kind of more of an averaging process between all curves.

Sweep is more like sliding a rigid frame along the rail curves.

- Michael
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 From:  Paolo (PAOLOLOBBIA)
2226.16 In reply to 2226.15 
Hi Michael,

Thanks for the reply,

On my work i used this to design part of
a ring in Rhino,and it so much easier to do
in Moi
To bad i didn't convince my Boss to buy
a licence
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 From:  rhodesy
Michael - can you tell us if/when we will have auto chamfer of ridgid shapes i.e. a rectangle sweeped around another rectangle with the corners joined up? Just would be easier than offsetting the spline and using 2 rails each time. Some cool sweep examples here :-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2226.18 In reply to 2226.17 
Hi rhodesy,

> can you tell us if/when we will have auto chamfer of ridgid
> shapes i.e. a rectangle sweeped around another rectangle
> with the corners joined up?

I expect to have that for v2 but I probably won't get a chance to work on it until after the group/object management stuff is complete.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2226.19 In reply to 2226.18 
I had to experiment with the Anis post 2226.6.

OK, it's very rough, but the potentials, NOT using polys, I find very interesting.

I can not get over how things seem so easy/logical to do in MoI as compared with Rhino/Amapi/Hexagon/Silo/LW/XSI

NOW,--- if only my MoI 3DM files thumbnailed!


EDITED: 31 Dec 2008 by BWTR

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