V4 released!
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10083.38 In reply to 10083.1 
Congratulations on the fantastic new release Michael!
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 From:  surferdude
Thank you! Michael for this wonderful software. Purchased a new license instead of upgrading! ;) Well deserved!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.40 In reply to 10083.39 
Wow thanks very much surferdude & everyone! Happy new year! :)
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 From:  wastzzz
Congratulations! I have purchased the license, but I'll be frank, the amount of time you took is ridiculous.
I hope after this major overhaul, everything will be simpler.

Looking forward to see more tools to make Moi a production tool:
- line types, hatches
- groups and instances
- layouting

Happy new year! May this and your other projects be successful, in health and fun.

All the best,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.42 In reply to 10083.41 
Thanks Massimo! Yes I do expect that the next releases should not take anywhere near so long. I should be able to focus more on feature work for a while instead of platform work.

However, just in general speed of development is not a high priority for me. I prefer to go slowly and focus on quality and on avoiding bloat.

This particular release has been quite spectacularly slow though indeed. Maybe I should write a "slow software" manifesto like "slow food". ;)

- Michael
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 From:  Larry Fahnoe (FAHNOE)
10083.43 In reply to 10083.42 
> Maybe I should write a "slow software" manifesto like "slow food". ;)

Ah Michael, that's wonderful!

In my opinion, much of the world is too focused upon speed with the predictable consequence that quality and the joys of craftsmanship suffer. My friends and neighbors think I'm nuts with my love of old manual (non-CNC) machine tools because they're all so sloooow and require so much thinking. I just smile. Craftsmanship takes time & that's part of the point of doing it.

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 From:  Tover (TOVERMORAN)
Congratulations Michael! Can't wait to get stuck in.
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 From:  Lewis3D
10083.45 In reply to 10083.42 
Hehe, yeah it was slow definitely BUT i prefer that slow steady and proper way than what most companies is doing now-days by chasing yearly updates (and that stupid naming scheme of year in advance) and then release small feature-set, bug fixes and new bugs in every release during that rush for 12 months cycle.

You are doing stellar job Michael, especially considering you also maintain/answer forums and e-mails too.

Skype - lewis3d

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 From:  Mik (MIKULAS)
10083.46 In reply to 10083.45 
Hi Michael,

>I prefer to go slowly and focus on quality and on avoiding bloat.

this is definatelly right way for such amazing software like MoI is.

Thanks for that.

All the best for 2021!

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 From:  nate (NKURENCE)
10083.47 In reply to 10083.1 
Grats on the release, Michael, MoI is an indispensable tool for me.
Regards + best wishes in the new year.
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 From:  Mark (MARKG)
Just upgraded to V.4. Would have done so sooner, but I was out of the office for the Christmas break.

Michael, you are a treasure! MoI is the best designed, best supported, user friendliest software I know of.

So happy to watch it grow and develop; and to purchase your upgrades...


Mark G.
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 From:  Mike K4ICY (MAJIKMIKE)
Thank you so very much Michael!!!

Got me upgrade! :-)

Moi V4's platform upgrade, speed and memory is certainly worth the upgrade alone.

So I generally only lurk on the forum these days but Moi is my meat and potatoes for work when clients need 3D graphics and type. [Actually, they don't need it, I just give them 3D and they like it!] Moi lends itself to imprinted apparel art well. It's also my go-to planner/designer for all my 'maker' needs.

I've been a heavy Blender user for the last year or so which came about because Thea Render's development focus became myopic. It only took a decade and a major UI change to finally get into it! Yes, "anything" can be made in a major poly modeler, but no, only if I wish to take the Rube Goldberg/Faustian Bargain route to creation... the two programs are different animals as we know, like bread vs butter, so Blender is basically used as my photography studio and showroom setup for my awesome Moi creations.

I honestly now greatly appreciate the simplicity and careful thoughtfulness you've put into the workflow and UI!

I'm glad to hear V5 may see more creation features improvements. I vote for an ultra all-in-one Blend+Nsided hybrid that allows for intuitive tangency control for each edge... oh, how I've dreamed. ;-)

Michael, you deserve a good vacation now (somewhere socially distanced) - stay safe!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
10083.50 In reply to 10083.49 
Thanks Mike, good to hear from you!

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
10083.51 In reply to 10083.49 
Hello MajikMike and your fabulous tutorials! ;)
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 From:  Rich (-RB-)
Thanks once again Michael for the slow-cook. The time taken is more than made up for in the thousands of man hours saved hunting through menus to find buggy features that then take hours to figure out / complain on forums about to deaf ears (for sure!!). Always refreshing.

- Rich
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 From:  none (EVALON)
Hi all & not least Michael ...

I just happened to come around the Moi3D webpages and noticed the V4 release. Sounds great indeed! ...

As it is I still consider Moi3D to likely be the best program I've ever bought - not least because of its intuitive GUI and the superb help offered by Michael & other people here should something prove difficult. So I do really look forward to trying out the V4 in not too long!

Many thanks, Michael, for making this program possible ;-)


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 From:  chippwalters
Finally! Congratulations Michael-- you're the gold standard on how to treat customers. Thank-you for this wonderful new product!
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 From:  mkdm
10083.55 In reply to 10083.1 
Hello Michael and everyone!

I hope you are all keeping safe.

Well...just purchased the updrage to V4.

Even if I almost ditched any 3D related stuff in the last two and a half years (I'm much more interested in freehand 2D digital painting actually), I decided anyway to purchase the upgrade because I've always loved Moi 3D and its amazing forum and the huge effort of its creator :)

Like many other users out there I only hope that next upgrades will be MUCH MUCH MUCH faster and will be focused on NEW FEATURES rather than only platform related things.

So, goof luck everyone ad Good bless you.

Ciao :)
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 From:  Cemortan_Tudor
grats !
- Tudor -
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 From:  coi (MARCO)
Great update, instant purchase, won't miss that V5 beta periode ;)

One tiny thing:

I had a bit of a 'Norman Door' moment, when i was trying to grab the scrollbars thumb in the object properties window.

... because both Microsoft and Apple are using the darker colour/shade for the thumb in their OS UIs since forever, i instantly went for that.

I noticed some jumps to top/bottom but didn't quite make the connection at that time, so i kept on grabbing the 'thumb', which in fact was the trough, over and over again. I figured it out in the end, but it was really weird.

EDITED: 11 Jan 2021 by MARCO

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