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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Sep 2019   [#229]
Some headaches but i find something for have the Twist axis dependant, semi dependant of any transformation! :)

Maybe i re-invent the wheel i am very new on this sport ...that is making a good training for me! :)

As Twist is some time consuming (no real time) so no Quartz for this time! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Sep 2019   [#230]
A little fun...
the flow would be this one:)
Copy Macros that you have somewhere : 30 seconds if you have well organized files....
drawing a circle: 5 seconds....
calculation: 5 seconds
rendered: 3 seconds in your favorite render engine (mine free one: Simlab composer Maxi 1920*1080)
So one minute when not awake! And the programs not open! :)

An informed eye will of course see that the number of polys at the save was a little insufficient so 3 seconds more of paremetering! :)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#231]
A moi3D model by nodes ELEPHANT in the fabulous free TwinMotion !

After a little fun i restart a new long way! Will be very long because all these nodes are not all very easy ! (for me :)

The Extension Nodes ! (structure is in place - just to fill it now ;)

I will begin by the more easy : the Construct2 :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#232]
Node Sweep

First perplexity who is double!

What is sequence P abcabc - aabbcc ?

What is the last line NumPts? Seems there are not the Numbers of Profils' Pts (become 3 for the "star") seems not the number of sections --- ???

Edit: a miracle! - there is a documentation for the Extention Sweep node inside the extensions file !!!
So seems my 2 questions are resolved! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#233]
Even better the Info is inside the Node Sweep itself by Right Click on the Node!

(I am affraid that is not the same for the other extension Nodes! There is the Info but it's empty for the other nodes! ;)

Clicking Info open this on the Node Editor!
Sorry for the Subliminal Asus publicity! :D

From: bemfarmer
2 Oct 2019   [#234] In reply to [#233]
The Sweep node Information available by Info selection, was created by Karsten, here:

I made a few posts shortly thereafter.
The sweep.html is in the EN subdirectory of nodeeditor.
Other language versions would be located ???, and accessed by ???
I had some problem with access in light nodeeditor, but see that the info works in James light version, so need to review the situation.

As far as I know, nobody has written any .html info file for the other nodes.

Documenting the documentation...

- Brian
From: Michael Gibson
2 Oct 2019   [#235] In reply to [#232]
Hi Pilou, just to make sure your question is answered:

> What is the last line NumPts? Seems there are not the Numbers of Profils' Pts (become 3 for the "star") seems not the number of sections --- ???

That would only have an effect if the Profiles option is set to NumPoints mode. There is some information in the help file about the profiles option in the Loft command reference here:

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#236] In reply to [#235]
I have seen that from the help inside : Num Points - has only an effect if NumPoints is chosen under Profiles. It defines the number of points used to rebuilt the profile curves.

I will make some tests for confirm the result because i am not sure to have seen that on my first try :)

@ Bem I am supposed to make a sort of help documentation of each node in this repository! :)
Of what i understand myself ! ;)
And also in French of course! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#237]
I see only 3 points against 24 asked! :)

But maybe it's not possible to see them ...maybe used only for calculate ???

And funny that a circle will be not more a circle at the "end" of the sweep with number of pts like 24...

From: Michael Gibson
2 Oct 2019   [#238] In reply to [#237]
Hi Pilou,

> I see only 3 points against 24 asked! :)

Do you have multiple profile curves for the sweep? If there is only one profile then sweep does not need to do any work for making a unified structure as needs to be done with mulitple profile curves. The Profiles options controls that unification process.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#239] In reply to [#238]
Just a rectangle and a curve rail...
this internal cooking of number of pts is not very important for the moment...
it was just for try to understand in deepth

<< the "# Points" mode is another style of rebuilding that samples a uniform number of points along the curve for the reconstructed curves. You can choose how many points are used.
<< This mode results in very smooth output, but small details in the profiles tend to be lost.

I understand that and funny to see a rectangle becomes a section of a wing's plane! :)

From: Michael Gibson
2 Oct 2019   [#240] In reply to [#239]
Hi Pilou, testing with the regular Sweep command if you do a one rail sweep from a circle to a rectangle and set the "Profile: # Points" option, the number of points entered in does have an effect.

If it's not doing it with the Node editor possibly there is a bug in the node editor sweep handling somewhere.

- Michael
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#241] In reply to [#240]
Indeed it's not exactly the same! (with of course the same rectangle, circle & curve rail & Number points)
Here the native there is a glitch somewhere or the result wanted in the extension will be an other thing...

Rectangles and circles are very not the same! :)

From: James (JFH)
2 Oct 2019   [#242] In reply to [#241]

EXT: Construct2/Sweep2 works similarly to native Sweep with "Profiles" option set to "Auto" or "Refit".
However, it is necessary to move profiles away from rail curve. See below, profiles positioned at X:999* Y:0 Z:0.

If "Profiles" option set to "NumPoints" it will rebuild Nurbs as defined by the number input (12 is default)

Does this help?

*I use 999 because it is easy to type, but can be anything as long as it is well away from rail curve

Image Attachments:
Screen Shot 2019-10-03 at 8.27.gif 

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#243] In reply to [#242]
Yes that works for the normal options but not for the last "number point" option! ;)

I remade your example that is falling again like above!
From: James (JFH)
2 Oct 2019   [#244] In reply to [#243]

>> Yes that works for the normal options but not for the "number point" option! ;) <<

I had preempted this query with additional note in previous post. The NumPoints option allows for rebuilding of input curves. In the instance of sweeping from a circle to a rectangle the resulting surface will be a polysurface with multiple seams. If however a single surface is desired it can be achieve by rebuilding the profiles so they have similar control points. Of course unless the number of points is set extremely high the polyline shapes such as the rectangle with lose definition.

If this still not clear perhaps Michael could phrase what I am trying to say more eloquently.

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#245]
Else for the other options

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#246] In reply to [#244]
@James But have you the same result than me for the "Point" Option ? say for 24

If yes i don't search more! :)

The only perturbating (for me) is that was not the same result ...than the native one for this...not more...i like also the form resulting! :)
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 Oct 2019   [#247]
Extension Sweep Node (English - French) Thanks James (?) for the Documentation

From Star to Circle (Free SimLAb)

(Free TwinMotion) Make beautifuly animations! (real time screen work animated is yet absolutly amazing)

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3 Oct 2019   [#248]
Construct2 / Blend - Fillet - Total mystery! :D

But refound old posts with some tricks! :)

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