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Full Version: V4 beta Feb-27-2019 available now

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From: Michael Gibson
14 Mar 2019   [#74] In reply to [#72]
Hi Brian, that's great you found out what's going on, that was a tricky one! Thanks for keeping after it and tracking it down.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
14 Mar 2019   [#75] In reply to [#73]
Hi nameless, both of those are definitely on my radar for future work.

I have what I hope will turn out to be a good idea for displaying warning messages at the end of a command, I'm eager to experiment with it after v4 is settled down.

- Michael
From: nameless
14 Mar 2019   [#76] In reply to [#75]
*squeals with excitement*
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
20 Mar 2019   [#77] In reply to [#1]
Hello, Michael,
Thank you very much for the new update.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find my externally saved scripts in the script selection so far, although they are stored in the correct directory.
(/Users/moritz/Library/Application Support/Moi/commands). But when I call them manually, they work.
Also, when calling Max Smirnov's script "NutsAndBolts", I get the following error message.
Do you have any idea how I can fix the bug?
Thanks for your help

Hello, Michael,
it works now with the version NutsAndBolts.v.0.96.2015.06.22
I have been using the version ... 21
Sorry for the inconvenience

Hello, Michael,
The first problem still exists, although the entry in the moi.ini is as follows:

NonRepeatingCommands=delete undo redo


Image Attachments:
Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-20 um 21.52.43.PNG 

From: Michael Gibson
20 Mar 2019   [#78] In reply to [#77]
Hi Moritz,

> Unfortunately, I couldn't find my externally saved scripts in the script selection so far,
> although they are stored in the correct directory.
> (/Users/moritz/Library/Application Support/Moi/commands). But when I call them
> manually, they work.

Could you please describe what you mean by "couldn't find" them ? If you type in the command name and it runs, that means MoI is finding them.

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
20 Mar 2019   [#79] In reply to [#77]
Hi Moritz,

> [Commands]
> NonRepeatingCommands=delete undo redo
> DoNotRepeatShortcutKeys=n
> UseDiameterDefault=y
> AdditionalCommandsDirs=//Users/moritz/Library/Application%20Support/Moi/commands

So the AdditionalCommandsDirs there isn't right, you've got it set there as a web URL. For a regular file name you'd want to have just one / at the start insead of // and have a space instead of %20.

But MoI will already look in that directory by default, so it should not be necessary to try and add it using AdditionalCommandsDirs, that's for adding more directories beyond the regular one.

- Michael
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
20 Mar 2019   [#80] In reply to [#78]
This is correct - when typing the scripts they will be found.
But they do not appear in the selection box.

The change in the moi.ini did not bring any improvement.

Image Attachments:
Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-20 um 23.09.39.PNG  Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-20 um 23.10.03.PNG  Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-20 um 23.14.17.PNG 

From: Michael Gibson
20 Mar 2019   [#81] In reply to [#80]
Hi Moritz, the "selection box" is not a built in part of MoI, it's part of the CustomUI extension.

So first thing to check is are you running an old version of that? You can get the current one from here I think:

- Michael
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
20 Mar 2019   [#82] In reply to [#81]
Hello, Michael,
now I have adjusted everything so far, but now I get the following hint when starting Moi

Where is this report stored so I can send it to you?

Image Attachments:
Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-21 um 01.19.56.PNG 

From: Michael Gibson
20 Mar 2019   [#83] In reply to [#82]
Hi Moritz, actually the report generation for those cases (called an "assert" instead of a crash) isn't hooked up in v4, I'll re-enable it for the next beta.

There may be some information about it in the log though, you can show the log by running this script:
script: moi.ui.createDialog( 'ShowLog.htm' );

Could you please run that copy any text in there and send it to me here or e-mail to ?

Thanks, - Michael
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
21 Mar 2019   [#84] In reply to [#83]
Hi Michael,
here is the hardcopy (can't copy the text) of this log file

Image Attachments:
Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-21 um 10.08.36.PNG 

From: Michael Gibson
21 Mar 2019   [#85] In reply to [#84]
Hi Moritz, thanks for posting that. That one means it can't find one of the "ui", "commands", or "docs" folders inside the normal app package (inside Contents/Resources inside the app).

Did you possibly delete one of those from your installation?

- Michael
From: moritzbock (MORITZ)
21 Mar 2019   [#86] In reply to [#85]
Hi, Michael,
yes, at first I deleted these folders, but then reinstalled MoI. Now it also finds the commands folder in the library directory and the scripts run perfectly. Don't ask me what I did wrong - without your help I would be lost.
Thank you very much for your always quick help ...
From: Michael Gibson
21 Mar 2019   [#87] In reply to [#86]
No problem moritz, I'm glad you are all set up ok now!

- Michael

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From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Mar 2019   [#89] In reply to [#88]
Nodes from Elephant ?

Message 9266.90 was deleted

Message 9266.91 was deleted

From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
26 Mar 2019   [#92] In reply to [#90]
Ah yes the Dog-bone and T-Bone corners for your previous post ;)

Else for the offset lines
You can also close by 2 Blends it's more natural :)
But sure it's not automatic for hundred of them! :)

From: Michael Gibson
26 Mar 2019   [#93] In reply to [#88]
Hi Vladimir,

> Is there any way to automate this kind of rounding of two-dimensional geometry?

Try the attached InsertCircle script, it will insert a circle into your 2D shape with every click which places the circle's center point.

Instructions for installing a plug-in here.

It works like this:

Hope that helps! - Michael

EDIT: 5/29/2021 - added "Flip" option.


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