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From: Cemortan_Tudor
21 Nov 2020   [#257]
discovered smt new today !
if curves are mirrored & attach each other -> they can extrude a solid object without union ! neat !
From: Cemortan_Tudor
24 Nov 2020   [#258]
add point
c - close curve
d - delete corners


From: Cemortan_Tudor
25 Nov 2020   [#259]
Hi Michael, I've made gif vods of my scripts -> got error
The page was not displayed because the request entity is too large.
From: Michael Gibson
25 Nov 2020   [#260] In reply to [#259]
Hi Tudor, can you show a screenshot of the exact error message?

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
25 Nov 2020   [#261] In reply to [#259]
Also does it only happen when you're using https:// and not http:// ?

- Michael
From: Michael Gibson
25 Nov 2020   [#262] In reply to [#259]
Also the max size for an individual file uploaded as an attachment is 10MB, is your file larger than that?

There is also a limit of 50MB for all attachments, if you have a large file it is better to upload it to a file sharing service like Dropbox, etc... and then have a link to it here rather than have a very large direct file attachment.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
25 Nov 2020   [#263]
vods for scripts that i've made

fillet, inset, shell, offset(Brep)
add point extended scripts
~ loop _ExpandSelectionTangecy
~ grow edge loops _GrowSelectionTangecy
bool difference -
extrude -
trim -
rect3pts with center -
extend tangency
filter -
round corners rectangle +
mirror x/y +

usefull in combination with perspective script and
zbrush side snap

planar from 3 edges
From: Cemortan_Tudor
30 Nov 2020   [#264]
Michael can u make last message as first one ? so It should be ~ pinned

another script
scale + s -> scale bbox


From: Michael Gibson
30 Nov 2020   [#265] In reply to [#264]
Hi Tudor,

> Michael can u make last message as first one ? so It should be ~ pinned

Sorry I'm not sure how to do that. I can put a link to the first one in the wiki resources page though, would that help?

Thanks, - Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
30 Nov 2020   [#266]
I'll make a new topic just for scripts, here will be questions !

Message 8665.267 was deleted

From: Cemortan_Tudor
30 Nov 2020   [#268]
wanna ask about rotation - wanna do a to bounding box option on pressing hotkey
first testing on curves -> there's an option in v4 -> crv.planarFrame
tested - but it's shifts from bounding box -> gives planar frame but in another location
my questions ->
1. knowing 2 coordonates is it possible to make a frame ? accordigly to it needs 3 (as it is from bbox to frame)
2. if upper is true wich will be (z) knowing x & y, next hotkey for flipping axis ()
3. if they are other scrips for rotation ?

shortly what I desire (unify rotation with some extra)
r - rotate
rr - rotate + bbox (planar frame 2d)
rrw(rrs) - rotate bbox + increase/decrease by amount (2d)
rrf - rotate from bbox + flip axis (x/y/z)
rrfw(rrfs) - rotate increase/decrease by amount (3d)
rc - rotate copy
rrc - rotate + bbox + copy
ra - array
rra - array from bbox
From: Michael Gibson
30 Nov 2020   [#269] In reply to [#268]
Hi Tudor,

> 1. knowing 2 coordonates is it possible to make a frame ? accordigly to it
> needs 3 (as it is from bbox to frame)

Well 2 points does not identify a unique frame, the 2 points can form a z axis direction for the frame but there is nothing that locks down the x/y axis directions to a single answer. Depending on what you need it can be possible to do something like the AutoCAD arbitrary axis algorithm (link) where you take a fixed direction like the world z axis and use cross product of that and the z axis to produce an x axis.

If you want the 2 points to be an axis to rotate around, you could try the RotateAxis command or factory, that takes 2 points instead of a frame and then a rotation angle and the rotation will be around the direction vector between those 2 points.

> 2. if upper is true wich will be (z) knowing x & y, next hotkey for flipping axis ()

Sorry I don't understand this one.

> 3. if they are other scrips for rotation ?




- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
14 Mar 2021   [#270]
any plans for opensubd ?
an example
From: Michael Gibson
14 Mar 2021   [#271] In reply to [#270]
Hi Tudor, yes I do plan on supporting OpenSubdiv style edge weighting imported through FBX format.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
2 May 2021   [#272]
Ohayo !
wanna ask about techincal aspects hiding behind cad modeling
what's the reason to have always a solid shape ? why can't be done a bool operation of a plane and a surface knowing the plane normals ?
From: Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2 May 2021   [#273] In reply to [#272]
I believe it's essentially for Print 3D : you must have a thickness different than "0"
so a solid and not a simple plane surface who can't exist in the reality! ;)

And some practical for know how cost some volumes of materials for building or what is the density of something! ;)

But in Moi you can make Boolean operations with plane, surface with thickness = "0" !
From: Michael Gibson
2 May 2021   [#274] In reply to [#272]
HI Tudor,

> why can't be done a bool operation of a plane and a surface knowing the plane normals ?

That's because MoI is designed to try and not behave differently depending on which direction an open surface happens to have as the "positive" normal direction.

The booleans are based on working with solids. If you are working on all surfaces you should use the Trim command instead of booleans usually.

- Michael
From: Cemortan_Tudor
8 May 2021   [#275]
dragging points from a curve doesn't snaps to points of the same curve
From: Michael Gibson
8 May 2021   [#276] In reply to [#275]
Hi Tudor,

> dragging points from a curve doesn't snaps to points of the same curve

Yes, that's intentional to avoid having consecutive points get stacked up on top of each other too easily, such stacking degrades some of the mathematical properties of the curve and can cause problems.

- Michael

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